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    WarriorTiger's Visions of Misconceptions

    The Rizzoli Files - 6

    by , 09-13-2010 at 06:45 AM (601 Views)
    Again... here we are.

    Part Eight

    I was on my plane flying home. I was in a rush and I had to tell the department what had happened. I don't know when I landed in Boston, or when I got to the PD, but I remember walking in as if I owned the place. "Allison what are you doing here?" I heard Maura ask. "Aren't you supposed to be in China?" I looked over at her. "Hey, Jane's not in yet. I don't know where she is... this is unusual for her." Korsak looked at me as he spoke those words. "I know. She's not coming in today. Hey Frost, can you help hook me up the the projector?"

    Frost did as I asked and soon I was showing them the video. "This was taken three days ago. I have tried making contact with each of you since, but to no avail. I figured the least I could do was come down and show you myself." Maura looked horrified. "God, all this time I thought Jane was just busy catching up with you. And sleep." "Well whoever they are... we should expect a ransom..." Before Korsak could finish a chime came, indicating I had a new email.

    "We have her. Don't play games. $1,000,000 USD." There was also a website and a location for drop off. I quickly loaded the website and there was Jane. They had set up cameras and we were watching her. The screen went dark and a button appeared that said 'Press to see Jane'. I don't know which one of us pressed it, but a blinding light came on and Jane became very startled. "I can get the money."

    -Note: Lost time...-

    I was standing with a gun to a guys back. "You give me the girl and the money, and let's say I don't blow your head off." He set the suitcase of money down and motioned for his men to give up Jane. "Now go before I change my mind and shoot you anyway." He took off to his van, slamming the door shut and squealing out of the warehouse. I walked over to Jane and unbound her wrists. She pulled the gag out of her mouth and removed the blindfold from her eyes. She looked at me and I went to hug her.

    I was surprised when her hand made contact with my face. "What the hell?" was all I could ask. "What do you think you were doing? You could have been killed? Did you know if they even had weapons? Have you ever fired a gun before?" She shot her questions out at me before I could regain my bearings. "I was thinking about rescuing you.. maybe that was a bad idea. I know I could have been killed. I was hoping that they didn't have weapons, and I love to go shooting."

    She looked at me, both pain and passion in her eyes. "That still doesn't give you the right to come in and.. and.. God." She screamed at me. "I'm sorry, what gives you the right to dictate what I do with my money and if I can come and save you." "They used me Allison. Do you know what that feels like?" We were screaming at each other. She was obviously pissed at something I did. Pretty soon she was screaming about the fact that she hadn't had this many problems since she met me, and that maybe she should leave. "Fine if you want to go, go. It's not like I am holding a gun to your head saying that you need to..." "GUYS!" I heard Maura shout into my ear. I paused my yelling.

    "You are still live." I shut my eyes and sighed. I pulled the wire out of my shirt and slammed it onto a table. "You were wearing a wire?" Jane asked. "Who all heard that?" She got close to me. I thought she was going to push me. "Maura, that's all." I still wanted to hug and kiss Jane, tell her that everything was okay, but at the same time I was still very angry. "If you are leaving, then leave. I have a plane to catch. Back to China. And a deal to finish. I expect to start working on the project soon, so that means I will be gone for at least three months." I picked up the suitcase and walked outside.

    -Note: More lost time...-

    I was sitting on my private jet waiting to go back to China. Jane had not called me or even spoken to be for the last couple of days. I had to get her off my mind and get back to work. A song came on, Godsmack's "What If." I listened to it and realized I couldn't be with out her, so decided to go to the PD and tell her.

    Meanwhile... *Jane POV*

    "I don't know Maura. I can't just do that." Jane was saying. "Jane, I have never seen you happier in the entire time I have known you. Trust me." "Maybe you're right..." "Right about what?" Korsak asked. "Right about being in love with Allison." Maura told him. Jane sighed. She had no clue that I was leaving that day. "Jane, if you think you even might love her, you need to tell her. Stop being so stubborn." "Fine, fine. I'll call her."

    My son answered the phone and told Jane that I was flying out, back to China. Korsak offered to drive her to the airport.

    *Back to me...*

    I was riding a motorcycle I had just bought way too fast, and way to dangerously. I was risking my life, my being, maybe my soul to get to Jane and tell her how I felt. I could not afford to lose another love of my life. I nearly ran into the side of the PD skidding my bike to a stop. I shut off the engine and ran into the building. No one was at their desk, so I hoped that they were in Maura's lab. I ran down the stairs and hall, bursting the door open. "Where's Jane?" I asked, slightly out of breath. Startled both Maura and Frost turned around. "She went to the airport..." Frost started. "To look for you. Allison what are you doing here?" Maura asked me.

    "I need to tell Jane I love her."

    *Jane's POV*

    They had to arrived in excellent time, but also in poor timing. Jane asked the manager at the nearest office if my plane had taken off yet. He told her no and directed her on where to go. She sprinted down the terminal and hurried outside to see my plane taking off. "Hey Jane, its okay don't worry. She said she'd be back. Give her some time." "No Korsak. I don't think she'll come back to me."

    *My POV*

    Maura, Frost and myself sat near Jane's desk waiting for her to come back. I was a bit antsy. Jane and Korsak walked through the doors and I stood up. I wanted to run to her, but I didn't know how she would react. "She's gone Maura," Jane said. I had kept myself well hidden. "Jane, I think that..." "No Maura, its over with her. Damnit, I can't believe I let her get away." "You didn't," I said as I stepped out. "What?" I pulled her into a deep kiss. At about the same time her parents walked through the door.

    "See Angela, I told you she was gay. You never believe me anymore." Jane broke off her the kiss, a flash of sadness washed over her face. I held her hand tightly. She turned around to face them. I had been there before and I knew it was going to be hard. "Mom," she started. "Janie, you don't need to explain anything to me," her mom said. Her dad looked right at her. I thought he was going to disown her. Then he looked past her at me. "I swear, if you break her heart, I'm going to kill you." "Dad, come on! You can't say something like that in a police station." "Oh come on Jane," Korsak said, "I'd help him."

    "What?" Jane said. I could see nods and hear agreements from other people. Maura just smiled at me. "I'm sure you'll be okay. I can tell you care very much about her." She gave me a tight hug.

    -Okay, so this is where the Rizzoli Files currently end. They have occurred over several nights, and I hope that they continue. I also hope that you have enjoyed reading them, as I have enjoyed dreaming them. It would be a great dishonor to my dreamscape if they were to end here, so wish me luck in dreaming more of Jane Rizzoli and the Rizzoli and Isles team.-

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