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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    Warnings: violence, problems with authority, and links to TV Tropes.

    But in all seriousness, this journal legitimately contains the kind of graphic and disturbing content that gives people nightmares, so either that's a selling point or a reason not to read on. Just a heads up.

    As of 2015, dreams are ranked according to three categories:

    Adventure: How much fun and excitement can I fit into one dream?
    Control: How much control do I have over the narrative, environment, and dream powers?
    Fear: How scared and out of control do I feel? (Has very little to do with how Silent Hill the monsters get.)

    Regular dreams are in black (along with notes).
    Semi-lucid dreams are green.
    Lucid dreams are blue.

    1. #176. Flight

      by , 01-12-2011 at 10:54 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      I just found a Star Wars game for my phone. I decide to try it out, so I'm tilting it left and right, figuring out the controls. Spacebar is jump.

      I'm in the game. My surroundings are a dank green, covered in vines and rot. This was a school once. I try out the jump command, disappointed when I realize I have only first-level force jump. It doesn't matter; I'll be able to get around just fine.

      Obi-Wan's shade appears beside me to explain my mission. This is strange, because I'm pretty sure I'm a past version of him. The force ghost fizzles out and disappears, exploding into four green blobs of goo. They reform and immediately begin to scuttle about, taking shape as Gravelings, mischievous reptilian creatures that arrange the accidental deaths of the people around them.

      I strike with my single lightsaber, v-stepping in and twisting away after I cut through the torso of one of the gravelings. The creature goes still in shock, before it disintegrates in a flash of red sparks. With a sweep of my lightsaber, the others are scuttling away. I finish them off with force lightening.

      Later, alone in an empty room, I suddenly realize that I'm dreaming. It feels like waking up. I try to remember my goals, but I come up blank. Fine - I'll run. I love to run in dreams. I take a running start and leap from a four-foot ledge.

      In one reality, I can feel myself flying.
      I drift away, into the blue, blue sky, heedless of the ceiling that used to be there. Simultaneously I'm falling, landing. I can feel the remnants of the other reality until all four of my limbs slowly reach the floor. I lay my forehead onto the cold cement and just breathe.

      I see Zoe, walking away into a crowd of faceless people. I call out to her, chase after her. Her blonde hair swishes as she half turns, keeps walking.

      We're sitting side by side, looking at the massive crowd milling about through the mall. She's counting the cash in a till.

      "There's something you want to tell me," she says, flipping through a pile of five dollar bills.


      She scowls, but doesn't turn to look at me. "Well?" she asks, "What is it?"

      "You could say," I smile faintly, "That I have slightly more than platonic feelings for you."

      Her hands go still. "Oh."

      "But that doesn't matter," I say, leaning back.

      "And why is that?"

      "Because," I say, and I stretch my hands out in front of my face, "None of this is real."

      And the dream dissolves into static.

      Running. Scare Factor: 3.

      Updated 01-17-2011 at 03:20 AM by 31096

    2. #172. Seaweed

      by , 12-29-2010 at 07:11 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      Scrambling up wet black rocks, spray from the waterfall soaking me to the bone. Straight up to the top of the vertical cliff face. Looking out over the dark river snaking through the vast canyon, all sound drowned out by the constant roaring of the falls. Green, black, silver, and blue... It's a clear, crisp day, and I let the joy of the moment wash over me.

      The water is too shallow for me to jump safely... but this is a dream. I'm already half awake as I jump, as I plummet. Icy tendrils cut through me as I hit the ice-green water with a splash.

      I crawl through the interior of a small school bus surrounded by schools of fish. The sunlight from above barely reaches us, filtered through the water to be a dark yellow-green. I push through the wall of the bus, and it gives way like plastic wrap.

      I breathe. Around me, in every direction, are silver fish of every possible size and description. A face appears through the murk. A mermaid, her tail flicking around my leg and then she's in front of me. We're reaching for each other and we're kissing and the scene fades...

      And I'm sitting next to him, our knees touching as we laugh about some random happenstance.

      Seaweed. Scare Factor: 2/10.

      Updated 01-17-2011 at 03:21 AM by 31096

    3. #139. Cloud Mountains

      by , 09-05-2010 at 08:01 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      An airplane flies through the sky, slightly above the white clouds below. I'm a passenger, sitting in a window seat. The plane starts to descend.

      It's not supposed to. I'm willing the plane to keep a straight course, trying to pull up the nose of the plane. It's not working. I let go, hoping that when we get underneath the clouds, it'll be easier to keep the plane level.

      We hit white, fluffy clouds and suddenly, they aren't so fluffy anymore. The plane disappears, and I land in cold, white snow. I look around, realizing that I'm on the side of a mountain. There are pine trees all around me.

      So I'm dreaming. I'm in a forest, so that makes this the perfect time to work on Nomad's task. I appear within a cluster of trees, looking out over a snow-covered clearing. I know that I need a mirror, so I focus on pulling something together, a plain rectangle. Golden lines of light create an outline, the most light sparking around the corners.

      I can't hold it. The image falls away.


      Scare Factor: 3/10
      Rating: 4/10

      Updated 09-06-2010 at 04:26 AM by 31096

    4. #122. Waiting for a Train...

      by , 08-04-2010 at 07:37 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm driving my dad's old Ford truck, trying to get out of town. I'm not sure if I'm in Ixburg or Quickton, but I'm driving west (along the north road from Ixburg, what) so I can go watch the sunset on a hill. The hill apparently has a car wash, which I'm grateful for, because the interior of the car is soaked in blood. I'm driving on the right-hand side of the car, and the blood from the seat is seeping into my t-shirt. Another truck passes me on the west side, because I can't accelerate fast enough.

      At this point, I'm definitely driving down the highway through Quickton. I turn back onto the highway and start driving west. Until suddenly I'm not. I'm walking through the west side of town, my feet crunching over packed white snow. Then, for some reason, I'm walking along on my knees. A woman appears and asks what's wrong, but I don't remember what I told her.

      We both notice a smell in the air, some lemony entree that seems to be coming from a building. The woman says that the building is hers, but that I should come in out of the cold. I go inside and notice that the building is Curves, a women's gym.

      I look at one of the walls, covered in recipes for low fat foods. I'm reading one for french toast that says to saturate the bread in olive oil. And that's it. A plate appears in front of me and I try it. It tastes like corn syrup, but the bread is soggy.

      I turn around and see my martial arts instructor from Halifax. I remember that I had to tell him I wasn't coming to karate class (though he doesn't teach karate...), but the man tells me just to show up and do what I can.

      The scene shifts and I'm looking at a room with tall glass pillars and holograms. From a third person POV, I'm watching Neal, Peter, and Diana go through a training exercise. Neal is hanging back, looking nervous (I think I've had this dream before). Diana goes crashing through one of the glass pillars, and is suddenly falling several stories, flailing her arms.

      As Neal, I run to the edge of the floor, which has suddenly disappeared. I look for a way to help Diana, but there's nothing. In the next moment, her body is laying on the floor at an odd angle, blood oozing from a wound on her head.

      Then we're standing around the body, the floor having repaired itself, but glass still everywhere. We're beginning an investigation. Someone's writing on a notepad, and Peter is calmly explaining the next steps in our investigation.

      There's a montage of people in animal costumes, climbing the outside of glass buildings and waving at the people inside.

      I wake up and attempt to WILD, but fall asleep immediately.

      I'm walking along the service road, watching the train tracks carefully. The train tracks have replaced the highway that runs through town. I plan to jump onto a train going west. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I have enough money for a bus ticket to get back. I don't think I plan on coming back, though.

      I'm walking, now, with three other guys who have the same plan. One of them is a guy I knew from high school. We chat amicably, planning, and trying to figure out what kind of container would be easiest to get into. We also discuss our exit, saying that it'll be dark when we get wherever we're going, and that we'll have to jump from the train before we get into town, because the security there is too tight.

      There's a train driving along the road with other traffic, getting ready to merge into the train tracks. The train looks just like the one in Inception, but the jagged pattern is a dark yellow. This isn't the train we want.

      I imagine jumping onto a lit stretch of concrete, only to have it turn out to be water, covered in ice. I fall into the water, crashing through the ice, and try to get to shore. I have to climb over thin ice, though -

      I snap back into the present. We get ice cream from a vendor, and I'm trying to find a bathroom before we leave. I spot the train in the distance, though, and all four of us are running for the train tracks.

      Waiting for a Train. Scare Factor: 4.
    5. #93. My Driving

      by , 06-28-2010 at 09:19 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Monday, June 28, 2010

      A couple weeks ago, I implemented a new rule: DC's aren't allowed to drive. Apparently, I'm one to talk.

      I decide to give up my job in Quickton. I'm never going to have enough money for this, so it's time to leave. I hop on a bus, going west.

      Calgary is on a terrorist alert; somebody tried to get into the States and do something bad. As such, travel into the States is practically cut off for the time being.

      I'm on a boat, out in the ocean. It's a small boat, and I'm just sitting on a bench holding my backpack. I might be drawing on my ridiculously oversize tablet. The captain comes up to me and says we're getting close to the path of my next ship, so I should pack up. He hands me a whole bunch of change to cover the fare for the next boat.

      I wander onto the second boat with my tablet and my backpack. I'm shown to my room. The room itself keeps changing. There are huge windows looking out into a hallway at first, and the whole hallway is covered in posters. Later, the windows look out over a hostel-style common room that I remember from another dream. I remember thinking that it would be really cool to have one of the rooms overlooking the common room on the second story.

      I step through the wall and grab a book from one of the shelves.


      "They're fucking cannibals! Close the door, close the fucking door!"

      This has happened before, I register dimly, we're on another loop. I'm too busy slamming the door on someone's fingers to notice. I kick them free and slam the door again. I'm turning the key on the ignition - Ben, why didn't you turn the car on while I was fighting - and barreling through the two dozen people in front of us. One hits the windshield, scrabbles for purchase, and goes sliding off as we pick up speed.

      We're on the highway to Regina. It's night. I'm panicked and trying to decide if I should pull over and calm down or keep driving as fast as I can.

      "Slow down," says my brother, "This isn't helping." We're fairly far away from the compound.

      I slow down to 110 clicks, but I'm still passing other vehicles. This shouldn't be a double lane highway, should it?

      My brother gives me a look.

      "Shut up," I say, "The speed limit is 110."

      The road is twisty and I'm not sure where the lanes are and I'm starting to get confused. Abruptly, the car takes a random turn to the left, and I'm in the ditch, driving through a field that doesn't feel much different than the road.

      We come to a stop on another highway, adjacent to the first.

      "Maybe we should go this way?" No response from my brother, so I put the car back in drive and start moving at a reasonable pace.

      The road ends. We go flying off of a cliff. I see everything from the third person, the camera angle far above us and looking down at the mountains below.

      This wouldn't happen in real life, I reason. This is obviously a dream. I remember making a car fly in one of my previous dreams, so I try to do that now.

      I'm alone, falling through the air without a vehicle. I've slowed my descent reasonably, and I land at the base of a cliff crawling with rock climbers.

      I ignore them. What were my lucid goals again? Oh yeah, pyrokinesis. I bring my hands together like I'm holding a ball between them, and slowly bring them apart. Nothing's happening.

      I take a deep breath, focus on all of the rage and anger and fear that I felt in the previous dream. I bring my hands apart, and this time a chain of beads of fire forms between them. I wave my hands and the fire dissipates.

      Huh. Apparently it's easier to summon fire when you're actually being threatened. Good to know.

      I grab a cardboard box wedged in the rocks behind me and try to do the same thing. The cardboard smoulders on one edge, but doesn't catch fire.

      I climb up the cliff face and sit on one of the ledges. The place has shifted into an immense cavern, and sunlight is streaming in through the many entrances. The rock varies from pure white marble to pale grey granite.

      I see a pack of wolves in the distance. They're beautiful. They're on the same level as me. They get closer, and one comes over and sniffs at me. I growl at him, and he dances back, cautious. He comes closer again.

      We're standing at the ground level of the cave, trying to communicate. The wolf catches onto English quickly, and soon we're having a conversation that I can't remember.

      At the same time, we hear someone approaching in the distance.

      "It's a hunter," I tell the wolf. "You should run. Take the rest of your pack with you."

      Suddenly, I'm a lot younger, and won't be able to stand up to the hunter.

      The hunter shows up and realizes that his quarry got away. He gives me a ride back to town.

      "This place is totally empty," he tells me, "You might not be able to get a ride out for a while."

      "No worries." I eye the empty stretch of highway, remember what someone said on the forums. I hold my thumb out, and someone shows up within seconds.

      I climb into the car with a bunch of girls - there's one seat left - and we drive off to wherever we're going. I try to pay attention to the roads so I can remember how we got there.


      A dream about a bunch of different worlds. Apparently Aslan kicked everybody (including the animals) out of Narnia. Now talking animals and fairies and Faeries are wandering from world to world, trying to find somewhere to live. So am I, for that matter.

      I knock on the door. It opens to a short old woman, who asks what my name is.

      "I'm Rory."

      "No, you're not," she says, sounding angry. Apparently there's a prophecy about a girl named Rory.

      "I'm Rory, but I'm a guy?"

      "Oh, well, that's okay then." She invites me inside.

      There are fairies in cages. I can see the daring rescue from here.


      I'm Harry Dresden, and I'm in a city... somewhere. I remember that I was looking for ways to travel in dreams, and I wonder if I can use the Ways through Faerie.

      I'm reading the new Dresden Files book. My mom is in the room.

      "Oh, come on!" I say. My mom looks up, questioning.

      "Everyone is Michael's vessel. Dean Winchester was Michael's vessel. In that last thing I read, Lucifer was Michael's vessel. Now Dresden? This is getting ridiculous."

      Besides, Dresden already got possessed by an angel.

      My Driving. Scare Factor: 4.

      The Ways might be an interesting way of getting around, though. Dissolve the dream, wander through the Void, find what I'm looking for.

      (The Void being that blackness that seems to be behind every dream.)

      Updated 03-03-2013 at 07:19 AM by 31096

    6. #71. Spiral Staircases

      by , 06-14-2010 at 07:46 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I'm running up an underground staircase. I had the route planned out ahead of time, parkour sequences that he won't be able to duplicate. I've run through the attic of a school and into this place, a spiralling staircase with nothing but a thirty-story fall down the center.

      I get to level ground, and something feels off. I look at my hand. It's clawed, and pale-white, and moving on its own. I watch with sick fascination as the fingers move in impossible patterns, until I tear my gaze deliberately away, trying not to get more freaked out.

      When I look behind me, nothing is following. I look down the staircase and wonder what would happen if I -

      I jump.

      I feel the sick thrill of falling for a few seconds, before I reach out and catch myself in a web of orange and yellow, meters from the stone floor. I float in mid-air, close my eyes in contentment, and
      wake up.

      Spiral Staircases. Scare Factor: 5.
    7. #56. A cat!

      by , 06-14-2010 at 07:06 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I feel a steady pull somewhere, like I'm being summoned. Images of an immense stone cavern, alive with a bright blue energy.

      I seem to be on a road trip with my family. We get mixed up with the local vampires, and I have half of the population out to kill me. I'm standing in a hotel room with off-white walls and a duvet on the bed, talking to a woman with short blonde hair. She's an important figure to the vampires, and she's giving me information that might help me survive. We're planning something.

      Memory of a red metal door and what might be a gymnasium. Being chased by the vampires, slamming the door into the face/arm of one of them as I run outside. It's daylight, but I'm not sure if that bothers them. Outside a brick building, patches of green grass growing weed-like in the gravel.

      Space dream. Mentions of Kyle Katarn. I'm in a ship, dark metal interior. A DC thinks he's intimidating, but I don't feel the least bit threatened. Semi-lucid, I'm thinking about writing things down later. Sex dream.

      Weird FA. I still feel half-stuck in the dreamworld, but not immersed in it. I think about waiting at the Twin Towers that Walms mentioned as a possible meeting place, pull up an image of what used to be there. I'm standing on top of the north tower, beside the antenna. I think about the Task of the Month, jumping off a skyscraper. I watch my dream avatar jump from the building and land on her feet, as if I'm watching a video clip. The scale is all wrong; the DA is too tall in comparison to the building beside her.

      I'm Neal Caffrey from White Collar, helping to catch people. The dream-plot is nonsensical, and my surroundings are wavy coloured lines over white. I talk to Peter Burke about the people we caught by running into them with more wavy coloured lines that might have been a car.

      "OMFG A CAT!" I shout, pointing. A cat walks along the driveway. I have no idea what context could turn this into a momentous event. Maybe all the animals are dead?

      A CAT! Scare Factor: 3.
    8. #49. Dream Goals

      by , 06-14-2010 at 06:48 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      There's a wedding or a funeral in the family, and we (the "kids") are getting ready. I'm in a store, wondering if I dare to wear a tie. I do, deciding on a light blue dress shirt. I go over to the mirror to try it on, but I can't pull it closed over my breasts. Damn it, I think, annoyed, I shouldn't have to deal with this in my own dreams.

      I'm in the Ixburg apartment, doing a hand RC. Everything is slightly blurry. It's hard to move. The RC worked, and "I'm lucid," I repeat to myself, "I'm lucid, I'm lucid, I'm lucid." I look in the mirror of my bedroom door, and see a dark grey blob standing where I am. I peer to the side, and the blob doesn't move. I see myself, currently male. I have dark brown hair, longer than it is now. I'm wearing dark clothes, a black dress shirt unbuttoned over a t-shirt. No ties, apparently. Thank God. I see strange things in the background, and open the door before I get freaked out and this turns into a nightmare.

      I walk out of the apartment, fighting to stay grounded as everything blurs around me. I keep RCing and muttering that I'm lucid, until I'm halfway down the stairs and looking out of an east-facing window.

      The town has transformed itself once again, this time into what looks like a creepy green-tinged matte painting. The entrance to the building, which juts out into the gravel parking lot, is in ruins, and the entire field beyond is covered in water. About fifty yards away are a set of stone steps, leading up to a square stone arch. Someone is hanging from it, arms stretched into either corner, feet hanging above the ground.

      At first, I think it's a woman, but the scene shifts into someone I'm pretty convinced is Walms. At this point, Walms is down from the arch, probably having escaped the bonds (or rescued someone else from them). I have to hurry if I want to catch up to him.

      I look down at the uneven ground and sigh. I don't suppose this will count as a skyscraper? But no. Maybe I'll do the flower thing later. I throw myself off the building, feel my speed building -

      Pause, as I consider where to land.

      Full-speed, I crash into the remains of the entrance, numbly feeling my ankle bend at an impossible angle. I stand up, feeling no pain, and head east toward the blurry archway.

      There's no one here, unfortunately. I sigh, and look beyond the arch. There's a whole bunch of people milling around on the lawn beyond it, so I consider trying the flower task. I pick up a flowering piece of the clover weed that runs rampant around Ixburg, and scan the area for someone my age - most of the people here are elderly.

      I focus on the piece of clover in my hand and it turns into a violet. The colours shift and blur and it becomes a rageddy, fushia thing. The flower shifts into a perfect bunch of green and I concentrate, pulling a pink rose-bud from the centre.

      I spot a woman my age exiting the Quickton college. She couldn't be a supermodel, but she has long, blonde hair, and something else draws me to her. I hand her the rose, smiling. "This is for you," I say, and turn away.

      "Wait!" she says. She looks like she's about to say something important. "Are you Israel."

      I don't know what she means, and I answer honestly. "I don't know." I say, and walk away.

      I'm play fighting with a dog, probably a Great Dane. I realize that I'm losing lucidity, so I concentrate and RC and start saying, "I'm lucid."

      Everything is blurry as I walk into a building and do a hand RC. I can see all five fingers, but they're all attached between the index and middle knuckles. I see a guard, and -


      People are talking about animals in pairs. Apparently, there are two such animals that signify love. What about dogs, I want to ask snidely, but I'm not actually there. Jackson thinks the sign might apply to him, but O-Neill scoffs and starts making fun of him.


      FA, I scramble for my dream journal, but there's a bunch of different notebooks beside my bed and I can't find the right one. I'm lying on the bed when I realize that I'm dreaming. I push into the waking world (for the first time) so I don't forget the dream.

      Dream Goals. Scare Factor: 2.[/QUOTE]
    9. #43. Bees

      by , 06-14-2010 at 06:31 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Image of a blonde woman. She looks like Ripley Grace from Avatar.


      Two groups are transported to a dark and scary place, lit up with a lot of orange. The cobblestone streets are coming loose in places, and stone structures are crumbling.

      The group that arrives ahead of us are poachers. There are four or five of them and three or four of us. We appear practically on top of them, which is Not A Good Thing, because we're rivals/enemies/nemeses of each other.

      We start to spot tiny little insects, looking like the drops of water in the first scene of Avatar (guess what movie I finally saw last week). They're bees. Honey-bees, to be precise. The bear-man in the other group freaks out and runs down a stone flight of steps, batting at the bees as he goes. I get the feeling that he's heading toward the hive.

      Run, you fools! They're trying to kill you!

      The bear-man in our group (symmetry, I suppose) suggests that we run. Quietly. In the other direction.


      I'm in the apartment in Ixburg. I'm still trying to get away from the bees, but at this point I know I'm dreaming. The goal of the dream is to get to another floor, either up or down, and the stairs would be too easy. I move away from the door, toward the master bedroom, remembering my attempts to reach an attic through a closet in a previous dream (#49: Misogynists, Scientists, Doctors, Little Girls, Monsters, and Faeries).

      Still gonna kill you.

      There's a second exit from the apartment, leading down a hallway we used for storage. I pause as I move to pass it, and decide this would be a good time to practice "Open A Door, Create A Portal". I don't really want to leave this dream, for, say, the moon, but I decide to open it up for practice anyway. I concentrate on what I'd see if I made it to the moon (the image has a moon in the sky, oops) and push the door open.

      The hallway has become a steep flight of steps leading two floors down. I'm thrilled, because regardless of my intent, this is exactly what I wanted. I fling myself down the stairs, not worried about the landing, because I'm well aware that there won't be any impact. At this point, I'm quickly moving through the building by skipping the stairs entirely. I peer down each level and jump as far as I can. At one point, I take care to concentrate entirely on the feeling of falling - as if the bottom is dropping out of my stomach. It's horrifying - and absolutely brilliant.

      I think back to something I said yesterday, that my falling dreams usually end with me bouncing off the ground. That's not quite accurate, I decide. It's more like I've jumped a foot into the air and landed toe, ball, heel.

      Or maybe it was like this!

      Nope, totally grounded.

      The actual building this dream is based on has four floors, including the basement. I must have extended this by several stories, as I lost track of the time that I played on the stairs. Finally, I reach the basement.

      I look around and down the hallway, marvelling over how real all this feels. I feel more awake right now than I usually do while I'm conscious.

      There are railings criss-crossing throughout the basement. I remember the April dreaming task (last chance!). Stand on your head, right? I go to a place where the railings meet at a 90 degree angle. I grip the railings, and pull myself up into a handstand.

      I can feel the burn in my arms. Balancing isn't a problem, but I have to work to support myself in that position. Letting out a huff of exultation, I lower myself gracefully to the ground, grinning all the while.

      Because I can't do this in real life. Yet.

      The advanced task reads "Stand on your head", literally. I concentrate on the shadows cast by the light source behind me, put my fingers over my temples and under my jaw, and gently pull away from me and downward.

      From a first person POV, I'm watching the shadows intently, seeing the shape of my head separated from my body. Suddenly, I'm brought back to the starting position. I concentrate on my reflection in a dusty mirror, and repeat the process, slowly. I see my only my silhouette. I bend my knees and try to place my head on the floor, only to find myself in a sitting position, legs bent outward, stretching toward the floor.

      I'm still in the basement. My mom is folding laundry, and there are piles of clothes all over the place. I see a pink or blue t-shirt, apparently my mom's, that reads "Slytherin Mom". I start telling her about the dream I just had.

      I "wake up" in my room at my parents' house. I write down my dreams for the night. I check my alarm clock, but I'm too tired to do the RC properly. I'm annoyed by my mom, because she keeps popping into the room while I'm trying to sleep.


      I'm chatting with some people in an imaginary gay bar. A girl tells me I ought to come out more. No pun intended.


      I'm doing dishes via telekinesis. The mice from Cinderella will be disappointed that they didn't get to help, but they did the dishes in the last dream. Which means they haven't done the dishes in this dream. Which means I'll still have to do the dishes when I wake up.

      I bring garbage out to the dumpster behind the shed. I'm Alice in Wonderland. After falling down the rabbit hole, I meet my character's worst enemy.


      And then I'm a scary-looking monster horse hissing at the singing monstrosity.[/QUOTE]
    10. #28. Teletubbies

      by , 06-14-2010 at 05:23 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      There's a tall building reaching to the sky in a giant spiral. It has something to do with Bruce Wayne, I think I met him, I don't know. I'm exploring the huge building when I happen onto a route outside. I've found a viewpoint from Assassin's Creed. For some reason, I need the eagle, so I sneak up to it and catch it! I'm holding onto the eagle as I jump, knowing that I'm about to fly up into the sky!

      I fall. And fall, and fall, and fall, and (viewpoints are very high up, you know) fall. I twist around to protect the bird I'm holding in my hands, and land on my side without much of an impact. Aside from turning into a very small owl, the bird is fine. I'm glad, but I'm also very disappointed at the lack of flying.


      I'm in a space station, trying to sabotage a robot, because it is evil. I pop the robot's cassette tape from a wall, and move over to a desk. Or a checkout. I think I'm resisting the change from space station to convenience store.

      Two female DCs are freaking out on me (one is my fictional boss on the project), wondering what the hell I'm doing with that tape because it could ruin the whole project. They're not getting in my way, so I ignore them. I pop the tape into a recording device and record the ambient noise. I briefly consider reprogramming the robot by manipulating the sounds being recorded.


      Teletubbies are attacking the earth.

      They're flying in from outer space and attacking us. I zoom into the tall cylinder building from a previous dream and start fighting teletubbies.

      Teletubbies. Scare Factor: 2. Reaction: Kill them. [/QUOTE]
    11. #14. Voices Trying to Limit Your Dream Control

      by , 06-14-2010 at 03:49 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Go to the moon was kind of my madness mantra last night. Attempted to remember that I wanted to do this.

      I'm in the basement of a building my grandparents used to own. In the dream, it had been extensively remodeled since then. I try to apply the actual blueprints to the dreamscape, but it's too confusing. I hear newborn kittens. I see a few heads of bread-mice scattered around. The mice here are made of bread. I pick up a half-eaten copy of a book by Neil Gaiman, and decide that this is all his fault somehow.


      I'm in a love story, switching between two of the three main characters' points of view. I leave down the stream with the guy who's not me? This is confusing.


      I'm in a forest, hearing a Voice that gives me instructions. I'm happily running through, surrounded by green, green grass and trees, when I come to a stream. I jump straight over it, but land awkwardly on the other side, not having gone as far as I thought I would.

      Water saps your power away, The Voice explains, That makes rivers difficult to cross.

      I'm frustrated, because dreams should be doing whatever I tell them to, but the dream-logic makes sense for now. I consider another, wider, river nearby.

      I'm near where the forest was, but now I'm surrounded by stone: banisters and stairways and what could make for some very fun parkour sequences. I glide up onto the banister, ready to jump, when I suddenly realize that because this is a dream, I really can go anywhere.

      Go to the moon.

      Oh, yeah, I was gonna try to do that tonight. I hop off the banister, landing easily on the stone floor. I hold a hand out as I had visualized, feeling through the dream-fabric. I feel and hear a buzzing, and watch in amazement as the dream within stone building abruptly disintegrates, leaving only the night sky. I look down, fully aware that I made it and I'm on the moon and -

      Too much surprise.

      I'm lying face down on the bed, just like when I last went to sleep. Everything is dark and I keep my eyes shut, trying for another shot at the dream. I feel plastic beneath my hands*, but I aim to kneel down and feel the moon rocks that must be at my feet.


      "How the hell are we going to stop that thing?"

      "I'll take care of it."


      "I'll take care of it."

      I'm using a fellow officer as bait, but I don't have any strong feelings on the matter. The monster is approaching from down the hallway, turning a corner toward me. It spots me, and I retreat into the room, leaving the door open behind me. I'm standing just around a corner, out of sight from the door. The monster steps into the room, and spots the injured officer lying on the bed.
      I remind myself that this is a dream and I will be able to do this.

      The monster rounds the corner, snarling, and I grab it by the scruff of the neck and somewhere along the back (it might have been wearing clothes) and I throw it - hard - toward the window. It goes flying as if it weighed a pound, crashing either through the mirrored door of the closet and the wall behind it. It didn't land as if it weighed a pound.

      I'm outside, on the red, ceramic tile rooftops, no longer worried about the monster. I consider taking another shot at getting to the moon. I hold up another hand, trying to feel the dream fabric. I little bit of deep blue bleeds through where my hand is. I put up the other hand, trying to force myself through. It doesn't work. New method.

      I'm standing at the edge of a rooftop, unable to see into the abyss that lies before me. I jump, only concerned that this might make me wake up. I land. Without looking, I can tell I'm still in the same dream-scape, so I jump again.

      This time I fall and fall and fall, visualizing the black tower that Nomad described. I land, easily, and I can tell that I am, in fact, on the top of a black tower. When I open my eyes, though, I consider that this might not have been the one I was looking for. This one is only three or four stories high, and it's surrounded by brick buildings on all sides. A watchtower. I sigh.

      I hop down onto the dirt and paving stones, and look around at the DCs in the area. There's a cute blonde with long, wavy hair, chatting with some friends at the edge of the courtyard. I consider that I might be half in the moon-dream somehow and these might be real people, but I dismiss the thought as unlikely and walk toward the girls.

      I step through her friends, smiling at the blonde girl and holding out a hand. She takes it, and I spin her around and kiss her. Oddly, I have the sudden ability to smell and taste (morning breath) and I quickly block it out.
      And suddenly I'm playing a game of the Sims, and there are a bunch of options on the screen. Now I'm talking to family members on the other side of the courtyard and looking for the girl so I can actually talk to her?

      Voices Trying to Limit Your Dream-Control. Scare Factor: 2. Though the bread-mice were somehow creepy.

      *So very much a false awakening.