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    1. Seeing people you've never met before in dreams?

      by , 01-10-2012 at 10:15 AM
      I have the single most lucid dream of my last 5 years,

      I all starts i am seated in a foyer of a small cinema waiting for something but i didnt know what, i turn to my left and one of my work mates is sitting there but says nothing then out of the cinema itself walks another of my work mates but his father is with him, his father offers me a cigarette from a pouch but when i reach into the pouch its full of cannabis, next thing i know im walking into the cinema and i notice that the back two rows of seats are separated from the front by a red old-fashioned carpeted slope that is pretty steep.

      At the edge of the back row nearest to me are two twenty something women in wheeled office chairs in my way, when i move toward them they part and let me through as i proceed down the slope i know at this point i am looking for someone but i dont know who or why, then i see her she is a blonde woman with blue eyes who turns and sees me the smile she greets me with stops me in my tracks cold, i felt a great warmth in my midriff and a tingling like just before you start on the first drop on a rollercoaster, its mesmerizing, it made me feel so happy to see her that i smile too, and we stand there like this for a short while, then i turn and try to climb up the slope but notice my feet have no purchase on the carpet.

      It turns out i am wearing white socks and it is tough trying to get up the slope so i dig in with my fingers trying to haul my weight up this bloody slope all the while i still feel that inner warmth from her, who is she, is she some cliche from the depths of my imagination or was that stirring i felt so strongly for her real in some way, she was named gwen (not stefani (cliche)) as i am typing this i can still feel that gut sensation and its strong indeed, i dont know who she is but somewhere deep within my mind there is an atavistic knowledge that she is known powerfully by my being but how.

      This is kinda weird if anyone cares to share similar themes of their unconscious weirdness