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    Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures

    Lucid Dream #49

    by , 08-08-2011 at 04:39 PM (567 Views)
    Lucidity: 7/10
    Vividness: 7/10
    Length: ~5 Min.

    I was lying in my dream bed and went down stairs. There was this girl who was floating around and said that she was lucid dreaming. So I decided to lucid dream with her. A little while later, I felt a hand on my leg. It was another lucid dreamer, but I couldn't see her very well. Only slightly, so I tried to stand up and I accidentally touched her and she freaked. So I flew up the stairs and used the wall to stop. Then flew and sorta walked over to a laptop that I thought was mine and started looking up why I couldn't see certain lucid dreamers very well. Then a little girl came in and her mom and they started talking about the music that was on my laptop.

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