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    Thread: JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

    1. #151
      Member The Dreaming Zombie's Avatar
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      Awesome lucids. Those were some very interesting thoughts on the nature of our dreams. I have never really tried questioning how it happens but more as to why.
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    2. #152
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      Just some of the stuff I wonder about all the time! Why is an interesting one as well. Maybe the brain doesn't need as much rest as the body. It rests in non-REM sleep, then it needs something to do the rest of the time. That is total guesswork like, I'm sure there's a proper reason for dreams!

    3. #153
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      Flying Cars and Warm Sun (DILD)


      I was woken up early this morning by an alarm I don't remember setting, felt hungover to the max, so went back to sleep. Say what you like about hangovers, but they're prime time for lucidity!

      Me and about three friends were visiting a city in America. In appearance, it looked a lot like Paris, with old-ish but fashionable buildings and a tram line running along the street. We all sat down for a drink at a white table and chairs at the side of the road. Looking to my right, I could see all the way down to the sea. We were quite high up. I noticed what appeared to be a space research centre a few miles away. Attatched to the outside was a spaceship simulator. It was grey, futuristic and lifesize. Suddenly, the simulation began. It started rocking about and going from side to side. I turned to the table and said,
      "That's the most awesome thing I've ever seen." Next, a blue car flew up into the air from near the space centre. It was not unlike the car from the second Harry Potter movie, but I couldn't see it very well from the distance I was at.
      "Scratch that," I said. "That's the most awesome thing I've ever seen!" It flew off into the distance as I tried to rationalise it. I started talking about the Moller Skycar, and assumed that must be one of them.

      A train soon came along the track beside us. I was expecting a tram, but I was even more surprised to see that every so often, the entire train would lift off the ground and float for a few metres, before landing back on the track. I got curious, and then
      lucid. I stood up and floated myself up onto the railing beside the table.
      "So what was that all about?" I asked the table, half laughing. Nobody answered, and I quickly forgot about them, becoming absorbed in floating between walls and fences as I made my way downhill. I noticed that, hungover as I was, I felt fine in the dream. I looked out towards the sea, and decided I wanted to get down there. I thought about just launching myself, but I didn't feel up to the extreme falling sensation that always comes with it. So I glided my way down the hill, which soon became sand dunes. I hit the ground running (literally), and ran the rest of the way down the dunes like I used to do when I was a kid at the beach. I looked up at the sun, and could really feel its warmth. I turned around, and for the first time in a dream, noticed my shadow. The scene was beautiful. On the beach were tall brown rocks, on which some people had laid out towels to sunbathe on. I headed for the shore, and a woman on my left caught my attention.
      "Do you want to have sex with me?" she asked.
      "Mmmmm, naaah," I replied after some thought. It seemed like a waste of a lucid. I wandered into an arrangement of rocks which was shaped almost like a house, and started talking to some people inside.
      I think I lost lucidity around here, because I spent ages trying to help a DC with his phone instead of doing something interesting.

      Then I was woken up by some jackass ringing me about "payment insurance protection" or some bullshit like that.

    4. #154
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      Vampire Invasion (DILD)


      This was a really long dream where I gained and lost lucidity five or six times. Unfortunately I can only remember fragments.

      A meeting was called between all the people in a town to discuss what to do about vampires, who were growing in number in the area. Most of the group was made up of militant rednecks, shouting "Yee-haw" and firing off shotguns. Eventually the decision was made that we should go to war with them. On the way out of the building, everyone was having their picture taken and retinas scanned, to make ID cards. I was next in the queue, but people kept taking my place. When I finally got to the machine, I entered my name. Then another guy came along and had his picture taken. The machine had recorded that I was an overweight hillbilly wearing nothing but dungarees. When I was the last one in the room, I tried again, but the operator thought everyone was done, so he put the camera away. I yelled at him and thought,
      "This is ridiculous."
      I became lucid. I can't remember much of what I did next, but I have memories of running outside and getting laid into some vampires. I tore off jaws, decapitated, and punched clean through a whole crowd of them. One sick sight I came across was a naked guy strapped to a cart. Somebody had bitten his dick off, and a vampire woman was pushing him around the streets as a free meal for any vampires. Needless to say, I opened up a can of whoopass on her.

      Later on, I found out about a group of women who had pimped out a bus and were going around killing vampires. They called themselves something like "Women Against Vampires", I can't remember it exactly. I stood in the middle of the road as their bus approached me. I had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit, and became lucid again. I ran behind the bus and jumped straight up on top of it. From there, I beat the shit out of several vampires who leapt on board as the bus was still going.

      There was much, much more to this, but I can't remember it!

    5. #155
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      It's a Strange World (DILD)


      I tried a WILD in the early afternoon because I was knackered from getting up way too early. I ended up just falling asleep normally though, but I got some rolling sensations later on.

      I got up from my bed and started having a conversation with my friend Jamie, who was pacing up and down in my room for some reason. I turned towards the window, and got the strange impression that he was going to attack me. I also got very dizzy out of the blue. Something didn't seem quite right, so I thought for a second, then realised this must be a dream! Right away everything started to fade out. I don't know what happened. I wasn't excited enough to wake myself up, but I did anyway.

      Later on, I dreamt that I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, trying to DEILD. Little did I know I was actually still properly asleep. I could see a computer screen through my eyelids, but I convinced myself I had just looked at it in real life and now I was just recalling it. At one point I opened my eyes a crack, and saw the screen much clearer. (Although I thought it was real life) If I had just gone with that I would have had a sweet lucid, but no such luck.

      EDIT: I've been on a bit of a dry spell lately and my DJ is gathering virtual dust, so I might type up a couple of weird lucid/OBE's I had about a year ago- the ones which caused me to find this site.

    6. #156
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      Very cool stuff, and yeah you should post up those OBEs. Find 'em interesting to read.

      I can't remember if I've asked you this already, but I've had virtually no DILD experience and I was just wondering that when you realise you're dreaming in the middle of a dream, do things just suddenly change...like taking over auto-pilot?

    7. #157
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      Sorry I took so long replying, busy day (or 2). In response to your question- yeah, it is a bit like taking over from autopilot. Something strange will happen, or something just doesn't feel right, which gives you a feeling of curiosity. -leading to a RC. The feeling varies, like sometimes it can be a huge blast of enlightenment, eg. "Holy shit I can't believe this is a dream, time to do tasks!" or it can be a casual realization, eg. "Hey I'm dreaming, fancy that. I'll float down the street now." What I mean is, you get varying degrees of lucidity from DILDs. The "huge blast of enlightenment" ones are great, cuz they're so stable, and you stay lucid for aaages. I got three DILD's this morning which were all the more casual kind, I'll post them as soon as I get some time alone- along with those OBEs.

      Hey btw, I just realised where your avatar is from! It's Bob from Day of the Dead! I got that on DVD for christmas and watched it last night. I got into zombie movies about a year ago, I'm trying to watch them all.

    8. #158
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      Thanks, that cleared things up. And yeah awesome, the Romero "...Of the Dead" series is really great, I got hooked onto 'em when I was young and stayed up late one night and watched Dawn of the Dead. Day of the Dead is one of my favourites though, awesome movie. Though since it is becoming a popular genre there are a lot of crap low-budget ones to avoid.

      Guess I'd better start getting used to RC'ing to get some DILDs. Wouldn't mind having a lucid zombie dream to kick some ass.

    9. #159
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      Cool Shades (DILD)


      I was woken up numerous times this morning, but I was so tired I went straight back to sleep and had some sweet dreams. Three of these, I became lucid in, and the fourth was just exhilerating (although non-lucid). Since I'm writing this over 24hrs after having the dreams, all I can remember are the lucid parts.

      I was crossing a busy street beside a roundabout in quite a picturesque town. There was a park on the other side I wanted to go to. As I stepped off the kerb (which was quite high) I noticed that the impact of my foot hitting the road wasn't as hard as I expected. In fact, it was like I floated a bit. I checked my left hand, and it had so many fingers it looked like an old-fashioned hand fan. Maybe the most ridiculous my hand has ever looked! I chuckled to myself and floated across the road a few feet off the ground. I stopped before reaching the other side, and had to do a swimming motion with my arms to get to the kerb.

      I floated into the park. It had three or four levels. As I went farther in, the levels got lower. There were people subathing on deck chairs on every level. Apparently the park had been designed to take advantage of the sun's position in the sky throughout the day, to get maximum sunlight. I floated 10-15 metres above the sunbathers. Looking down, I could see that each level of the park had a huge trampoline. This reassured me- I was getting to a height above which I always get nervous. I spotted one female sunbather, reclining on a lounger. She was wearing an awesome pair of sunglasses. I wanted them. I held out my arm and plucked them off her face with telekenisis from far above. They had black lenses and big orange/black plastic frames. I put them on and swooped off.

      I think I was woken up again here.
      Last edited by J.D.; 02-08-2010 at 03:28 PM. Reason: adding cool shades photo

    10. #160
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      Casino! (DILD)


      I was walking round a petrol station, looking at golf clubs. I thought,
      "Why the hell am I looking at golf clubs?" and became lucid. I stepped outside through the automatic door, and found myself in Las Vegas. It was night time, and I was on the strip. I looked around in wonder at all the flashing lights. Out of nowhere, my brother Matthew appeared by my side. I just looked round and he was there.
      "Come on," I said. "We're going to the casino!" I pointed across the road at a casino which was lit up with pink and red neon lights. It looked like it was pulsating, the way the lights were configured.

      We had to cross the strip. I started singing a stupid song about "Going to the Casino," and after a minute, it sounded like a whole brass band was backing me! I continued singing, and the band made eveything sound brilliant. It really was an excellent song, but I can't remember any of it!

    11. #161
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      Guidance (DILD)


      I was sitting in the assembly hall of my primary school, for some reason. Something or other turned me lucid as everyone got up to leave. I saw the hottest girl ever across the crowd. She was a bit smaller than me, with long blonde hair. I tried to keep an eye on her, as I thought she might disappear if I looked away, like how writing always changes in dreams. (I was more lucid here than in the previous two dreams) I made a beeline for her, but I was stopped by my friend Hugh. Strangely, he knew this was a dream. He said,
      "Don't bother going after her, wait here." I sensed that he had something important to say. "These two will help you out," he continued, indicating a couple who stepped into my field of vision. I turned round to look at them, wondering if Hugh meant I should have sex with them, or just ask them for advice. The man was skinny, pale, had a goatee and wore glasses. The woman was pretty unremarkable. I frowned with puzzlement. They didn't say anything, so I flew out into the sky via a skylight, and fell back down through another.

      Then I was woken up again.

    12. #162
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      Skydiving!! (Non-lucid)


      Awesome dream.

      I was on holiday with about 30 other people. We were sitting around a swimming pool under parasols. I can't remember much about this part. The next thing I remember is one of the holidaymakers, who was a professional animator, knitted a hot air balloon in about 20 seconds. It was a strange design, made of wool, and it could carry all of us. We were all attached to harnesses which were then attached by ropes to the balloon section itself. (Diagram below!) In the beginning, the balloon was no more than a big flat pile of wool we were all attached to, but it lifed up from the middle, and rose up in the air very quickly.

      M=Me, D=Donovan

      Soon we were miles high, and I could see for hundreds of miles around. The ground was largely green, with a few small towns, and two mountains in the distance. The guy piloting the balloon was called Donovan. He was roped on at the very bottom middle, where the basket would normally be. He shouted,
      "Everyone ready?" and everyone replied,
      "Yes!" He pulled a cord, and the balloon split. We were in freefall. 30 of us, roped together. It was the most exhilerating experience ever. (makes me want to do real skydiving) The ground was spinning far below us. For a few seconds, I went into a head-first dive. It became scary, so I closed my eyes. Then I thought closing my eyes was a waste of the view, so I opened them again.

      It was then that I realised I didn't have a parachute. In fact, no one did, except Donovan. Apparently the plan was for him to open his own parachute, which was big enough to take all of us. We fell closer and closer to the earth. I could see individual houses quite clearly.
      "Donovan, NOW!" somebody shouted. Still he waited. I thought,
      "This could very well be it, I might die here." The thought was strangely liberating. It looked like we were going to land in a large field near a village. Right at the last second, Donovan pulled the ripcord and the parachute opened. Since he was a few metres below me, and there was a few metres of rope between him and me, I had to fall another 7 or so metres before I felt the almighty tug of the parachute and I was saved from death only a metre above the ground. I slammed into the grass with quite some force nonetheless, but my ass took the impact. A few others weren't so lucky, as all around me people thudded straight into the ground. They got up unhurt, and I was ecstatic from the experience.

    13. #163
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      Ice Hockey (Non-lucid)


      I was playing in an ice hockey match, except the rules were more like baseball. There was a batting team and a fielding team. Everyone still used hockey sticks and a puck though. I was very poorly equipped, and had to keep switching pads with people getting subbed in and out.

      One time while I was waiting on the bench, Wayne Rooney sat down beside me. I talked to him for a bit, then took a photo with him. A whole bunch of my friends jumped in as well. The photo was really crap quality, and I had to retake it.

      Later, I was back on the ice, and managed to stop a home run by blocking the puck with an un-padded area of my shin. It didn't hurt at all, which I should have questioned more. A few other times, I stretched out and missed the puck by inches. I didn't really expect myself to be able to do it, and funnily enough, I couldn't.

      I'm going to have to add "Celebrities" to my list of dreamsigns along with "Wet Phone". It was very useful to write in my DJ about the wet phone dreamsign, as it seemed to really solidify it in my head, and I got lucid off it a couple of times since then.

    14. #164
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      Driving Practice (Non-lucid)


      I've only ever driven a car once before, a couple of years ago, and I'm due to start lessons soon, so it was on my mind.

      I was driving down a not-very-busy road, but kept stalling. I remembered how to start the car and get it going. Although I can't remember now what order I did any of it in. I put the gearstick in neutral, held down the clutch, turned the key, then eased on the accelerator and let out the clutch... or something like that. The car started anyway.

    15. #165
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      Gladiatores Pugnant! (WILD)


      This one was actually made up of the initial WILD, then countless DEILDs, but for the sake of neatness I'll keep them all in the same entry.

      I was sleepy this morning, so I tried to WILD. I lay on my back for, I'd say, 25 minutes before switching to my right side. It was only about 5 more minutes after that before I got into a dream.

      I had a FA in my old house. It was a sunny day, and the curtains were open in my bedroom. I went straight to the window, opened it, and climbed out. Standing on the roof, I looked up and down the street, just taking everything in. It really amazes me sometimes. I was still wearing my dressing gown, so I took it off, then floated down to my front garden. I got distracted by taking a detour round the side of the house, finding it strange that the side gate was open. I floated back onto the roof, and sat down with my back against the chimney. I could feel the rough bricks against my back very clearly. After some pondering, I remembered the task of the year. I had been thinking about it before I got to SP. With a gladiator fight in mind, I thought about a way to change scene to Ancient Rome. I jumped off the roof and landed in the back garden. A big red plastic bucket (about 3 feet in diameter) I used to own was sitting in the long grass near the back fence. I approached it, trying to convince myself it was one of the pipes from Super Mario which would drop me out in the sky above the Colloseum. There was water in the bucket. Without hesitation I dunked my head in, and the rest of my body followed. It was (as always) a bit surprising to find I could breathe underwater. On the bottom of the bucket were some stones. I focused on one which was vaugely Colosseum-shaped lol and tried to imagine that it was the Colosseum- I was just far above it. I tried to think of all the other stones as buildings and the spaces between them as roads. I wasn't getting anywhere, so I shut my eyes and did a somersault, hoping that when I opened my eyes, I would be falling towards the Colosseum. As I did this, I shouted,
      Unfortunately, I woke myself up.

      I wasn't quite awake, but was back in my body seeing nothing but blackness and feeling SP. This has come up a few times before- I like to think of it as the "loading program" for DEILD's, like from The Matrix.

      I had a view of a scene for a second, like I was looking through a peephole. I concentrated on the sand on the floor of the Colosseum (think Gladiator), rubbed my hands in it, and soon felt integrated enough to stand up. I was in the Colosseum all right, but it was night time, and the floor area was slightly smaller than I expected. There were people standing all around me, looking up at the crowd. They were all carrying weapons of some kind, but not much armour. The most anyone had was a helmet.

      Suddenly, a klaxon sounded. It was a really horrific noise, lasting two seconds, coming from some unearthly instrument. At its sound, the gladiators in the arena drew their weapons and charged at each other. The crowd roared. I reached down by my sides and pulled out two scimitars.
      "Haah!" I laughed. I was still in my dressing gown. I ran forward into the nearest bunch of fighters, slashing wildly. I don't even know if I got anybody, but after a minute the survivors ran off.

      I paused to indulge in some victorious sword-twirling, but dropped one. I sheepishly threw the other one down beside it, hoping the crowd would think it was deliberate.

      I had a FA then, in my bedroom. My TV was switched on, which is unusual becuase it has no aerial input, and the DVD player doesn't work. I sat up in bed, too aware of this oddity to be fooled into non-lucidity. I wanted to examine what was on carefully, to determine whether or not I was hearing the TV from downstairs or something. The first thing was an ad for PKR. The ad's audio claimed that it was PokerStars, but I recognised the sims-like graphics of PKR. It was one of those ads which makes online-poker look really cool. One female player put in a big raise, and the grey-haired dude to her left raised his eyebrow suspiciously before confidently calling her bluff to win the hand. Then Glee came on, a show I've never really been interested in. One of the main characters was sleeping on a pile of bedclothes on the floor. Her friend came in and woke her up. What convinced me that I was not in fact hearing the TV from downstairs, was that she called the main main character "Glee". I knew this to be bullshit, since the name "Glee" comes from "Glee Club"- which I understand to be a nerdy persuit in High Shool. (Thanks to Weird Al)

      I half-woke up again, and visualised being back in front of the TV, drumming on the stand. I ended up a few feet back from the TV, with an awesome redhead sitting on my lap. She showed me a good time.

      After another DEILD, I found myself lounging on my bed talking to some friends. Well, I tried to talk but couldn't make any noise without (I reckoned) waking myself up. The curtains were closed, giving the room an orangey glow. I skipped forward and wound up in the back seat of a car with three of my friends. I tried to get a certain hot girl I know to appear beside me, but I only managed to spawn an ugly 15 yr old girl. :S I don't think I was 100% lucid here, because I got a "false memory" implanted somehow. Apparently I had just been camping with this group of friends.

      I woke up yet again, and my whole body felt seriously heavy, like it was made of stone. I think I'm getting better at holding on to dreams. To get back in again, I "felt" myself typing random words, which just formed up in my subconsious. Some of them were complete jibberish, and they certainly didn't make any sense as a sentence. However I distinctly remember typing the word "Personality".

      In another DEILD, I heard a very distinctive, high-pitched whine. It seemed to be coming from my brain itself, and felt like a vibration. Hard to describe. I focused on it until it became almost deafening, and made me extremely dizzy. I found myself in the living room, and decided to go visit my friend Lucy from down the street. I ran and headbutt-dived through the front window as I did once before, and headed out of the driveway. I accidentally knocked my shin against the wall on the way out which actually hurt a bit!

      I was eventually woken up by someone knocking the door downstairs. I heard it from within the dream, which made me focus too much on the waking world. When I awoke, I found a massive pool of drool under my face.

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      Stuff to Do

      There's a few things I want to do in future lucids to increase quality and vividness. I thought I'd post them in here to remind myself. The main one is to find more natural methods of dream control than forcing my visualizations into existence in the dream world. In the sweet WILD I had earlier, there were a few times where I tried to change scene, or get someone to appear, purely by trying to see them. It kind of half-worked, but I lost a lot of focus on the entire dream world, and the results were pretty poor. (One example was a ghost-like, ugly girl who appeared instead of a hot girl I was after- her face also distorted a few times)

      I guess the results were so bad because my imaginative facilities were already in full use with rendering an entire world. That could be why it's hard to visualise things in your head in dreams- everything is already in your head, we can't have a "dream imagination" without the subject of our imagination coming into existence... can we? Anyway, if I maybe used some more logic-friendly control methods, I could get clearer results.

      Also, I'm about to crack 4000 views, thanks for reading, everyone! (Esp. The Dreaming Zombie, who comments! )
      Last edited by J.D.; 02-09-2010 at 01:00 AM. Reason: wordage

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      Disturbed (DILD)


      Had a bizzare dream this morning. I think I must have been in a terrible mood (in the dream) when I became lucid each time, and just wanted to wake up.

      I was on a country lane at night, halfway up a cliff. As soon as I became lucid I dove straight off the cliff for no real reason I can remember. I landed on a road exactly the same (it seemed like the exact same road). So I got up and threw myself in front of a car.

      There were a couple of other attempts at self-destruction which were a massive waste of time, looking back. Most just lost me lucidity.

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      End of The World (MILD)


      I was thinking about the task of the year before I went to sleep, particularly the "End of the World" part. I wondered how I could logistically get to the future and have the world end. This caused my first (uninentional) MILD. I couldn't think of anything lying in bed, but luckily my subconscious did the work for me.
      The earliest part of the dream I remember is watching the planets revolving around the sun. They were nowhere near to scale- all the planets were far too big and far too close to the sun, but what the hell. I looked at the Earth, and out of the corner of my eye (if I had eyes, I can't recall any sort of body), saw a huge chunk of rock drifting closer and closer. It wasn't a conventional comet- what it reminded me of was a shot of a Star Destroyer from the start of one of the older Star Wars movies. It was that kind of flat-ish shape and very long. Far larger than the Earth. I became very alarmed.
      "Didn't the people on Earth know about this? How could they miss it?
      Ohhhhh..." I became lucid when I realised what was about to happen and remembered the task. From my vantage point, I watched with a kind of morbid interest crossed with dread. To my surprise, instead of obliterating my beloved planet, the Star Destroyer-shaped comet glanced off the Earth's atmosphere. It hit the atmosphere at an angle of about 10 degrees, and just "bounced off", now floating in the direction of the sun. A strange side-effect of the near miss was to knock the Earth out of its normal orbit. The "bounce" effect had some sort of recoil. It didn't make an enormous difference to the Earth's orbit, it was now just circling a bit closer to the sun.

      I vaugely wondered,
      "If this is the end of the world, what's going on?" I glanced over at the sun just in time to see it envelop the comet. I felt that something awful was about to happen, and right then, a solar flare started to form. Its arc covered the entire face of the sun on the side the comet had just entered, and built in intensity until it formed a circular shape larger than the sun itself. Then it was released. The wave of orange light flew directly at the Earth in its new orbit. As it hit, my POV zoomed in on Australia, of all places. I could see Sydney's distincive opera house, and the sea beyond. The wall of orange light blasted into the sea in sections. One blast would hit the sea, instantly vaporize all the water, leaving a gaping chasm surrounded by water. These chasms were only visible for a split second before the surrounding water filled them in. On land, it was a similar story. Buildings, roads and uninhabited areas were obliterated, entirely burning off the outer layer of the Earth's crust, bit by bit.

      For the rest of the dream, I lost lucidity and became one of the few people left alive on a deserted island East of Australia.

    19. #169
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      Ice Ice Baby (DILD)


      This was an odd dream, where I was lucid from the start and just kind of went with it. The earliest part I can remember is emerging from below deck on a sailboat. It was a clear night, and I was alone on the boat. Looking over the side, I could see that the boat was moving extremely fast. There was no wind, and the boat left very little disturbance in the water behind it.
      "Who's steering this?" I thought. Right then, the boat veered off course and headed straight for a mysterious rock wall in the middle of the sea- which rose up out of nowhere. I charged back to the steering wheel and spun it hard to the right, just in time to avoid the rocks. Unfortunately it then went into a spin, and by the time I had lined up the wheel again, I had crashed into an ice shelf.

      I might have woken up here. There's a bit of missing time, but the next thing I remember is chronologically right after the previous paragraph.

      I climbed down the front of the boat onto the ice. It was now daytime, and the reflection of the sun on the ice was making everything seem very white. I stumbled on, and lost lucidity after a bit. I soon arrived in a small town. One minute I was in a frozen wasteland, then I glanced up and there were wooden buildings all around me. It looked a bit like an inuit settlement. I saw a vending machine through a frozen shop window, and went inside to take a look. For some reason, the vending machine sold not food, but DVDs. I "recognised" one of the movies (which, when I woke up, realised did not actually exist), and tried to buy it unsuccessfully. The machine was full of ice. The shop attendant walked up beside me, and we had an interesting conversation. I can't remember the details, but it turned out he was some sort of demon/vampire fellow. He explained that (whatever he was) were very misunderstood, and proceeded to show me some of his special abilities. He could phase through solid objects, and levitate himself as well as things around him. The demon guy spotted a friend of his pulling up outside in a black truck. We went outside to talk to him. I was introduced, then the friend began to tell us something important. Right as he started talking, a huge angry cop came out from behind his truck and shot him with a strange kind of tranquilizer. It fired a tiny needle (which found its target in the truck-owner's neck) which injected a freezing agent. The man froze solid from an expanding area around his neck. He tried to run away, but the slowing effect of the ice eventually stopped him dead. The cop laughed cruelly and turned to the demon guy and I. He said something terribly offensive to me (which I cannot recall now) and shot me with the freezer gun. He got me right in the chest, and I quickly felt the tight, slowing sensation of the ice spreading out to my limbs. Then I realised that the very idea of a "freezer gun" was absurd. I was still icing up, so I used all my strength to get over to the cop and grab his arm. I forced all the coldness in my body down that arm, transferring it to him. He froze like an ice cube in a couple of seconds, his face frozen in anger. Free of the slowing effect, I used my newfound strength to punch him in the stomach. He snapped in two, then the two pieces hit the ground and shattered.

      The demon guy looked at me strangely.
      "I guess you must be a demon too!" he laughed. "Follow me." He ran up the street lightning fast and I found I was able to keep up with him. Next, we took off into the air. It started raining. The rain was quite warm, and made of small droplets. We flew around in the rain for a few minutes. The feeling of the droplets hitting me was incredibly real. I looked down, and saw that all the snow had melted. The snow's absence revealed grass and bright flowers

    20. #170
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      Being a DC (Non-lucid)


      I've often wondered about the nature of dream characters, or DCs. Are they manifestations of subconscious desires, real people you meet on the "astral plane", artificial intelligence created by our mind but nonetheless "real", or simply meaningless characters like those in a video game. My personal view lands me somewhere between those last two options.

      This was an peculiar dream which gave me a greater appreciation of and interest in DCs.

      A man who I vaguely knew (not in real life) was going to die, and his doctors had decided to put him in a coma in order that he could live out his remaining hours in a "lucid dream" state. I was at his bedside with a few of his friends when they put him in the coma, and I then shared a taxi home with them. Before we left, the doctors told us that he would not wake up again, and it was an absolute mathematical certainty that he would die in a couple of hours. We were driving past (of all places) my old school, when I thought I saw him outside on the footpath. I made the driver stop the car, and the three of the man's friends and I got out to look. Sure enough, it was him. He was standing at the side of the road, just staring as if deep in thought.

      We were about to go over and talk to him to see what was going on, but I put out my arm to stop the others.
      "Wait," I said. "Didn't the doctors tell us that there was no chance he was going to wake up, the condition is irreversible et cetera? Logically, if he is here, seemingly fine, then this must be his dream!" The others thought for a minute, then slowly came to the same conclusion I had.
      There was no room for shades of grey in this dream, if something was stated as fact, it was. So using the facts I had been given, I formed the only logical conclusion. I was someone else's DC. I checked my hand, but it seemed normal.
      "Of course it's normal," I thought. "Dream characters aren't supposed to be able to tell they're only part of a dream, but some of the smarter ones do work it out."
      I may have been on the cusp of a major epiphany about life here...

      I also concluded that my entire life, memories, experiences had not really happened, except to me- and that my life was basically meaningless. This was not the depressing thought I expected it to be. I accepted it, and wondered whether I should inform the man that he was dreaming. In the end I made up my mind that I should. If he was lucid, he would have a much better time, I was sure of it.

      It is true, dreams can have a profound effect on how you view life and reality. -Even if it's just an interesting thought exercise.

    21. #171
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      Attempted Astronaut (WILD)


      My very first evening-WILD! The only reason it worked (I reckon) was because I was sleep-deprived from the night before.

      I had a false awakening in a graveyard, weirdly. I stood up and checked my hand to find several extra fingers. I nodded to myself, satisfied. There was a tall, black metal fence surrounding the graveyard, and I wanted to get outside of it. I could see a city with skyscrapers in the distance, and fancied exploring. I took a running jump and glided up over the fence, landing on top of a bus shelter outside. I stopped and thought for a second, and remembered the task of the year. The city seemed like the kind of place I might be able to hitch a ride to space from, with the view to beating Neill Armstrong down the ladder to be first on the moon. The city centre was definately uphill from my position, so I flew at waist-height up the steepest street I could find, going in the right direction. I flew through a massive crowd of people, all heading the same way. I noticed my youngest brother among the crowd. He seemed to be getting overwhelmed by the masses, so I picked him up and put him on my back. The crowd was getting thicker and thicker as I came close to the building at the top of the street, and I eventually found them all trying to cram into an elevator at the base of a tower. I looked at it, and thought it looked like it could be the kind of elevator that lifts astronauts up to the door of their rocket, so I decided to get on it.
      "Stand back!" I shouted. "Astronauts only!" Smirking to myself, I wondered if this ridiculous authoritative strategy would work.

      I never had a chance to find out, as I had a false awakening. I honestly thought it was for real, until I looked around. Turns out, I was lying on a sofa, under a blanket, cuddling a girl I hadn't seen in years. I tried to get up to see where I was, but she wrapped her arms around me very tightly and I couldn't escape.

      I struggled for a bit, and had another couple of false awakenings in exactly the same situation. It got a bit scary. The room was dark, but there was a spooky red glow. I was panicking a little, recognising a familiar feeling of dread which sometimes sneaks into my LDs- only the ones where I have lots of FAs. I knew how the dance usually went, I'd get countless more FA's, then wake up for real, wasting my lucidity. I pondered for a moment, and decided this would be a tragic waste of time. So I stopped and tried to look at the situation objectively. I wouldn't be able to wake myself up easily, so I might as well make the most of being lucid in my dream. By the time I had gone through this thought process, I no longer had the foreboding feeling, and could start to take back some control. I punched the girl holding me in the top of the head and she let me go.

      The room was still pretty dark, but I could see that there were some people I knew sitting around a table in what looked like a kitchen area. I walked over and instinctively flicked a lightswitch, which turned on a light above the table. I could now see that I was in what some people call a "sun room". A cross between a conservatory and a living room. No sooner had I taken in my surroundings, than a girl walked over to me with no top on. She asked me to give her a ball that was sitting on the window sill. I cunningly threw it in the air so she would have to jump to catch it. Then I became involved in a conversation about a video someone had on their phone. It looked like it could have been one of the challenges on Takeshi's Castle. I feared that I was starting to lose lucidity, so I did the hand RC. I really wanted to count how many fingers I had, so I spread them out as far as possible. Somehow, this circumvented sleep paralysis, and I moved my actual fingers. Since I had fallen asleep with my head on top of my hand, I felt it and woke up.

      I should have entered this dream before the last one, it happened four days before. I got ahead of myself!

    22. #172
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      Swamp Ride (Non-lucid)


      I was on an expedition through a swamp, on a weird amphibious bus. We were going from deep pool to deep pool (the bus could only swim in deep water), and the tourguide was getting concerned with the quality of the water. It was a sickly black colour, and bubbly sludge was gathering at the edges, hinting that the water was full of sewage.

      I was sitting in a seat near the front. I looked down at my feet, and was alarmed to see that water had leaked inside, and was already up to my waist! I pulled out my phone, which was soaked, but it worked fine.

      I seriously should have become lucid in this one. Two dream signs back to back? Buses and wet phone??

    23. #173
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      From A to B, Not Quite (WILD)


      I got some serious auditory hallucinations this time. I thought about how somebody on the forums had turned this into music, and right out of the blue, I heard the opening notes of Bryan Adams' Summer of '69. I almost laughed and ruined it because I was so surprised at its authenticity! It sounded exactly like the real song, in mp3 quality as if I was wearing earphones listening to it. I focused on all the different parts of the track, the drums, guitar, voice, it was all there. I just let it play out. Near the end of the song, I moved my arms to a more comfortable position, because I felt sure it wouldn't stop the song, which it didn't. Although, thinking about it now, I could have just moved my "dream arms" rather than my actual arms. I suppose if I was getting auditory hallucinations like that I would have had to be in sleep paralysis, so I couldn't have actually moved... I think.

      I didn't try to control where I went next, and for some reason I ended up in the Halo 3 multiplayer map, "Sandtrap". I did a quick hand-RC, then wondered what I should do. There wouldn't be much for a lucid dreamer to do in Sandtrap, and I even considered "WILDing" my way out of it- lying down in the sand and thinking about somewhere else. I was afraid this might wake me up, so I thought about other methods. I looked around, and saw a busted-up Banshee. (Flying attack vehicle) It looked like it was still in working order- in the game they fly fine unless completely destroyed, so I got into it. For some reason, I didn't lie prone as one is supposed to do inside a Banshee, but sat as if in a seat, controlling the flight with an xbox controller which happened to be inside, ready for me.

      A Banshee on Sandtrap

      I took off into the air, and saw the outline of some buildings at the edge of the map. I thought it looked rather like the houses at the side of a main road I knew, near my house. I thought it would be fun to fly a Banshee home, so I went in that direction. It didn't fly very well. I was constantly boosting to keep it in the air, and it couldn't manage to go very high. I just about made it onto the flat roof of one of the houses, then it gave out completely. I jumped out and let it skid off the rooftop onto the road below. I could see Belfast Lough from the roof, and I was afraid to jump down because it was so high.
      I may have been losing lucidity here. I walked along the roofs of the row of houses, and found a fire escape at the end. By now, I was so preoccupied with getting down I'd forgotten I was dreaming. I headed towards my house on foot, but then remembered I had left my key in a bank beside those houses. I walked all the way back and had to wait for ages to talk to somebody in the bank. However, they did give me a tall glass of beer while I waited.

    24. #174
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      Air Force 1 (Fragment) (DILD)


      It's been a few days now since I had this one, and my notes are shoddy to say the least!

      I was waiting to be picked up by Air Force One with my friend Nicola. We were in some ancient ruins which had almost completely worn away, leaving just large stones and lots of grass. Apparently AF1 had been changed from a plane to an enormous helicopter. It had lots of rooms, lots of blades, and was dark grey all over- apart from the front door which bore the presidential seal. It landed at the highest part of the ruins. The wind was unbelievable. It was kicking up sticks and rubble I hadn't noticed before.
      At the awesome sight of it, I became semi-lucid. I knew from before that it was only there to pick up Nicola, but I wanted to get on board, maybe fly this badboy. A load of marines came and escorted Nicola on board by the front door, and I slipped away. I sneaked past the perimeter the marines had set up around the helicopter and marched towards the front door, which two guys were guarding. They stopped me roughly with the butt of one of their guns.
      "Whoa guys," I said smoothly. "I'm the sergeant, it's cool." One of them nodded to the other and let me pass.
      I'm going to have to use the "bullshit-authority" tactic more often...

      I was raging that I woke up then.

      There's another entry in my notes which just says:
      Shopping spree with mark. I have no idea what that means, it hardly warrants its own entry in the DJ.

    25. #175
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      Self-Defense, Defenceless (DEILD)


      I had to protect a female friend of mine from two knife-weilding girls, who seemed to have gone crazy. We were in what looked a bit like my old school, which is where I know them from. I put my friend behind me, then thought about how I should arm myself for best defense. Then I remembered,
      "What's the point, I'm invincible!" The taller, brunette girl came at me, stabbing and poking with her big kitchen knife, and I just grabbed it off her by the blade. I felt the sharp edge cut me, but it wasn't sore. Then the smaller, blonde girl came at me with her boobs out. I think she was meant to be a distraction for me whilst her friend got to the girl I was guarding. All it did was remind me that I could be "making love not war" with these girls, and that's exactly what I did next.

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