In the real world, people learn their boundaries two ways, by exploring and learning about them from other people. We learn how reality is a set plane of existence that follows rules and regulations, and that people are born into certain rules and regulations that they have to follow or face consequences. The bottom line is in the real world we learn that you just can't do certain things. And it can be argued whether this is really true to or not, but people who think it is can drag this belief into the dream world and muck their experiences up the more experience they gain.

I was sort of doing this for a while. See, sometimes I would try to do something, and it just wouldn't work. Sometimes I woud close my eyes and try it until it did, but sometimes I just accepted that it was something you can't do in the dream world. Keep in mind whether you realize it or not the make up of your dream world is your own fault. You create it unconsciously, it's the instantaneious representation of a world your brain makes without you opening your eyes. You control it, lucid or not, it's just that people aren't aware they have control until they're aware it's a dream. So, when finding oujt it's a dream, I almost accidentally took into account some non-existant limitations, and because I believed them, they remained true. In short, jsut by being an experienced lucid dreamer I lost some of my control of my dream world. I had to remember that the results of experiments in the dream world are usually random, and that everything contrinues to vary from dream to dream or just moment to moment.