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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    #93. My Driving

    by , 06-28-2010 at 09:19 PM (886 Views)
    Monday, June 28, 2010

    A couple weeks ago, I implemented a new rule: DC's aren't allowed to drive. Apparently, I'm one to talk.

    I decide to give up my job in Quickton. I'm never going to have enough money for this, so it's time to leave. I hop on a bus, going west.

    Calgary is on a terrorist alert; somebody tried to get into the States and do something bad. As such, travel into the States is practically cut off for the time being.

    I'm on a boat, out in the ocean. It's a small boat, and I'm just sitting on a bench holding my backpack. I might be drawing on my ridiculously oversize tablet. The captain comes up to me and says we're getting close to the path of my next ship, so I should pack up. He hands me a whole bunch of change to cover the fare for the next boat.

    I wander onto the second boat with my tablet and my backpack. I'm shown to my room. The room itself keeps changing. There are huge windows looking out into a hallway at first, and the whole hallway is covered in posters. Later, the windows look out over a hostel-style common room that I remember from another dream. I remember thinking that it would be really cool to have one of the rooms overlooking the common room on the second story.

    I step through the wall and grab a book from one of the shelves.


    "They're fucking cannibals! Close the door, close the fucking door!"

    This has happened before, I register dimly, we're on another loop. I'm too busy slamming the door on someone's fingers to notice. I kick them free and slam the door again. I'm turning the key on the ignition - Ben, why didn't you turn the car on while I was fighting - and barreling through the two dozen people in front of us. One hits the windshield, scrabbles for purchase, and goes sliding off as we pick up speed.

    We're on the highway to Regina. It's night. I'm panicked and trying to decide if I should pull over and calm down or keep driving as fast as I can.

    "Slow down," says my brother, "This isn't helping." We're fairly far away from the compound.

    I slow down to 110 clicks, but I'm still passing other vehicles. This shouldn't be a double lane highway, should it?

    My brother gives me a look.

    "Shut up," I say, "The speed limit is 110."

    The road is twisty and I'm not sure where the lanes are and I'm starting to get confused. Abruptly, the car takes a random turn to the left, and I'm in the ditch, driving through a field that doesn't feel much different than the road.

    We come to a stop on another highway, adjacent to the first.

    "Maybe we should go this way?" No response from my brother, so I put the car back in drive and start moving at a reasonable pace.

    The road ends. We go flying off of a cliff. I see everything from the third person, the camera angle far above us and looking down at the mountains below.

    This wouldn't happen in real life, I reason. This is obviously a dream. I remember making a car fly in one of my previous dreams, so I try to do that now.

    I'm alone, falling through the air without a vehicle. I've slowed my descent reasonably, and I land at the base of a cliff crawling with rock climbers.

    I ignore them. What were my lucid goals again? Oh yeah, pyrokinesis. I bring my hands together like I'm holding a ball between them, and slowly bring them apart. Nothing's happening.

    I take a deep breath, focus on all of the rage and anger and fear that I felt in the previous dream. I bring my hands apart, and this time a chain of beads of fire forms between them. I wave my hands and the fire dissipates.

    Huh. Apparently it's easier to summon fire when you're actually being threatened. Good to know.

    I grab a cardboard box wedged in the rocks behind me and try to do the same thing. The cardboard smoulders on one edge, but doesn't catch fire.

    I climb up the cliff face and sit on one of the ledges. The place has shifted into an immense cavern, and sunlight is streaming in through the many entrances. The rock varies from pure white marble to pale grey granite.

    I see a pack of wolves in the distance. They're beautiful. They're on the same level as me. They get closer, and one comes over and sniffs at me. I growl at him, and he dances back, cautious. He comes closer again.

    We're standing at the ground level of the cave, trying to communicate. The wolf catches onto English quickly, and soon we're having a conversation that I can't remember.

    At the same time, we hear someone approaching in the distance.

    "It's a hunter," I tell the wolf. "You should run. Take the rest of your pack with you."

    Suddenly, I'm a lot younger, and won't be able to stand up to the hunter.

    The hunter shows up and realizes that his quarry got away. He gives me a ride back to town.

    "This place is totally empty," he tells me, "You might not be able to get a ride out for a while."

    "No worries." I eye the empty stretch of highway, remember what someone said on the forums. I hold my thumb out, and someone shows up within seconds.

    I climb into the car with a bunch of girls - there's one seat left - and we drive off to wherever we're going. I try to pay attention to the roads so I can remember how we got there.


    A dream about a bunch of different worlds. Apparently Aslan kicked everybody (including the animals) out of Narnia. Now talking animals and fairies and Faeries are wandering from world to world, trying to find somewhere to live. So am I, for that matter.

    I knock on the door. It opens to a short old woman, who asks what my name is.

    "I'm Rory."

    "No, you're not," she says, sounding angry. Apparently there's a prophecy about a girl named Rory.

    "I'm Rory, but I'm a guy?"

    "Oh, well, that's okay then." She invites me inside.

    There are fairies in cages. I can see the daring rescue from here.


    I'm Harry Dresden, and I'm in a city... somewhere. I remember that I was looking for ways to travel in dreams, and I wonder if I can use the Ways through Faerie.

    I'm reading the new Dresden Files book. My mom is in the room.

    "Oh, come on!" I say. My mom looks up, questioning.

    "Everyone is Michael's vessel. Dean Winchester was Michael's vessel. In that last thing I read, Lucifer was Michael's vessel. Now Dresden? This is getting ridiculous."

    Besides, Dresden already got possessed by an angel.

    My Driving. Scare Factor: 4.

    The Ways might be an interesting way of getting around, though. Dissolve the dream, wander through the Void, find what I'm looking for.

    (The Void being that blackness that seems to be behind every dream.)

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    Updated 03-03-2013 at 07:19 AM by 31096



    1. Hazel's Avatar
      DC's aren't allowed to drive. Apparently, I'm one to talk.
      Well, considering you were being chased by cannibals, you sort of have an excuse.

      Huh. Apparently it's easier to summon fire when you're actually being threatened. Good to know.
      Maybe that's my problem...

      I'm having an argument with someone, involving my name. I tell them that my name isn't really Samael; it's Jack. No, not Serenity's Jack. It's just Jack.
      Funny that we both had a dream about your name last night.
    2. Requiem's Avatar
      Excellent entry. I have so many questions.
    3. Serenity's Avatar
      I'm having an argument with someone, involving my name. I tell them that my name isn't really Samael; it's Jack. No, not Serenity's Jack. It's just Jack.
      Whoops! I didn't know your name when I chose my boyfriend's pseudonym! Actually, I didn't even technically choose his pseudonym, either. I just take names from a random name generator on a website. "Okay I need a girl name... Tamika... totally appropriate for a nerdy white chick, that'll work..." *coughs*
    4. Samael's Avatar
      Honestly, Jack's an IRL nickname (ie: it doesn't say that on my driver's license). I wouldn't worry about it too much.