Hey folks..Its me again...WOLF! I have decided to make a 3rd tutorial about Finding Your Dreamguide...The first tutorial was about how to find your DG...the second was about, what to do after you find your DG...This one is going to be basically some facts about DG's and just some explination about somethings..

If you have yet to read my 2 first tutorials, please feel free to do so...they are on this section of the DV forum..

now to begin..

What Is a Dreamguide?

A Dreamguide is a GUIDE inside your DREAMS--hence the name DREAMGUIDE--that is there to help guide you either through yoru dreams OR through situations that you face in everday life. That of course is if you choose to use your Dreamguide in that manner... Lets say for instance you are having a troubled relationship...And you come across your DG in a LD...lets say your DG's name is George...You go up to George and ask

You: "George, I am having a hard time with a situation right now with my (boyfriend/girlfriend), and quite frankly I do not know what to do..."

George: " Well (insert name here) It would be best for you to keep to yourself for a while, get your thoughts and emotions straight..Right now the situation that is going on is causing you a lot of worry and stress..What you need to do is calm down, and come back to the situation when you are good and ready to face it.."

Now i just made that scenerio up for shits and giggles to give you an example of what DG's can help you with...

Dreamguides also know more about you (inside and out.. Living and in your dreams) then you do yourself...I know its very hard to comprehend such a huge thing, but its true (research, you'll find it)....

I know some of you are probably sitting back thinking...Well how does he know this, does he know everything about DG's.... No.. I dont...but the thing i Do know (besides what ive stated in my other 2 Tutorials) is that every single person on the face of this planet, has a Dream Guide...

That brings me on to my next topic...

Where Do Dreamguides Come From?

This is a highly asked and highly debated question...But honestly, the answer is simple...

I have had some people tell me that your DG can be made into anything you please...Hell it could be made into freaking Ronald Mcdonald ....Which sadly.. Is not true... I have yet to encounter anyone who has made up their own DG... Oreionaunt (spelling?) a fellow member of DV, his DG i believe he told me once is half human--half dragon---meaning his DG likes to turn into a Dragon.... Now do you think he was like.. "Ah yes, i want my DG to be half human and half dragon"--I hardly doubt it...

Now onto my point... think of it as this way...

The day you are born or as a young child you already began to dream... And within those dreams somewhere (even though we are too young to comprehend or remember them) is our Dream Guide..We have a Dream Guide the moment we start dreaming in life...It may take years for you to find yours, but your DG has been with you since day one.....

See what I am trying to say here is this... Think of us and the whole worlds population...Our exsistence begins somewhere/somehow...just like our Dream Guides..Their exsistence begins somewhere/somehow.. Does anybody know how? I have yet to find a positive FACT answer on where and how Dreamguides came about...But the FACT of the matter is...They do exsist...

To think you can make up your own Dreamguide is to me downgrading... Im not trying to offend those who believe you can or believe it is possible, but think about it...How the hell are you going to make something or someone up, that knows MORE ABOUT YOU then you know yourself??? Is it even mentally possible to do something like that??

Sure people can reply to this and say "Hey spiritofthewolf, I have made up my DG to whom I wanted it to be" Sure you can say it, but can you prove it? NO! Like I said before.. It has yet to be PROVED where and how Dreamguides came about... Enless you have some magical video of how you created your DG then all you have is your word--with no evidence--and im sorry, that is just not good enough....


Even though I have yet to have this happen to me.. It has been know that Dream Guides can change their appearance.. Thats why some people may think they have another Dream Guide when on occasions it could be the same one they have always had... Even though people have had or do have more then one Dream Guide, which I will explain more in depth on that in a moment..

But first...If you have been lucky enough to find your Dreamguide, congrats to you! I must for-warn-you though, that if you call upon your DG one night in a LD and you "turn around" and see them standing there and they look different... I'd advise you ask them their name...If they give you some phony ass answer, then I suggest you move on... Its a wannabe DG

Yes I have had them before.. I have called upon my DG (Anna) and much to my suprise I have had the strangest looking people appear as if they were my DG....and I would ask them "Are you Anna?" and they would be like "What?" I'd laugh and walk away.. Everytime Anna has been in my LD's she has appeared the same, and if for a split second i was not sure if it was Anna, I'd ask, and she would reply yes..

Ladies and Gents, you must be aware that even though in a LD... you must be smarter then the LD.. What I mean by this is simple...Even though you are in control of your dream, your dream is still trying to control you.. If you call upon your DG, someone else ( a DC ) may appear pretending/trying to trick you into believeing that they are your DG...please do not fall for this false statement...

Yes your DG may change its apperance (like Oreinaunts DG) but if you have gotten a long hard look at your DG, then you will beable to tell the fakes from the real one..

Honesty Is What Counts

Honesty...alot of us use it...alot of us dont...But inside your Dreams, our DreamGuide always use's it.. Your Dreamguide will not mislead you whatsoever, it is there to give you honest advice about things inside your dreams and in waking life. If you are honest with them they will be honest with you....

More then One

There are people here at DV that have found more then one DG..Which we honestly have more then one DG.. I have yet to only find one.....who knows we all could have 100 DG's and just not know it.. That does not change the fact that we still dont know where they come from..


With that said I would like to close this 3rd and final tutorial by thanking those who have read them and for those who i have inspired to go search for your Dreamguide....In the end there is a lot of research that still needs to be done on Dream Guides themselves....I believe in a way that we arent suppose to know where DG's truly come from, that it doesnt matter..That when we come face to face with our own Dreamguide, not to ask a bazillion questions...but instead....shut up and listen....

Thank you


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