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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Alien Diplomacy

      by , 03-11-2016 at 12:40 AM
      I dreampt I was the General of a space nation. My fleet was enroute to make a diplomacy with an alien civilisation. As we approached the habitable planet and held orbit. I then proceeded down several hallways to the docking bay. We then stepped into the shuttle and made our way to the planet to an alien base. The shuttle hatch opened and we met with the aliens. There were translators in both groups. There was an alien looking city in the distance. We stepped into the alien bunker and sat down at a table and we discussed the diplomacy. The aliens wanted to join and become one nation. They said that they were trying to break away from a nation that's rogue and that it might cause war. After this we went back up to the ship in orbit and the dream was over.
    2. alien invasion

      by , 03-10-2013 at 04:18 AM
      I started out in my dream at my mother’s house. It was night time. I was apparently in bed. I, my mother, and my brother woke up to bombs roaring in the distance. Outside, our house was on a hill in the desert. I looked out of a bedroom window and saw the bombs lighting up the night. It wasn’t lightning. There was some sort of alien cruiser dropping bombs on a city. The skyscrapers were futuristic looking. There were fires on the side of the buildings. It was really dark, so you couldn’t see anything except when the bombs light up the sky. Now this cruiser wasn’t Covenant, UNSC, or Forerunner from halo. I play halo a lot, and know what their ships look like. It wasn’t from any movie I have seen. I could only see a glimpse of the ship’s shape, and I couldn’t tell what color it was because of night time. It kept shooting burst of electric balls down on the city. This was their bombs. Then I knew it was time to gear up. I opened the closet. There was camouflage and tactical gear in the closet. There were assault rifles called SCAR/MK 16 in there too. It was awesome. Soon as we were geared up, we decided to get out of the house and get away from there. Right before we were about to go outside, the US army is running past our house, shooting back at something. They were shooting at 8 feet tall aliens in metal armored suits. They had helmets and really strong armor on. Then an M1A1 Abrams come out from behind the house and killed the alien. We quickly ran out of the house and joined up with the army. The dream then faded. This concludes my dream.

      Updated 03-30-2013 at 03:52 AM by 61439

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    3. A planet, and it's moon.

      by , 03-05-2013 at 07:24 PM
      There was a star system, and there was a habitable planet with another habitable moon orbiting it. It was the future. The year was probably 2162. This dream took place in this time period. The moon was predicted, that in a couple of days, it would impact the planet. The military had proposed a plan to save their planet from the moon. They were going to push it away from the planet and destroy it. Now how they could do this, I don’t know. The second day, I witnessed a smaller impact from an asteroid. The asteroid impact was catastrophic. It didn’t wipe out the planet though. I witnessed this impact from a orbital station above the planets atmosphere. There technology was advanced greatly in this period. The dream faded. This concludes my dream.
    4. A planet, and it's moon.

      by , 03-05-2013 at 07:24 PM
      There was a star system, and there was a habitable planet with another habitable moon orbiting it. It was the future. The year was probably 2162. This dream took place in this time period. The moon was predicted, that in a couple of days, it would impact the planet. The military had proposed a plan to save their planet from the moon. They were going to push it away from the planet and destroy it. Now how they could do this, I don’t know. The second day, I witnessed a smaller impact from an asteroid. The asteroid impact was catastrophic. It didn’t wipe out the planet though. I witnessed this impact from a orbital station above the planets atmosphere. There technology was advanced greatly in this period. The dream faded. This concludes my dream.
    5. Halo Reach Dream

      by , 03-02-2013 at 05:40 PM
      I was in this room with a bunch of nerds. There were beds, I guess it was their barracks. Then things from halo reach started to appear in my dream. Me and this guy Jordan were actually in the game. We were Spartans. We were dressed up in the armor. Where we were, was the side of a steep hill in the desert. There was this place that led through a canyon. And from that canyon, came some covenant. Me and him blasted through the covenant for fun. The covenant’s plasma guns didn’t penetrate the armor. The wraiths shook us up a little. Then on the other side of this canyon wall, we found a huge city. There was UNSC and covenant warships battling over the city. We progressed along into the suburbs of the city. Then we got to this military base. There was no one there. We both cleared out some rooms, but no covenant were there either. We thought it was a trap. Then I come across the same room in the barracks that I described earlier. I t was dark, and nobody was there. One room in particular I had a eerie feeling about. I opened the door slowly. There was another fully armored Spartan. I almost shot him by accident. So this guy told me his name was Emile S-239. This guy had a skull looking thing on his face. Ok, so then I went into another room, and there was a door. This girl walked by and opened it, and said: “You have 28 days.” The dream then faded. This concludes my dream.
    6. Zombies

      by , 03-01-2013 at 09:25 PM
      In my dream, there’s this little bitty town called Lacey Spring Alabama. I was walking down highway 231 with a sawed-off 12-guage shotgun. The town was destroyed. It was just like Fallout 3. It was so similar. It was wasteland. I was headed south from Huntsville Alabama which was only 10 kilometers north. There was a storage warehouse, to my right as I was walking off a hill. I walked about 4 kilometers on this highway to where the road starts to go up a mountain. At the base of this mountain, there was a building to my left. I walked to it to check it out. About 6 people with guns rose to se if I was a zombie. They walked out. I wasn’t a zombie luckily or they would have shot. But they were friendlies. There was a beige Chevrolet that pulled up. There were more people. Then all of a sudden, there were a bunch of zombies that came out from behind the building and attacked. Everybody was shooting. I got in the truck with other people and drove all the way to a place called Redstone arsenal. It was a military installation. There was a space shuttle there. We all got in it and got off the planet and went to Mars. We landed. This concludes my dream.
    7. The asylum

      by , 03-01-2013 at 09:06 PM
      There was an asylum in my dream. Mom was in there, and had no clue that it was an asylum with zombies in it. I knew i had to go in there and get her out. I did so and
      when i went in there, it was old and beat down with a bunch of vines everywhere. I got her and got out. surprisingly, there wasn't hardly any zombies at all. I just heard them in the distance.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Volcanic explosion

      by , 03-01-2013 at 01:54 PM
      I was inside my house, but it looked different, maybe a different model. Then I walked outside and I saw in the distance, a huge volcanic explosion. Miniature explosions kept getting closer and closer. The closest one landed a giant puddle of orange magma in the yard. Then there was this dog. It was a little Chihuahua. It ran up to me and was burnt everywhere. I went back inside. Then out of nowhere, a girl that was made half of magma, and mostly human being rose out of the magma puddle. I locked the door because I didn’t know what she was going to do. She didn’t act like she wanted to hurt anyone, but she kept calling us to come outside. I said, “It’s a trick don’t do it, lock all the doors and window quick!” I had thoughts of maybe it being the devils army when these beings came. I went back to my room which was changed, I didn’t grab any thing wood for I knew it would melt. I grabbed a metal plant stand and two gas masks. I only had two gas masks. I heard of where bubbles of gas can rise and kill people. The door swung open, and I yelled “GAS GAS GAS!” I held my breath till I put the mask on. She was standing there. Then the dream faded. That concludes this dream.