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    1. Dream #8

      by , 07-22-2011 at 11:30 PM
      This was an odd one. It's again kind of school-related, but not really. It involved one of my graphic design teachers and she wanted me to go to the White House for some project. So what do I do? I start hopping building tops like Spider-man or Superman, you know, leaping tall buildings in a single bound! Somehow she was following me doing this, I don't know if she was hopping with me or if I was carrying her on my back or what. But I continue to hop, passing by several freeways and stuff until I get to these really brown, serious and governmental looking buildings. I stop atop one of them and jump down from the ceiling into the building where there was some kind of government meeting going on. They didn't react to the fact that I had just jumped down into their room from the ceiling. So then I go looking around for the White House and this special room where I was supposed to perform this project, but I couldn't find it. All I found was a hallway with a bunch of different doors leading to different rooms. And all my classmates were there as well. They were going into these rooms and performing idiotic kid-like tasks that they were complaining were "too easy." But this wasn't what I was supposed to be doing. The teacher was there as well. I kept waiting for her to tell me what I was supposed to be doing at the White House but she never did. So I just kept watching everyone else go into these rooms and perform these easy tasks. Yep, that's about all I remember. Building hopping and the White House. Good times...
    2. Dream #7

      by , 07-22-2011 at 11:30 PM
      Mom and I were talking in her room when a big box starts to move. We think it's our cat, then it comes flying off the shelf and the cat was nowhere to be found. Mon and I think "demon" or ghost and then it feels like the air was being sucked out of the house. We both run the heck out the front door and I had goosebumps like crazy. After a while we noticed it was somewhat windy outside, so we thought maybe the wind had something to do with it. So we go back inside fearfully but everything seemed okay for a while until it started to happen again. This time I noticed my ceiling fan just stop unrealistically in its tracks. I was like "oh crap" and then that feeling overcame me again and I was like "nope, this isn't the wind" and ran out the house again feeling like I had experienced my first demon encounter and that the house was haunted and I didn't like it. Then it started getting weird and someone asked me a question about Skittles and Butterfinger candy and I was like "there is no butter and no finger in Butterfinger." Things get blurry here and I wake up.

      What a way to end a dream about a haunted house. Start talking about Skittles and Butterfinger. lol
    3. Dream #6

      by , 07-09-2011 at 07:57 AM
      Had yet another dream about school last night. Since I've graduated from school I've told myself to always ask myself if I'm dreaming whenever I'm at school, since it's 99% likely to be the case. Sadly I didn't do it this time.

      I don't remember a ton from this dream. Just that I wanted to leave class early because I was done with all my work, and Nancy Grace was my teacher lol. She wouldn't let me leave which had me pissed off. Next thing you know I'm in another classroom with 3 or 4 people in it sitting down, one of which was this dude I knew from college. We had these little notepads on them with, I think, the Google logo on it and we were supposed to write something about air. So I just sat there trying to think up things to say about air, and that's when I woke up.

      But I must remember, if I'm at school then it's a dream! Major dream sign there! And I tend to dream about school a lot for some reason...
    4. Dream #5

      by , 07-07-2011 at 04:08 AM
      It was another one of those epic adventurish dreams. Don't remember all the details but I was living at the top of this snowy hill in a cabin (lots of other cabins lined the hill) with I think my sister who was sick and I was taking care of her. Then the mountain shifts and an avalanche happens and I'm running down the hill into a bus with an NBC 4 logo on it, except it said "Channel More" instead of channel four. Then we ride to a dry desert mountain with like this old giant European looking church covered in rocks. Somehow we ended up on the roof. And my family casually walks off and tell me and my cousin to go watch a movie, but she didn't want to...