This is half an actuall question and half to help you lucid dream. Why you ask? because when you know what your goals in lucid dreaming are you can attain much more easily. or so i've heard.

Mine are,
Number one!
To create a character, in which I could practice real life events, So i'll know what to do if they ever come up.

create a few Fictional characters, one or two might be superheros(not like super man that are invincible but like DareDevil that have hardships and trials)

To experience stuff I've always wanted to, Such as playing in a National sports league at my current age. (and do well......)

And most importantly. To fly! just to soar through the clouds dive bombing! riding thermal! Merh!(merh of happiness)

To me the possibilities are endless. you can dodge bullets and fight the machines like Neo from the matrix. Be a hobbit in the fellowship of the ring.
