• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2008

      Lucid Dreaming and Real Life Applications

      I did a search for hypnosis and I came up with a few hits. It seems that lucid dreaming and hypnosis are two different states of mind and are therefore unrelated? I really think that one can transition from one state to the other after all one of the principles to inducing a lucid dream is using suggestion (the acronym is escaping me now).

      Could there be a way for lucid dreaming to help one break bad habits and form new ones. Could lucid dreaming serve as a sort of therapy for minor physical ailments and tiredness?

      Just one example of trying to use lucid dreaming to fix something:

      I have this big eye floater in my left eye. Floaters if you don't know are these little gel like things that float around in your eye. They usually are more common in near-sighted people. They aren't harmful as much as they are an annoying nuisance. Anyhow, a couple of my dreams has included these floaters. This may sound silly, but there was these life-sized floaters and I had some kind of tool that I was poking them with and deflating them. And I knew they were floaters in my dream. When I woke up, they were still there...lol. So it didn't work, but could lucid dreaming possibly positively influence migraine headaches and back pain, etc?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2008
      I think it can influence problems that you have that are caused by your brain to begin with, maybe even to the point where you can "meditate" and selectively ignore certain impulses, like pain from your back, but I don't think that lucid dreaming is going to take care of that. Things like phobias and other behaviors, though, I think can certainly be modified and eliminated through lucid dreaming. I know that's extremely vague lol

    3. #3
      Wanderer of boards
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      Oct 2007
      Hypnosis involved a different level of conscience than lucid dreaming. Your mind and body are both awake during hypnosis, but only your mind is awake during lucid dreams. When you speak about healing, OBE (out of body experiences), and related energywork can help more than lucid dreams.
      Willing to talk about/listen to anything you have to say.

    4. #4
      imj is offline
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      Sep 2005
      Quote Originally Posted by loocid View Post
      I did a search for hypnosis and I came up with a few hits. It seems that lucid dreaming and hypnosis are two different states of mind and are therefore unrelated? I really think that one can transition from one state to the other after all one of the principles to inducing a lucid dream is using suggestion (the acronym is escaping me now).

      Could there be a way for lucid dreaming to help one break bad habits and form new ones. Could lucid dreaming serve as a sort of therapy for minor physical ailments and tiredness?

      Just one example of trying to use lucid dreaming to fix something:

      I have this big eye floater in my left eye. Floaters if you don't know are these little gel like things that float around in your eye. They usually are more common in near-sighted people. They aren't harmful as much as they are an annoying nuisance. Anyhow, a couple of my dreams has included these floaters. This may sound silly, but there was these life-sized floaters and I had some kind of tool that I was poking them with and deflating them. And I knew they were floaters in my dream. When I woke up, they were still there...lol. So it didn't work, but could lucid dreaming possibly positively influence migraine headaches and back pain, etc?
      Lucid dreaming has little practical value because even when the dreamer is lucid....waking memory is inhibited most of the time and there won't be very much to learn since you won't remember what to learn in the first place.


    5. #5
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      Mar 2008
      Quote Originally Posted by imj View Post
      Lucid dreaming has little practical value because even when the dreamer is lucid....waking memory is inhibited most of the time and there won't be very much to learn since you won't remember what to learn in the first place.

      Hey do you have any articles on this? I've noticed this in some of my lucids but I'd like to know more about the science behind it.

    6. #6
      Wanderer of boards
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      I can remember waking emeories in my dreams, I never knew other people couldn't. Although I can usually only remember when REALLY lucid, like 95%.

      This is what is hypothesized to turn off while dreaming: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorsola...frontal_cortex

      That is a place where memory manipulation occurs, as well as logic. (That's why you suspect nothing when a flying purple hippo passes you on the street.)
      Last edited by erik212; 09-27-2008 at 06:29 PM.
      Willing to talk about/listen to anything you have to say.

    7. #7
      natural luciditier...?
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      Sep 2008
      in my head
      hmm thers a problem there cos i do suspect when flying hippos move about buts its not a "oooomg its a hippo ergo im dreaming" its more "oooomg its .. ladedadeda .. hippo? wha ..... tumtitum oo shiney rock ...... what was i thinking? o yer hippo hmm .... i have a sudern urge to fly .. fly surely i only do that while asleep ... BANG im lucid... or am i? ... no im prity sure.. yes yes i am"

      have i created some weird backup cortex? or is my ordinary one already awakeish? im naturaly lucid so maybe this is why i can do it.



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