So I was dropping off to sleep last night and I started thinking how awesome it would be to visit Hogwarts (¬_¬ shush). Not to meet the characters or anything, just because it would be sweet to explore or chill in the oh so cozy common rooms, not to mention dicking about with magic .
All of a sudden I thought about the 'room of requirement'. For those not familar, there's a room that meets whatever need you have. You walk back and forth in front of the door and each time you pass you think, for example, "I need somewhere to play guitar". Once you've done that 3 times you enter the room, and voilia, racks of guitars fill the walls, there's amps and pedals all setup ready.
Well, apply this to lucid dreaming and it should help you stay focused. Obviously you needn't do it at Hogwarts. Just walk back and forth in front of any door you've got, saying aloud "sandy caribbean beach" each time.
I've not yet tried this as I've only been lucid once, but it sounds like a vaild technique to me! 
I'm thinking for basic lucid dreamers keep your phrases simple, thinking only about keywords, "subway station", "skyscraper roof", "Eiffel tower". More advanced dreamers could utilise this to create more specific scenes.
I'll be trying this when I become lucid again, and if others could give this a bash and report back that'd be great 