Hi all,

I've been reading this forum for a few days, and really enjoying what I've read and learned from many of you. Seems like a really cool place.

Anyway, this is my first post, and what I've really been struggling with for the past couple years is improving my control within lucid dreams. I have them fairly often, and in fact this morning I had one that lasted a pretty long time, however all I could really do was fly around. I'm never able to really control my environments at all, never able to transport myself anywhere or summon anything. I can move around pretty easily but thats about it.

By the way they're always DILDs, ive only ever had one WILD.

SO in a nutshell my two main problems are, I can't control my environments in an LD, and also I have trouble hanging onto the dream once I become lucid, I usually wake up within a minute or so.

Any thoughts?