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    strange non-lucid

    by , 10-13-2012 at 08:06 AM (396 Views)
    So, in this dream I am going to see my probation officer at the probation office in houston. I leave his office and am drawn to this door. i open the door and in a room a woman is talking to a clerk behind a desk, asking for job positions in undercover work. the clerk tells her "yes, we've heard of you. you can be quite elusive. you are just right for the job". (i named her the elusive woman for context). Then, she looks me in the eyes and the room and my surrounding disolve, and i am brought through a series of images, mostly landscapes, as she walks around never breaking eye contact with me. she then moves forward to me, gets very close to my face, and says "your face is much more beautiful when you're in love." then, all of the sudden, we appear in front of a large museum, with many steps leading up to it. We both look to see a man dragging a little girl away into the museum. She looks at me and says "we have to save her." so we begin to follow the little girl and the man. I go into the museum and follow them, all the way through to the back, where they are entering a door of light and suddenly a man comes around a corner and shoots me, i die. but in the dream, i was resurected on a bed. when i sat up, i looked across this stone room i was in with stained glass windows and saw a priest. he asked me "what do you need". I told him i needed to save the little girl. so he hands me a gun, ceremonial almost, black 1911 nickle plated, glossy, pearl grip. He loads it, pulls the slide back, hands it to me and says "do what you must". I leave the room and am suddenly back in front of the museum, where i see my self, the elusive woman following the little girl. i race to catch to myself, and when i'm about to get shot and killed, I shoot the man who shoots the other me, before he has the chance to do it. all hell breaks loose. the museum is filled with men with guns, i lose the little girl, myself, and the elusive woman in the chaos. i kill about 2 men, then, a strange asian man, well dressed with an eyepatch, appears in front of me, stares me down, and shoots me right between the eyes, at which point i snap awake.

    vauge, quick write, 10/1/12 dream, posted 10/13/12

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    1. paigeyemps's Avatar
      Ahaha Funny how the priest hands you a gun. x)

      Do you remember how it felt when you died both times? Interesting action dream
    2. wropp's Avatar
      It didn't feel like anything, really