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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    Warnings: violence, problems with authority, and links to TV Tropes.

    But in all seriousness, this journal legitimately contains the kind of graphic and disturbing content that gives people nightmares, so either that's a selling point or a reason not to read on. Just a heads up.

    As of 2015, dreams are ranked according to three categories:

    Adventure: How much fun and excitement can I fit into one dream?
    Control: How much control do I have over the narrative, environment, and dream powers?
    Fear: How scared and out of control do I feel? (Has very little to do with how Silent Hill the monsters get.)

    Regular dreams are in black (along with notes).
    Semi-lucid dreams are green.
    Lucid dreams are blue.

    1. #225. Calling Batman When You Lose Your Keys

      by , 12-14-2015 at 06:11 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I swerve up to the side of the client's apartment building. There's an eavestrough there that's just too high off the ground to reach without a boost.

      There's a garbage truck behind me. I ignore it and back up, hitting the truck with a screech of metal. The car's just under the eavestrough now, and I open the driver's side door, turn to the client, and tell her: "Go."

      She slides out of the car and scrambles onto the hood while I smile pleasantly at the driver of the truck. He's still looking somewhat shocked by the fact that I just backed into him. As my client grabs onto the eavestrough and starts climbing into the apartment, I shut the door of the car.

      I pick up the car, crunch it into a ball, and throw it into the back of the garbage truck.

      "Don't worry," I assure the driver, "It's registered under a false name."

      He... smiles back, and I know that he isn't going to cause me any trouble.

      Updated 12-16-2015 at 04:38 PM by 31096

    2. #180. The Road

      by , 01-28-2011 at 05:48 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      Samael Presents:

      (your daily)


      (the contents of which you should still)


      (with all due haste.)

      On a deserted stretch of Saskatchewan highway, after I wake up in the back of an empty car surrounded by empty cars, I watch a figure approach from the distance (I don't expect him to attack me until the door is opening and I can't wrench it shut and I barely remember to break the dream into a thousand million jagged pieces of glass).

      The Road. Scare Factor: 7.

      Samael's SOLO SENTENCE ESPRESSO is not at all similar to Mzzkc's ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!® and disclaims all semblance of copyright infringement thereof. That would be stealing.
    3. #147. The Ford Truck

      by , 09-19-2010 at 05:54 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Quick roundup of this week's dreams. Yay, real life.

      09/14/10 - No recall. None. Very little sleep.

      09/15/10 - Illegible handwriting. Apparently this was a dream about drinking.

      I'm on a family vacation to the States. There's an entire bulletin board dedicated to the "Ground Zero Mosque" in the lobby of the hotel. This starts me off on a rant about religious tolerance.

      The Joker kidnaps two children. They're probably more trouble than they're worth.

      I find a swimming pool in the shape of a tea infuser.

      I'm driving my dad's old Ford truck. We're carrying something explosive, and if we hit anything suddenly, everything will go up in flames. Suddenly, the brakes are failing, and I have three options: I can drive into a fence, a pile of logs, or a swamp.

      We hit the swamp, and the truck sinks into the muck and stops there. It's not sinking any farther though.

      My dad turns around and looks at me. He's about to start yelling.

      "Good thing this is a dream, right?" I say sheepishly.


      "Hey, this is a dream!"

      I spend the rest of the dream climbing buildings. I'm having trouble flying, but I find that if I swing my arms and move my feet, I can walk vertically up the side of walls.

      Scare Factor: 3/10
      Rating: 3/10
    4. #122. Waiting for a Train...

      by , 08-04-2010 at 07:37 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm driving my dad's old Ford truck, trying to get out of town. I'm not sure if I'm in Ixburg or Quickton, but I'm driving west (along the north road from Ixburg, what) so I can go watch the sunset on a hill. The hill apparently has a car wash, which I'm grateful for, because the interior of the car is soaked in blood. I'm driving on the right-hand side of the car, and the blood from the seat is seeping into my t-shirt. Another truck passes me on the west side, because I can't accelerate fast enough.

      At this point, I'm definitely driving down the highway through Quickton. I turn back onto the highway and start driving west. Until suddenly I'm not. I'm walking through the west side of town, my feet crunching over packed white snow. Then, for some reason, I'm walking along on my knees. A woman appears and asks what's wrong, but I don't remember what I told her.

      We both notice a smell in the air, some lemony entree that seems to be coming from a building. The woman says that the building is hers, but that I should come in out of the cold. I go inside and notice that the building is Curves, a women's gym.

      I look at one of the walls, covered in recipes for low fat foods. I'm reading one for french toast that says to saturate the bread in olive oil. And that's it. A plate appears in front of me and I try it. It tastes like corn syrup, but the bread is soggy.

      I turn around and see my martial arts instructor from Halifax. I remember that I had to tell him I wasn't coming to karate class (though he doesn't teach karate...), but the man tells me just to show up and do what I can.

      The scene shifts and I'm looking at a room with tall glass pillars and holograms. From a third person POV, I'm watching Neal, Peter, and Diana go through a training exercise. Neal is hanging back, looking nervous (I think I've had this dream before). Diana goes crashing through one of the glass pillars, and is suddenly falling several stories, flailing her arms.

      As Neal, I run to the edge of the floor, which has suddenly disappeared. I look for a way to help Diana, but there's nothing. In the next moment, her body is laying on the floor at an odd angle, blood oozing from a wound on her head.

      Then we're standing around the body, the floor having repaired itself, but glass still everywhere. We're beginning an investigation. Someone's writing on a notepad, and Peter is calmly explaining the next steps in our investigation.

      There's a montage of people in animal costumes, climbing the outside of glass buildings and waving at the people inside.

      I wake up and attempt to WILD, but fall asleep immediately.

      I'm walking along the service road, watching the train tracks carefully. The train tracks have replaced the highway that runs through town. I plan to jump onto a train going west. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I have enough money for a bus ticket to get back. I don't think I plan on coming back, though.

      I'm walking, now, with three other guys who have the same plan. One of them is a guy I knew from high school. We chat amicably, planning, and trying to figure out what kind of container would be easiest to get into. We also discuss our exit, saying that it'll be dark when we get wherever we're going, and that we'll have to jump from the train before we get into town, because the security there is too tight.

      There's a train driving along the road with other traffic, getting ready to merge into the train tracks. The train looks just like the one in Inception, but the jagged pattern is a dark yellow. This isn't the train we want.

      I imagine jumping onto a lit stretch of concrete, only to have it turn out to be water, covered in ice. I fall into the water, crashing through the ice, and try to get to shore. I have to climb over thin ice, though -

      I snap back into the present. We get ice cream from a vendor, and I'm trying to find a bathroom before we leave. I spot the train in the distance, though, and all four of us are running for the train tracks.

      Waiting for a Train. Scare Factor: 4.
    5. #113. False Awakenings

      by , 07-23-2010 at 09:25 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I contemplate world domination/destruction. Fortunately for the planet, I still can't teleport.

      Note: As of July 21, this is no longer true. Watch out, world.

      I look down at my right hand and count my fingers. "One. Two. Three. Fourfivesixseveneightnine." I get distracted and start counting off random numbers, but I'm lucid by this point, and looking around.

      Dream goals... right. I wanted to go to Walmart and open a portal to hell. No reason, I just thought it would be fun.

      I try to shift to a new location, attempting to bring my companion along.

      I wake up in bed. Except for the part where I'm still dreaming. I know it automatically, but I still do a quick count of my fingers. The ring and pinky fingers are alternately multiplying and fading out of existance, so that's normal.

      I "wake up" again, but I still know I'm dreaming. I go outside and decide to along the sidewalk at a sprint, just to see how fast I can go. I run up a hill that doesn't exist in real life, surprised that I can actually feel a physical drag slowing me down.

      I consider the possibility of using running as a reality check.

      Fragments: I'm driving a Bentley. I'm either Crowley or Aziraphale from Good Omens. Something about one-ways and suburbs. Or maybe that's Suburban (the truck). I can't read my writing.

      I find my keys. They're hanging from the doorknob of my bedroom.

      False Awakenings. Scare Factor: 1.

      I wake up. My keys are still missing. Damn you for giving me hope, Id.
    6. #107. Zero CCs

      by , 07-13-2010 at 03:51 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      Do motorcycle chases ever end well?

      I hop on my motorbike and speed toward the highway, mindful of being chased. It's been far too long since someone tried to kill me.

      I pass my exit, turn sharply onto the next ramp. I'm going against the flow of traffic. I don't have time to do an RC, but since this is a dream, it's the perfect time to try out a trick from Saints Row... go against traffic, and it's harder for anyone to catch up to you.

      At least, I think it's a dream. I'll risk it.

      I'm pedaling my bike up a hill.

      I take a sharp turn onto the exit, shift gears and find myself on the open highway. I speed up, watching the colours blur around me, faster, faster! Something's wrong, though. I'm on the right side of the road, going the right way! There goes my advantage.

      I'm catching up to a row of semi-trucks. I focus on them, trying to force the images to turn around and come this way -

      A truck hurtles toward me. The grill gets bigger, and closer, and I swerve into the far lane. The truck drives by me, honking. I skid over the pavement, tumbling head over heels. When I've stopped, I find myself staring up at the blue sky, trying to calm my breathing.

      I get up and pick up my bike. I hop on. It's still running, but it's going really slowly up the next hill.

      Someone taps me on the shoulder.

      I spin around, catch the faintest glimpse of a man with curly hair before I'm back on my bike and pedaling fiercely down the exit ramp. This feeling is elation; I'm speeding down the steep ramp without a care for the wall that's suddenly appeared before me - what?

      I brake and abandon the bicycle on the ramp. I'm inside of a mansion, which I know is the headquarters for my enemy. I peer around the corner, and snap back. There are two guards inside. One of them might have seen me.

      "Hey," says a voice from beside me.

      I jump and turn around. Shego is leaning on the wall next to me, filing her nails.

      "You coming to girls' night?" she asks boredly, "We can get an action movie in if you're there."

      "Sure," I say, risking a glance at the guards around the corner.

      "I never saw you," she says, rolling her eyes.

      I pick up my bike from the ramp. It's a stunt bicycle at this point. I peek around the corner again, looking at all of the interesting obstacles that are in there.

      Minutes later, I'm ramping through the lobby of a movie theatre, being chased by out-of-breath security guards.

      Zero CCs. Scare Factor: 3.

      Updated 09-02-2010 at 11:53 PM by 31096

    7. #99. RPGs

      by , 07-04-2010 at 09:45 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Sunday, July 4, 2010

      I scrutinize my real life appearance for effectiveness as an assassin. I conclude that I will easily be able to infiltrate the corporation.

      I get an apartment in Halifax that's mostly identical to my old one. Apparently I'm subletting from someone else, though, as I keep finding old-lady clothes around the place. It's also furnished, which is nice, even if the furniture is ugly as hell.

      I'm Dean Winchester. I help Sam choose a truck and trailer so he can go drive off into the prairie sunset. The theme of this dream is basically that it's time to let Sam go on his own. This is a much more peaceful scenario than the Supernatural finale.

      I'm a guy with a mullet, driving a semi-trailer. I'm about to be accused of a crime I didn't do, and I'm trying to skew the evidence in my favor before they think to come after me. Maybe I had an in-dream premonition, or maybe I'm on another dream-loop.

      I'm mad at the really cold weather, then I'm mad at the really hot weather, then I'm mad at the really cold weather, and oh my God, that really is freezing. Warmth now please.

      I'm living with my second cousins, and also fighting my brother for one of the basement suites. His friend gets it. Damn.

      One of my cousins finds out something about my character (I don't know what), and she takes her sisters and leaves.

      I'm driving along the highway, now, but the lane I need to be in keeps changing, and I'm cutting people off. I end up at a McDonalds, because there's something I need to pick up there.

      I'm inside. The place is empty, and isn't being used as a restaurant. Something about a box. I check my inventory and see a vat of cotton that I have to sell later.

      The city is being evacuated. I have to hurry. I go upstairs, blue and red lightsabers drawn. I wonder if my cousins could have been party-members if I hadn't scared them off. Oh well, I'm still near the beginning of the game.

      I enter one of the offices and fight the people inside. I win.

      RPGs. Scare Factor: 1.
    8. #93. My Driving

      by , 06-28-2010 at 09:19 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Monday, June 28, 2010

      A couple weeks ago, I implemented a new rule: DC's aren't allowed to drive. Apparently, I'm one to talk.

      I decide to give up my job in Quickton. I'm never going to have enough money for this, so it's time to leave. I hop on a bus, going west.

      Calgary is on a terrorist alert; somebody tried to get into the States and do something bad. As such, travel into the States is practically cut off for the time being.

      I'm on a boat, out in the ocean. It's a small boat, and I'm just sitting on a bench holding my backpack. I might be drawing on my ridiculously oversize tablet. The captain comes up to me and says we're getting close to the path of my next ship, so I should pack up. He hands me a whole bunch of change to cover the fare for the next boat.

      I wander onto the second boat with my tablet and my backpack. I'm shown to my room. The room itself keeps changing. There are huge windows looking out into a hallway at first, and the whole hallway is covered in posters. Later, the windows look out over a hostel-style common room that I remember from another dream. I remember thinking that it would be really cool to have one of the rooms overlooking the common room on the second story.

      I step through the wall and grab a book from one of the shelves.


      "They're fucking cannibals! Close the door, close the fucking door!"

      This has happened before, I register dimly, we're on another loop. I'm too busy slamming the door on someone's fingers to notice. I kick them free and slam the door again. I'm turning the key on the ignition - Ben, why didn't you turn the car on while I was fighting - and barreling through the two dozen people in front of us. One hits the windshield, scrabbles for purchase, and goes sliding off as we pick up speed.

      We're on the highway to Regina. It's night. I'm panicked and trying to decide if I should pull over and calm down or keep driving as fast as I can.

      "Slow down," says my brother, "This isn't helping." We're fairly far away from the compound.

      I slow down to 110 clicks, but I'm still passing other vehicles. This shouldn't be a double lane highway, should it?

      My brother gives me a look.

      "Shut up," I say, "The speed limit is 110."

      The road is twisty and I'm not sure where the lanes are and I'm starting to get confused. Abruptly, the car takes a random turn to the left, and I'm in the ditch, driving through a field that doesn't feel much different than the road.

      We come to a stop on another highway, adjacent to the first.

      "Maybe we should go this way?" No response from my brother, so I put the car back in drive and start moving at a reasonable pace.

      The road ends. We go flying off of a cliff. I see everything from the third person, the camera angle far above us and looking down at the mountains below.

      This wouldn't happen in real life, I reason. This is obviously a dream. I remember making a car fly in one of my previous dreams, so I try to do that now.

      I'm alone, falling through the air without a vehicle. I've slowed my descent reasonably, and I land at the base of a cliff crawling with rock climbers.

      I ignore them. What were my lucid goals again? Oh yeah, pyrokinesis. I bring my hands together like I'm holding a ball between them, and slowly bring them apart. Nothing's happening.

      I take a deep breath, focus on all of the rage and anger and fear that I felt in the previous dream. I bring my hands apart, and this time a chain of beads of fire forms between them. I wave my hands and the fire dissipates.

      Huh. Apparently it's easier to summon fire when you're actually being threatened. Good to know.

      I grab a cardboard box wedged in the rocks behind me and try to do the same thing. The cardboard smoulders on one edge, but doesn't catch fire.

      I climb up the cliff face and sit on one of the ledges. The place has shifted into an immense cavern, and sunlight is streaming in through the many entrances. The rock varies from pure white marble to pale grey granite.

      I see a pack of wolves in the distance. They're beautiful. They're on the same level as me. They get closer, and one comes over and sniffs at me. I growl at him, and he dances back, cautious. He comes closer again.

      We're standing at the ground level of the cave, trying to communicate. The wolf catches onto English quickly, and soon we're having a conversation that I can't remember.

      At the same time, we hear someone approaching in the distance.

      "It's a hunter," I tell the wolf. "You should run. Take the rest of your pack with you."

      Suddenly, I'm a lot younger, and won't be able to stand up to the hunter.

      The hunter shows up and realizes that his quarry got away. He gives me a ride back to town.

      "This place is totally empty," he tells me, "You might not be able to get a ride out for a while."

      "No worries." I eye the empty stretch of highway, remember what someone said on the forums. I hold my thumb out, and someone shows up within seconds.

      I climb into the car with a bunch of girls - there's one seat left - and we drive off to wherever we're going. I try to pay attention to the roads so I can remember how we got there.


      A dream about a bunch of different worlds. Apparently Aslan kicked everybody (including the animals) out of Narnia. Now talking animals and fairies and Faeries are wandering from world to world, trying to find somewhere to live. So am I, for that matter.

      I knock on the door. It opens to a short old woman, who asks what my name is.

      "I'm Rory."

      "No, you're not," she says, sounding angry. Apparently there's a prophecy about a girl named Rory.

      "I'm Rory, but I'm a guy?"

      "Oh, well, that's okay then." She invites me inside.

      There are fairies in cages. I can see the daring rescue from here.


      I'm Harry Dresden, and I'm in a city... somewhere. I remember that I was looking for ways to travel in dreams, and I wonder if I can use the Ways through Faerie.

      I'm reading the new Dresden Files book. My mom is in the room.

      "Oh, come on!" I say. My mom looks up, questioning.

      "Everyone is Michael's vessel. Dean Winchester was Michael's vessel. In that last thing I read, Lucifer was Michael's vessel. Now Dresden? This is getting ridiculous."

      Besides, Dresden already got possessed by an angel.

      My Driving. Scare Factor: 4.

      The Ways might be an interesting way of getting around, though. Dissolve the dream, wander through the Void, find what I'm looking for.

      (The Void being that blackness that seems to be behind every dream.)

      Updated 03-03-2013 at 07:19 AM by 31096

    9. #86. Plastic Surgery

      by , 06-22-2010 at 07:51 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      In which insane and bloody doctors offer to change my appearance.

      I'm picking up floor joists by myself and placing them in a third layer over the existing ones.

      "What are you doing?" asks my dad.

      I set down the thirty-foot piece of wood and gesture like it should be obvious.

      "We already did that," says Dad, "We don't need any more."

      I look down, and realize that he's right. Oh.


      I'm driving around Quickton, driving around all the cars that are parked haphazardly in the middle of the road. Did I mention that DCs aren't allowed to drive anymore?


      I'm wandering around Ixburg. It's night, and my surroundings feel very real. I look at my hand anyway, count my fingers. I count five, but my pinky finger is just a stub, and I know that I'm dreaming.

      I go through my mental list of lucid goals, and decide that I'll try to find Hazel. Only, I know exactly how this phase of the dream usually works out, so I decide to send her a message instead.

      I pull out my cell phone and send a text, asking where she is. I immediately get a reply. I put the phone to my ear and hear a female voice telling me that she's at the zoo. I tell her to stay there; I'll try to come find her.

      "I'm lucid, I'm lucid." I mutter to myself, going over to the church doors that I'm standing near. I pull them open, thinking, Lions and tigers and bears...

      I see a faint blue light, but when I step inside, I'm still in Ixburg. I sigh. Obviously I'm going to have to work on that "power of belief" thing. Whatever, the door thing has never worked for me.

      I'm standing by a mirror and idly playing with my appearance, going for "more masculine" and "more feminine", back and forth, changing faces at random. My skin is starting to feel stretched too tight, though, and I step back from the mirror.

      A scalpel slices across my cheek, drawing blood. The girl holding it dances back, twirling happily around the room. I watch, unconcerned, as she and another, identical, girl come up to me and place their arms over my shoulders.

      I don't remember exactly what they say, but the consensus is that my shapeshifting abilities leave something to be desired. Amused, I allow myself to be led over to the bed and handcuffed to the headboard. The twins step back and make a grand gesture toward the door.

      An older woman appears, seemingly armed to the teeth with surgical tools. "I can help you gain any appearance you wish," she says.

      "What," I say, taunting, "No anesthesia?"

      "It's a dream. You don't need it."

      I pause for a second, and seriously consider the offer. "Nah," I say, freeing myself from the handcuffs with a thought. "I got this."

      The woman shrugs and disappears.

      I stand up and walk over to the closets that are in the room, looking for a grey suit. I don't know why I'm looking for a grey suit, I just feel like wearing one. I try to make one appear in the one of the two closets, but fine-tuned dream control isn't my forte. I'm better at the "mass slaughter" kind of thing.

      The twins continue to try to be helpful, but I ignore them.

      I go over to the wall and stretch out a hand. I'm trying to dissolve the dream, reach through the Void, and pull up a new location. I see spots where my hands are, and I think it's working. I reach forward - my hand bumps off of a very real, very solid feeling wall. I try again. It's not working.

      I wake up.

      Like a Surgeon. Scare Factor: 2.

      Updated 06-25-2010 at 09:56 AM by 31096

      lucid , dream fragment
    10. #80. Things Going Badly

      by , 06-17-2010 at 07:31 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      With my DCs on a probationary driving period, it's up to me to play chauffeur. Also, black cats and an upcoming apocalypse.

      I'm watching a horror movie unfurl through its main character. In this dream, I'm a lonely, middle-aged man who lives in a run-down apartment in the north end of Halifax. I'm taking out the garbage, first thing in the morning, reflecting on the fact that I actually feel happy, for once. I just spent the night with a woman who I really like, and it looks as if the relationship might last.

      I feel my heart sink when I step outside. The alley is swarming with black cats. I can communicate with a few of them, and they have nothing but bad news about the supernatural elements moving around town.

      And that's all I remember.


      I'm standing on a rooftop in downtown Halifax, chatting with some of the people who are starting school this year. We talk about the dilapidated, ugly buildings that are most of the school buildings. I say that I actually like them; they're fun to take photographs of.

      Some of the buildings, I'm pretty sure I explored in previous dreams. One of them is practically abandoned, and you can scavenge a lot of material from the place, if you're looking for it.

      I offer a girl a ride home, and we drive through (rather confusing) one ways without much incident. The roads are practically empty. Our path continues into a parking garage and up a flight of steps, and I have to shake my head at the absurdity. I reverse, and pull back onto the road. Then I start wondering about the unisex bathrooms in the building, and how great it would be if they were everywhere.


      I'm at the Ixburg swimming pool, swimming away. We have to vacate the pool, though, to make room for the shrimp.

      Oh, now there's piles of pineapple and shrimp in the pool. I pick up one of the shrimp and eat it raw, not finding anything strange about this, even though I'm a vegetarian. One of my friends looks at me in horror.

      I wander over to talk to the Corrupt Corporate Executive by the lifeguard station, a woman who is obviously planning something evil. I ask her what's going on, and she candidly tells me that they're trying to bring about the apocalypse.

      "Oh, well," I say, rolling my eyes. "That's all right, then."

      She explains that there's actually eight or nine horsemen of the apocalypse, and how the devil, as our culture knows him, is actually one of them. She gestures at a guy with bright red skin and a scraggly beard, with insects crawling all over him.

      "Is that pestilence?" I ask, looking over at him.

      "No, that's the devil."

      "That's not Lucifer." I say incredulously.

      The woman explains that there are several entities in the known universe who have collectively been referred to as "the devil". The mythology just has us all mixed up.

      "So, if I decide to kill you all, I won't be inadvertently committing suicide?"

      "Not at all," the woman replies with a smile.

      "Okay..." I say awkwardly. "Good to know."

      Scare Factor: 3.

      Updated 06-17-2010 at 10:18 PM by 31096

    11. #79. Invasion

      by , 06-16-2010 at 04:19 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Kill them! Kill them all! BWAHAHAHA! Ooh, pretty flowers.

      My partner and I are divvying up guns and ammunition from a trunk he brought with him. The pistols are old-style revolvers that take forever to load, so I grab two, stuffing one each down the front and back of my jeans. Which is probably a bad idea, but hey, we're in a hurry.

      Our team is comprised of settlers - space explorers even. I think we've decided that we want the planet, and we're going to kill all the people in the compound ten feet away. I don't know; I haven't been paying much attention. I just want to fight.

      Vicki hangs a flare gun over one of my shoulders, and I'm smoking a cigarette, for some reason. There's a fuse on the end of the flare, and I accidentally light it with my cigarette, which is now a lit match. Hurriedly, I aim over the wall of the compound and fire, starting off the battle.

      A man inside the compound aims some kind of explosive firework at the rest of the team, but I'm not concerned, since I'm not part of the big group standing together like bowling pins. Morons. Things explode, and we rush the compound.

      I'm behind the rest of my team, so I don't get to shoot many people. I'm a little nervous about it actually. By the time we've cleared most of the place out, most of my team members are down.

      We're only shooting the people with guns, which happens to be the men, mostly. Men and women and children are all standing together, and if you would take cover, I wouldn't be shooting you! I'm holding dual pistols, sending twin shots into the chest of a man that just. won't. die. Never mind, he's down.

      I get a message over the radio, saying that some kind of failsafe has been activated. Plant life is withering around the ship, and it's going to kill us, too. The ship is about to evacuate the planet, and I have to run if I don't want to be left behind.

      I take off down a grassy path, trying to run as fast as I can. Quickly, I realize that I can pull in more speed, and my surroundings simultaneously blur and come into sharper focus. I was just talking about running really fast in dreams, with Puffin, and it really is the best feeling - wait a minute.

      I'm lucid. I stop and look around, urgency of the Run Away task starting to dissipate. I look around at my surroundings, which are very green and very floral. It's beautiful, really.

      I wander back to the landing site just because I can. The plants are dead all around the ship, and nothing's left but mud. Most of the crew are off to the side, away from the ship and avoiding whatever deadly contagion plagues the soil.

      I walk right through, calling up plant life as I go. I want to talk to one of the DCs,
      but I'm being pulled back into the dream plot.

      Suddenly, we're all peaceful and getting along with the inhabitants of the planet. I'm talking to Johanna, who's playing one of these people. I'm given a tour of the compound, and I make ivy spring up along the walls, which starts flowering immediately. It should start growing fruit within a few days (you know, since we destroyed their supplies and all).


      Wandering around an RV, which seems to fit an entire house in it. Linkara's giving me a tour, and I'm still making flowering ivy grow along the walls. I wonder what it's feeding on.


      My brother is driving the same car we crashed into the harbour last night. We're driving along a road that's made entirely of ice, and he's going way too fast. We're driving into an underground castle-like structure where his music lessons take place. There's a steep downward slope, and PEDESTRIANS! LOOK OUT! SLOW DOWN! And a sharp turn right after a quick ramp THAT SENDS US FLYING into the air and we're going to crash and I telekinetically shove the car back onto the road.

      We come to a stop.

      "Okay," says Ben, catching his breath. "Maybe I'll go a little slower next time."

      Border Skirmishes. Scare Factor: 3.

      New rule: DCs aren't allowed to drive. Ever.

      Updated 06-17-2010 at 07:44 PM by 31096

      lucid , non-lucid
    12. #77. Sinking Cars

      by , 06-16-2010 at 07:39 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      In which Dad's driving lands the family in deep water. I think I saw this on Mythbusters once.

      "Are you ready to go?"

      "Give me five minutes, Dean - I just got off work."

      I head inside and pull off my white t-shirt, and get changed into a black t-shirt and jeans. When I come back outside, Dean (and his dad's truck) are gone.

      I call Sam, because Dean never answers his phone. He's laughing at me.

      "Did he just ditch you again?"

      "Apparently. That bitch."


      Uncle Roy and his daughter, Natasha (who appears to be about three, here), are running up backwards escalators that are taking them to our family reunion. I join in, jumping over railings and taking the most efficient route.

      I'm at the house, looking over the food table for vegetarian stuff. A younger version of myself is standing on the other side of the room. I go over to talk to zir*, but zie's avoiding me. Eventually we have to pose for a picture together, arms thrown across each other's shoulders. Well, the universe didn't explode, so we're doing fine.

      I think up elaborate reasons as to why there are two of us, but I don't remember what they were.


      I'm in the car with my dad and Roy's three daughters. They're all under ten in this dream. We're driving through a city, maybe Halifax, and I'm giving my dad directions from the back seat.

      "Okay, now you're in the wrong lane," I tell him. "Turn right here."

      The road takes us down to the harbour, and I tell my dad to turn left.

      Instead, he decides to do a powerslide down the dock.

      Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die.

      We've almost made it to 180 degrees, and I decide to trust my dad, because he's a better driver than I am, really. I'm still gripping tight onto the seat, watching the world spin around us.

      The momentum throws the car right off the dock. We land with a splash in the deep water, and I have a moment of disbelief. Seriously, my brother just totalled our last car.** Now this?

      I'm searching for my bag, knowing that there's something important in there.

      Found it. I'm holding a flashlight.

      My dad tells me to aim for the window controls next to me, and smash them with the flashlight. Three of us start pounding away at our respective window-ledges with our respective flashlights. I stop for a second and see pedestrians on the boardwalk, watching us dumbly. The car is half full of water by now, and I hope one of them has the sense to dial 911.

      I smash through the controls and the important wire. The window disappears. I help the girls out of the car, as the water has almost reached the window. I slide out of the window, and my dad is right behind me. I swim to the dock and pull an unresponsive (but physically unharmed) Natasha from the water.

      Later, I talk to someone about the reason I didn't panic. I shrug and tell him that I figured someone would rescue us if we couldn't get out. He's doubtful, but I tell him that it didn't have to be true - it was something I told myself so I'd be able to function.

      Sinking Cars. Scare Factor: 4.

      *ILU, gender-neutral pronouns.

      **No, really.
    13. #48. Walmart

      by , 06-14-2010 at 06:46 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      This is not a lucid dream.

      I'm parked in the local Walmart parking lot, waiting for a woman in a grey minivan to back out so I can leave. I look into the car and recognize someone from the forums, who I'd assumed was a guy. I don't remember who I thought she was, but I remember deciding she was a dreamer. She had short hair somehow braided close to her head, and dark skin. I guess she looked a bit like Naiobe from Matrix.

      I think about meeting up with Walms, but I'm not lucid; I think all of this is happening in real life. I think I'm meeting him later.

      There's a man lying on the pavement in the middle of the parking lot (behind my car). The manager (of Walmart) doesn't know what to do, and ambulance/police are on the way. The man might have raped someone? We decide we need to move him and I lift, hooking my hands under his arms while the (female) manager lifts his legs. We carry him into the lobby and lay him on a bench. The girlfriend is waiting, and he wakes up briefly and says something to her.

      Possibly another dream entirely: Walmart bathrooms are converted to sleeping places for $15 a night. Carpeted, the toilets are gone and the stalls are wood. I exit the stall and find red lockers being brought in. I chat with the girl in charge of the program, but decide that I'd really rather leave. Unfortunately, the building's on lockdown until morning. I plot my escape.

      After a false awakening I don't remember, I wake up. Probably. I'm dead tired and know I should RC. I flip open the curtain and count five fingers. Then I collapse back into bed and fall asleep.

      Fragments. My dad talking about one of our cousins.

      Walmart. Scare Factor: 1. Reaction: I think I'm catching a flu bug.
    14. #46. I Am Legend

      by , 06-14-2010 at 06:43 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      We're driving down the highway in a tan-coloured Oldsmobile. The driver seems to think the speed limit is optional, which really wouldn't bother me, only he doesn't actually have his license yet. Also, he doesn't seem to be in control of the vehicle, if the wildly oscillating steering wheel is anything to go by.

      "Whoa! Whoa!" I shout from the backseat. "Oncoming train, ONCOMING TRAIN!"

      "Ben, stop," says my mom from the passenger seat.

      Ben reluctantly brings the car to a stop before we get to the train tracks. I breathe out a sigh of relief and glare at my brother.

      "You know," says the fifteen-year-old comfortably, "Sam could totally supervise my driving -"

      "NO!" My mom and I say simultaneously.

      Ben slouches in his seat and gets the car moving again, now that the train's past. The car gradually speeds up, and he throws my mom a look that reads See? I can totally drive without giving Sam a heart attack.

      A copse of trees blocks the road a little bit farther along. It's night. We need to hike through the trees in order to get to the road on the other side.

      We're not a few steps in before I can feel a tingling feeling up my spine. I sense a malicious intent, which lingers, as if the blood that's been spilled here has never properly washed away.

      "We should hurry," I say quietly. "This isn't a good place." I should know, this is my dream after all. Vaguely, I wonder if this is going to turn into a nightmare. If it is, am I sensing evil, or creating it?

      There are men sleeping, haphazardly strewn over the grass-covered ground in various garishly coloured sleeping bags. I hurry Mom and Ben along, out of the campsite through a path in the bushes. I know it the moment the men wake up.

      "Go! Go! I'll meet you at the car!" I shout at my family. Somewhere between eight and a dozen men come rushing onto the path, heedless of my attempts to block them. I can't move, I can't shout, I'm completely helpless -

      "KIYA!" I lace a high-pitched shout with all of my fear and anger, forcing the men's attention onto me. I move out into the middle of the clearing, still pulling their attention, focusing on the present rather than the danger that faces the others. I need to be able to move.

      "KIYA!" I shout in challenge, feeling ridiculous, catching a third-person view of myself as Eliza Dushku.

      A man runs at me, using his momentum - and considerable bulk - to ready a skull-crushing punch. I sidestep. He misses. I use his momentum against him, throwing him out of the way.

      It's on.

      Another man rushes me. I catch him by the arm, twist, breaking it. I throw him over my shoulder and he crashes to the ground, where I aim a kick at his neck, killing him instantly.

      Two come at me. I send one stumbling with a kick to the solar-plexus. He trips over the corpse and I disable the other one with a ridge-hand strike to the throat, crushing the windpipe. He collapses to the ground, gasping for air, and I'm already rushing a stunned thug, sweeping his legs out from under him. I pound three high-powered kicks into his left temple before he can blink.

      A thug is picking himself up from beside his friend's corpse, looking enraged. I'm behind another one, hand across jaw, and I pull, breaking his neck. I don't see Trippy until he has a hand around my throat, lifting me until my toes barely brush over the ground. I twist, tearing - tiger claw - rigid fingers across his face, ripping into flesh. His grip slackens and I turn around to meet another attack, evading arms and deftly clawing an eye out of its socket. He's out of the fight.

      One of the smarter ones is readying an incantation - I'm in front of him. I grab, twist, tear his arm off, leave him to bleed out.

      Another. I aim a kick for his groin, surprised when I hit the inner thigh. Hard. Time slows for the others, and I admonish myself for losing focus. Concentrate on the dream. I pull my leg in, I lash out with a side-kick to the groin. He's down. I smash his head in.

      I hear a dark chuckle from across the clearing. Trippy is struggling to his feet, one hand pressed against his bleeding face. He laughs. I want to know what's so funny.

      "You think we're monsters." He laughs again, eyes closed for a moment.

      He's down before he knew what hit him. I kick him repeatedly, into the gut, into the side of his head, until he's nothing but a mangled corpse leering at me with a dead grin.

      I put down the others with brutal efficiency.

      I meet Ben and Mom at the car, which happens to be a Chevy Impala. Not meeting their eyes, I mention that we're going to have to wipe down the car, inside and outside. Apparently it was used to run over people while I wasn't looking. I'll have to dispose of these clothes, too. They're black, so I can't see the blood-spatter, but I just murdered a bunch of unarmed humanoids, and there was blood spraying everywhere, so -

      "I'll clean the car," says my brother.

      I take a deep breath. "Yeah. We should go."


      Some time later, I meet up with an alternate version of my mom, driving the Oldsmobile. We talk about the forest/campground, but she isn't entirely sure what I'm talking about. In her world, we kept driving right past the damned place.

      I get to thinking about alternate endings...


      They have Ben. My mom has disappeared, but they have Ben and he's a prisoner of these things and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

      There's a young boy, maybe ten, being carried from some kind of ceremony, half naked. I have a bad feeling about this.

      I take a breath, calm my mind. I can stay out of sight for now, wait for an opportunity to rescue him. I'm practically incorporeal right now; it's not like I could do much anyway. Although, I think, as I watch them drag my struggling brother out of sight, waiting could be easier said than done.


      Colourful round wooden tables are interspersed throughout the clearing. I couldn't see the place before I followed Ben in. My brother is sitting at one of the tables, eating the same grilled cheese sandwiches as all the other humans. On his left is the vampire he's been bound to, and on his right, a human slave, eying the former nervously.

      I get a bit of insight from the slave, who, apparently, was a member of the local Resistance before he was captured. He still hasn't quite lost the suicidal tendencies.

      "You realize," he says to Ben, keeping his voice low so the vampire won't notice, "That these things are just using you, right? We need to fight them."

      Ben snorts. "You're just saying that because they're planning to eat you."

      Apparently they keep humans as cattle. Charming.

      Also, Ben's been brainwashed. This could be a problem.


      I'm watching the loading area, a gravel parking lot leading into the back doors of the complex. An Oldsmobile drives in. I move closer.

      A group of three or four slaves is conversing with the driver. One of them was talking to Ben earlier. Kel, I think his name was. I recognize the leader of the group: Damon. Fanatic.

      "What do you want with the Aur'i, Reader?" Damon asks, as my mom steps out of the car.

      "Your masters have taken one of our own." Mom tells them coldly. "We want him back."

      Fuck me. Readers' powers are the opposite of my own, divine while mine are hell-powered, and they're positively toxic to the Aur'i (vampires). They're more of an allergy, for me.

      "The boy, yes?" says Damon, "What of the girl?"

      Ah, the Dushku persona.

      "Not one of ours," Mom says, "She didn't violate the Accords by attacking you."

      "A pity," says Damon. "I'll pass along your message to our Masters. You may leave now."

      Ignoring the slight, Mom tips her head and goes back to the car.

      Damn it. I've got to get her a message before she leaves. I take off along the side of the complex.


      "Sokka Katara Sam!" Ben gasps, clutching his head. I hear him, glad that he's finally broken through the mind control.

      Lay low.


      I break out into a full-on sprint, moving as quickly as I can around the back corner of the loading bay. When I stop, I hardly even notice that I'm not out of breath. I wave my arms at my mom, staying carefully out of the slaves' sight.

      I gesture towards some scaffolding near my hiding spot, which should be hidden from any observers. My mom exits the car and heads toward the spot I indicated, and I slink along more carefully, hidden by the various construction materials along the way.

      "You had to choose this spot?" asks my mom, visibly shivering.

      I'm surprised, but I look more closely at the wall. There's warding magic emanating from it.

      I smile sheepishly. "I can't feel it like you do." I tell her, "My power meshes with the place."

      "We'll talk about it later." She pulls an iron chain out and throws one end to me.

      I catch it. It feels like ice-water is crawling over my skin.

      Covered by the protection of the chain, I explain the situation, highlighting the layout of the compound and detailing Ben's chain to the Aur'i. I'm so caught up in the story that I don't notice the patrolling slaves have noticed us. Noticed the chain, rather, since we're invisible.

      "That is a forbidden magic here," says Damon, indicating the iron chain.

      "Is it?" I ask, adopting a really bad light Jamaican accent. "It is looped through this equipment like a spider's web."

      "The reader," hisses Damon.

      "You're Nomad?" asks Kel, indicating a nationality.

      I glance back at Mom, but she's disappeared along with the car. Good.

      I have an image of dark skin and bright colours. I take the appearance of the girl in my mind's eye and let the chain fall from my hand.

      I can work with this.

      I Am Legend. Scare Factor: 5.[/QUOTE]
    15. #32. City-Fusions

      by , 06-14-2010 at 05:35 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I'm walking around a version of the grocery store in Ixburg which I've seen before. Produce by the entrance to the southwest, ceiling-high shelving running east-west all through the store like a warehouse. I'm looking for strawberries.

      Still in the grocery store, I'm now a different character. I'm an employee and also some kid genius version of myself from an alternate timeline that I can't recall the gender of. I help someone with a difficult problem. They try to complement me, but I tell them, "Hey, I just work in a grocery store."

      I don't and never have in real life.

      Now I'm in a strange mix of Halifax and Quickton, where the rivers cross through the city, forcing roads to follow bridges and riverbanks. It's topsy-turvy, and hilly, and it's a bright, sunny day.

      Various members of my family, including aunts and uncles, are waiting on the patio section of a restaurant, looking at menus and hoping someone will get around to serving us eventually. I'm looking at the menu, unable to find anything that's vegetarian, but the menu itself is really hard to decipher. A waitress shows up to say we're supposed to be ordering right now, but they're really busy, so is it all right if we just wait a bit?

      My mom, another woman (possibly Sandra, my mom's friend), and myself go to check out another restaurant. When we get there, we notice that our other group hasn't been served yet, either. It's a lose/lose situation, I guess.

      Sandra is driving. We cross a bridge and are headed downward on a slight slope when, from the passenger seat, I notice a truck heading toward us has suddenly flipped into the air without warning. "Whoa." is the collective consensus. Sandra hasn't slowed down and I call her on it. The truck is still flipping, and it's starting to roll into our lane. As we get closer, the truck flips up into the air again, and we zoom safely underneath.

      "Nice timing!" I say to Sandra.

      I'm still in the Halifax/Quickton hybrid, zooming across the city at a bird's eye view. I think about karate classes once a week, and the fact that I keep moving from city to city, changing up disciplines and instructors. I'm a martial artist, I think to myself, I need to take my training into my own hands. A flash of me running down a dirt trail.

      City-Fusions. Scare Factor: 1. Reaction: I think my subconscious is trying to tell me something.

      Updated 06-14-2010 at 06:18 AM by 31096

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