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    1. Glass Spa and Flying Fox

      by , 02-19-2015 at 01:28 PM
      This was a very exotic dream of which I think I remember 10%

      I was back tutoring varsity, but the lifts wouldn't reach my class room. My supervisor tutor had fired me because I couldn't reach the students. Next I am in a glass spa bath with a flying fox (aka ZIP line going somewhere). I just want to relax in the spa but there's no plug for it and the spa just remains empty. I decide to somehow dangerously slide over the edge of the spa which is perched really high above the ground.

      That's all I remember but I know I forgot so much more!!!
    2. Mother of all Tsunami

      by , 06-04-2014 at 09:03 AM
      Wow, I just remembered I had an epic dream about Tsunami again. I was surfing / or possibly in a floating house. This series of Tsunami came. The fear and awe that makes me love Tsunami dreams was here a plenty. At first I get munched up as the enormous waves break right before me and I get hit by the enormous energy of the wave. Those behind me get dumped as well, but the waves have lost a lot of their energy in foam and white water. I keep trying to go further and further out as I suspect the safest place to be is where the waves are still enormous mounds in the ocean and not fully formed yet.

      Anyway the people behind me are amazed when my tactic works and I just float over these swells. I pretty happy by now about the whole deal. But then... the mother of all waves rears up on the horizon as tall as a sky scraper. I know I've had it now. The last thing I remember is this fear in the pit of my stomach as due to the size of the beast I in slow motion get sucked further and further up the mountain face of water.

      Good on you my subconscious... as always entertaining.
    3. Things I dreamed in one night

      by , 05-18-2014 at 08:29 AM
      I dreamed of:
      Areoplanes, they were huge passenger jets and cargo planes. All were loaded to the brim and only just made it a few meters off the ground after a huge run up.

      Of bullies at school who I don't tolerate and tell on (as I should have in life)

      Of Trains... I am at a train crossing in a car with a friend, the boom gates are down and we wait for ages... finally a model toy train shows up. My friend is confused, he asks "is this a model train exhibit?"

      There's this girl, a friend of my sister. She looks like the one from American Pie "This one time at band camp..." and talks like her too. She may be interested in me.

      I am in a line of people. We are on some sort of production line / catwalk. We are all push a stale slice of toast along the ground in from of us. We do three cycles of this. There is now some sort of Nazi prison camp Guard. He makes us bury the slices into a hole. What the hell this signifies / means !!!!

      I am in a burning field. I am being taught that you should never run away from fire because it will easily catch up to you and kill you. Instead you must run parallel to the fire front to confuse it.
    4. Sunday school on Fridays

      by , 05-16-2014 at 10:00 AM
      Dreamt I was back in my teens. Some hot head preacher has decided to start up Sunday school on Fridays and well as Sundays. He knew I hated this idea and hated Sundays, but he thought he could discipline me in front of all his followers. He had no idea what hit him as I questioned and challenged his authority in front of all his followers. I called his church a stupid cult.

      It was a really angry dream!

      But the ending was cool...

      After all that there was this beautiful lake and unknown snowy mountains behind it. It felt like an adventure waiting to happen.
    5. Wierdness

      by , 05-16-2014 at 09:54 AM
      A tram derails. I am diving in sea weed. There's a tsunami and I wonder if the rest of the world is alarmed at how many we have been having lately. There's a power cut in a library because of the derailed tram.
    6. The juddering

      by , 03-26-2014 at 07:39 AM
      This afternoon my entry into lucidity was particularly cool, it wasn't scary, more exhilarating. I got the usual earthquake vibrations, but then something grabbed hold of my ankles and violently dragged my off my bed and over the floor into the wardrobe. It was black inside and I started to yell out for some clarity, but instead it came out as Clara. Who I then met, got a dumb and dumber porridge bowl haircut, which I hated despite the hair dresser saying it looked wonderful. So I decided I didn't want any hair and made it so. Had a fight with a demon in a dojo. It was pouring rain outside so I opened the dojo door because of the knocking and had a rumble with the demon.

      In real life people upstairs were making heaps of noise and these distractions kept trying dragging me in and out of the dream and ruined its solidity... but I think it was good for me as I quickly brought myself back into the dream by making up other better distractions occurring in lucidity. Looking forward to working on better dream clarity, but if Clara keeps appearing instead of greater clarity I'll have to think up another word for clarity.
    7. Epic and profound night of dreaming

      by , 01-31-2014 at 08:48 AM
      My reality checking lately has had me considering 'if this were a dream what would I do next?'...

      Last night I had EPIC dreams...

      One dream was lucid... but not. I was not aware I was dreaming, but I was also on huge trip the entire dream thinking to myself if this were a dream I would do this and proceeded to do exactly that each time, without realising that, hey I am dreaming!

      Another dream I was in a telephone booth and each of its walls were distorted panels that were each member in my family. As I looked at each they stopped moving and clarified into perfect pictures. That's pretty deep because I recently have accepted the difficult fact of who they are.

      Another dream I was comforting a long line of terminally ill patients.

      The next I had gone ahead and studied nursing like I once wanted to and it was my first day on the job, but I was also a patient in the same ward.

      The rest of the night was massive and I cant put things into words!!!
      The theme seemed to be resolution. Very deep and meaningful. The night before last was strange too, I usually remember my dreams, but that night I was blank, very rare.

      Calea Z usually has zero effect on me. Mugwort now and again produces epic dreams that go on and on. I had both last nite.
      Tags: calea z, mugwort
    8. My wonderful subconcious

      by , 01-26-2014 at 12:12 AM
      Had terrible day yesterday. Tired and emotional, just wanting to give up. So I ask my subconcious to release the pain of the past. Give me a break at least. Just before I woke up this morning I hear, clear as a bell a song twice sung in a falsetto voice "and if you smile you can break out the fuel to my brain". Good dreams last nite too!
    9. One cool dream guide

      by , 01-22-2014 at 07:15 AM
      A few years ago I had the most awesome ride with my dream guide. I started the dream feeling really troubled, the next thing I know I am in the sky and this amazing flying oriental dragon cross shaggy creature from the Never ending story looks down at me with this huge grin. I am flying next to him and have this incredible feeling of peace I never could have believed existed. He had these huge flappy ears and had a white coat like a shaggy wolf hound. I'll never forget that dream. I'm not sure I believe in astral travel, but if I did I just met the coolest dude around to hang out with!
      Tags: dream guide
    10. Clarity!

      by , 01-13-2014 at 02:38 AM
      I did a wake back to bed. I was kept up for an hour searching for the part where I doze off and enter dreamland. Its a sneaky little bugger that one. I was sure I was still awake as often on the verge of sleep with closed eyes I start to see faces of people that aren't there, but can open them and I am not asleep.

      So this time I open my eyes and look into my hands. There is a screen in my palms and I am watching weird faces of people I have never met. Nothing strange there! I am seeing the normal assortment of random faces. So I watch for a while and start to release its a wee bit odd that they are being shown on a screen in my hands, as opposed to the darkness of my closed eyes.

      Last night I was reading up on yelling "clarity!". I decided to test if this really was a dream. "Clarity!" I yell. For three seconds every thing become clearer. WTF! it actually works! I do it several more times and in my excitement wake up. I did try to hang onto the lucidity by trying to just accept what was going on as normal, but it was a bit too late and I slipped from the dream.

      Later I have a dream about a violent lightning storm the we retreat to in a cave. It doesn't work and the lightning is zig zagging round the corners of the cave from the sky outside. It hits people and they disappear.

      I like the dreams I have of storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They give me a rush. I hate the ones about Tsunami though. I always am rushing for high ground, find a tree or boulder to chain myself to then am left waiting in suspense for the wave, all the time wondering if it would be a good time to find higher ground, or if I did would the wave come and drag me into the ocean because I wasn't chained to an anchor. Then when the wave comes its like being in a washing machine and I am fighting the ocean that want to tear me off my anchor and kill me.
    11. My Earliest Remembered Dream Came True

      by , 01-09-2014 at 10:42 AM
      My earliest dream when I was about 4 was about me (no surprises there). I was in a hospital bed sick and unable to move or talk. My family consisting of my mother, father and sister are at the foot of my bed. At the head is a nurse who is the embodiment of evil. Next the bed and I am in an elevator. The evil nurse is with me and my family are slipping away as the elevator descends from them. I am terrified. I cant speak, cant plead for my family to save me.

      Fast forward to my teen years. I am in a family religion of birth that demands I bow down to indoctrination, declare the outside world as evil and live by a strict code I have had hammered into me all my life. But I cant. Its not me. Its a miserable existence I wont live and because of this my family abandon me and what ever I speak to them they twist round in their religious denial to make me feel guilt. There is nothing I can say that will overcome their stupid religious denial. To them I am the embodiment of evil, an excommunicated disbeliever.

      If there is one thing I can say to anyone reading this it is to NEVER allow anyone to guilt load you for being You!