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    Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures

    This is all the lucid dreams I recall in one big journal.

    1. Lucid Dream # 27

      by , 01-30-2011 at 08:06 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~10 Min.

      I was walking, then I was about a mile away from the bus all of a sudden. I was like "hey, look, I'm dreaming!" So I saw the bus I was on and tried to swim towards it. After swimming for a while I started to fly. Then I landed and saw this black cat. It did everything I did. I ignored the cat. So the bus went behind this big metal thing so I ran very fast and jumped. I jumped very high and didn't make it. Then I just started to jump for fun. I also did a front flip. So I finally got on the bus after an hour and there was a contest thing. We chose a team and tried to touch each other's heads before the timer ran out. I chose the wrong team and was like "oh, man." But it really wasn't that bad. When it started I put time in slow-motion. I just wanted it to do it and it did. So I was just touching peoples heads and this one lady didn't have any earrings on. She was also very ugly.
    2. Lucid Dream #26

      by , 12-04-2010 at 03:25 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: 10 Min.

      I was playing with a broken fosset and I noticed an omitrix on my arm. I realized that it was weird and knew I was dreaming. So I finally got it to shut off and went upstairs. I saw some cubs and tried to turn into one of them. It didn't work. Then I was trying to fly in a large field. I tried times and times again and kept falling. It was very vivid, the shadows were superb. Then these two assholes said something about doing certain things in MY lucid dream that I shouldn't have done. Then they started to sing. It was very annoying. So I saw a little white dot in the sky and made it crash into those assholes. Nothing happened, then I saw this lady that was hot and I took some thing and shot some white stuff all over her. She smiled at me so I took my dick out and tried to have sex. Then I woke up. I know that earlier in this lucid dream I did officially have sex but I can't remember when.
    3. Lucid Dream #25

      by , 11-28-2010 at 07:06 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: 5 Min.

      Me and some girl were walking through a forest and found an old man. We followed him to his mansion. Then I became lucid, someone threw me a football that I missed and didn't catch. So I went and got it. I used telekinesis. Then I threw it and it went into the pool. Then I found this shed and I said "when I open this shed that little skinny broad will be there, ready to fuck." When I opened it she was in there. She looked at me and then I woke up. The End.
    4. Lucid Dream #24

      by , 11-22-2010 at 11:24 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~10 Sec.

      I told my friend that I would go into a hot chicks house across the street from our house. So I went over there and lied in her bed with her. She looked at me. She was Asian. So then we started having sex, then I woke up. The End.
      Tags: asian, kaleb, sex
      lucid , memorable
    5. Lucid Dream #23

      by , 11-06-2010 at 03:02 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      I was in my bed and got up. My dad said that we were going some where. So we were in our car and I thought that I might be in a dream. I thought "but it feels so real" and stuff like that . Then I tried to lift a rock using Earthbending and it worked. So I jumped out of the car. I walked to a playground and someone said that something wasn't working. So I just did what ever too it and said that works now. And it worked. Then I looked up and saw Keona. I was like "wow I still remember what she looks like." So I ran over there to try to fuck her. She was getting uglier by the second. Then I found out she turned into a guy and was like "fuck, that sucks." And I woke up.
    6. Lucid Dream #22

      by , 11-06-2010 at 02:49 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~8 Min.

      So I woke up and successfully did a DEILD. I appeared on another ledge. I immediately jumped off and tried to do a front flip but failed. I landed on a smaller ledge this time. And this time when I jumped off I wanted it to continue forever. But it didn't. So I was in an alleyway and walked out of it. I talked to some stupid dream characters and saw Allissa Makendric. She was very hot. I love her ass. So I decided to try to fuck her. I quickly got to work. But then I had a false awakening. See "Lucid Dream #23" for part 3.

      Updated 11-06-2010 at 02:55 PM by 33643

      lucid , dream fragment
    7. Lucid Dream #21

      by , 11-06-2010 at 02:37 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: ~6 Min.

      I was in a school playing with some kids. I realized that I was dreaming and started messing around with Earthbending. Then some people put some metal BB sized balls on my stuff. I wen't through the metal detector with my stuff and didn't get caught. Then the dream changed.

      I was in a courtyard. Setting up targets. They were small and on the ground. I used my Earthbending powers to pick the rock up and shoot it at the target. It was right in front of me. I made a little sound effect too. So Maddie wanted to try it too. So I just started walking around. I walked a little distance from the target I shot at and I looked up. I saw a flash of light and a tiny meteor was flying at me. I dodged it. It was glowing hot. So I walked over to this ledge and found a giant bridge. I once again used my Earthbending powers to move it. I think I got this thing down. So I picked the whole thing up, broke it, and tried to extend it but failed. So I decided to jump off the ledge. I landed on a board. It broke so I grabbed on a ledge. Then I woke up. But I was able to DEILD. See "Lucid Dream #22" for part 2.

      Updated 11-06-2010 at 02:54 PM by 33643

      lucid , dream fragment
    8. lucid Dream #20

      by , 11-06-2010 at 01:12 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      I was walking around in what looked like a casino and a girl with sweets walked up to me. She didn't say anything. I took a chocolate and followed her, I said "hey, wait. Where are you going?" She sat down on a bench. She didn't look to good so I imagined her to be hotter and she was. So I started trying different foods. I tried this giant rose that tasted like ice cream. It was so good. I was thinking about waking up and started to get scared. But instead of waking up. I lost lucidity. The End.
    9. Lucid Dream #19

      by , 10-22-2010 at 09:48 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: 10 Min.

      I was in class and I was writing something down. Then I got up and tried to push up on the corner of the desk making it tip over. Instead, another top part of a table came out. So I looked at it for a minute and thought "wow, that's weird. I wonder if I could do it again." So I did it again. Then a little chime that was on a violin came on. I started screwing with the desks while I was saying "this is a dream, you can do anything!" So I did that for a while, turned around and saw Alisha. I thought "let's try sex again." So I did. I got into a conversation with her. I imagined her naked (in a tight body) and tried not to look. I told her to sit on my lap. So she did. I could feel her vagina. So we talked for a couple more minutes and then she got up, walked about 5 feet away, and stood there. I asked her to come here but she wouldn't. So I said "never mind" while running in the opposite direction. I was in a small grassy field with a wall of vines next to it. I ran through while dogs ran past me. They quickly turned around and tried to get me. I was on a beach and saw a bunch of buildings. So I jumped in the air and flew. The camera showed the dogs all pissed off, hitting the water. So back to me and flying. I was flying trying to make the dream more stable by being more aware. I concentrated on everything. Making it more detailed. Through out the land it was mostly trees. The buildings that I saw were grey with a bunch of bushes on them. So I was in the center of this city still flying and almost fell. I said to my self "you gotta make it more interesting" and I flew faster. So fast that when I flew near the ground I almost hit it. But instead of hitting the ground, I went past all the 2D towers next to me. So I flew up and to the right, back to the city. I got the hang of flying then. I saw a bunch of ladders and a corner of the deserted building. There were little black-red things on it. So I landed next to one and squished it with my hand. Feeling powerful, I walked down this narrow walkway until I found this one part of the building that had like 6 or 7 batteries for the little black-red things and some how I destroyed them with my mind. Then I heard someone say "mission accomplished" and I slowly woke up. I obviously tried to DEILD but failed.
    10. Lucid Dream #18

      by , 10-19-2010 at 11:22 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: 20 Min.

      I woke up and was looking at my bedroom door. I was completely lucid. And it was completely dark. Almost pitch black. Then someone came out of the shadows. It was a tall green cape with arms, legs, feet, etc. But NO head. That made me so scared. So while saying "no, no, no" a million times because I couldn't believe that I could have such a horrible nightmare.( I also tried to scream but nothing came out.) Got up. When I did I thought about it and he wasn't very scary. I imagined a piece of cloth on his head. And there was. Also that he had no means to hurt me. We shook hands and greeted each other. Then I was in a court yard and I was talking to some black guy. I can't remember what he said, but then someone else came in. Then we fought for some reason. While I was fighting I thought "wow, it's really dark here" and it was. It was creepy. For some reason I had a book or something and didn't want anyone to touch it. And of course he tried to touch it. Everyone did. By now I wanted to wake up, but decided I might be able to make it a better dream. So every once and a while someone would try to touch the book and I tried to stop them. Then someone did. I thought that the book would warp people to a different dimension. And it did. Then I went into that dimension. When I did I immediately looked around. I was on a long road. With weird things on the ceilings. And I was in a desert. Then someone said "look we already changed the store" or something like that, showing the store. Then it went back to my perspective. When it did I said "wow, this dream sucks" and stuff. Then I was on a field fighting over that damn book again. Sahara Winder fell over and looked hot. She was wearing sweat pants. So I went down to her and stuck my tongue up her ass. It didn't taste like anything and I didn't think about what was on it because I was dreaming. It felt exactly like one. The End.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 11:27 AM by 33643

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    11. Lucid Dream #17

      by , 10-12-2010 at 02:29 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 2/10
      Vividness: 4/10
      Length: ~10 Min.

      I was bouncing around on a basketball court since I was one of those flame things from the T-shirts and then I went into this shack and shape shifted into two different people. I tried to change into Avatar: The Last Airbender characters. I tried a lot of them and I was able to Earthbend, Waterbend, and Airbend. Just not Firebend. The End.
    12. Lucid Dream #16

      by , 10-10-2010 at 04:21 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 5/10
      Length: ~2 Min.

      So I went upstairs and fell asleep next to some girls that were talking, then I saw this girl that had words next to her. Then she jumped into the screen and disappeared. Then a card flew in front of me and it had her bending over and it was very cartoon like. Then some guy came up and stuck his hand up her ass multiple times, then so hard that he went through it and somehow joined hands. Someone yelled out like "Pussy strangle" or something. The End.
    13. Lucid Dream #15

      by , 10-09-2010 at 03:07 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 5/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: ~5 Min.

      I was on a school bus and I was trying to put toothpaste on this girl named Tristan. After I did, she appeared up a few seats. Then my friend Kaleb asked her if he could see her boobs and feel them. She let him. Kaleb was sitting next to this girl named Trisha. The seat next to them was empty so I sat there. I looked at Trisha and she looked at me. She smiled and asked me a question. I asked her to face me and spread her legs so I could see her Vagina. And to my expectations she did. I also expected her to be wearing Jeans but she had panties on instead. It was very realistic. I said "I don't have forever!" And tried to grab her panties. Just then I woke up and I tried to DEILD but failed. The End.
    14. Lucid Dream #14

      by , 10-02-2010 at 07:21 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 4/10
      Vividness: 7/10
      Length: ~10 Min.

      OK, in this one I went along with everything that happened. Alright, I was in a brick tower and O-Kwi-Gon gave me a choice of a short knife or a long knife. So I took the short knife, it wasn't exactly a knife. It was more like a plastic one. So I took it and we walked out of the building. We were up high, narrow, brick bridge. There were a bunch of dead people everywhere. O-Kwi-Gon said "watch your back" so I found a rifle and picked it up. Then I checked my pockets and the pistol I had in my pocket was gone. So we kept walking and we got out of the towers some how. We were next to a bunch of women and I pointed my gun at them. They looked like they wanted to kill me. Then I looked to my left and there was a bunch of women running after us. I asked O-Kwi-Gon if I could shoot them and when I tried it didn't work. He said it was not effective any way. So I pulled out my little plastic knife and jumped around slashing them. It was epic. There was this one guy that I couldn't hit. He was trying to beat someone up so I threw the knife at him. It went past him and flew back at me like a boomerang. So I tried again and again. But I couldn't hit him, so I grabbed the knife and jumped on him slashing him. Then I wasn't lucid anymore. The End.
    15. Lucid Dream #13

      by , 09-26-2010 at 03:00 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 8/10
      Vividness: 9/10
      Length: ~20 Min.

      I believe this one was a WBTB. So let's get started. I was walking with some people and when I found out that I was in a dream I decided to try to fly. I thought it was really cool that I could glide over and over again. When I saw a cliff I, for some reason, put a helmet on. I don't get it. But anyways I jumped off and I glided over a bunch of trees. It was very detailed. I soared behind this one building and landed on my belly. I got up and decided to jump on top of the building. I jumped on the first 3 stories of the building. Then the next. So I looked around because I had a better view and I could see where those people were. So I looked to my right and I saw more people. There was a tree next to them and I wanted to try to make a lightning bolt spider web and I did. I swung down there and looked at the girl, she was trying to find movies. I said "you can't summon movies, your limited by your own imagination." She said "oh" then I was thinking how awesome it was to be in the dream for a few seconds, feeling the texture of the ground. It was white. So then I got up and decided to try running fast. I found a good stretch of land and ran, I was kinda fast. So I tried it again and this time I kinda ran in place. This time I was so fast everything was all blurry. I could see that the planet that I was on was round and I could only go in circles. So I found them and did it again. This time the planet was smaller and when I looked behind me I could see the guy behind me as if I didn't go anywhere. Then I woke up.
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