Okay I know I am going to get alot of criticism for this but i would really appreciate some help. I have been with my girlfriend for 3 years, our relationship is OKAY (her parents are really strict and refuse to let her date, and we are both 18). Well everything been okay with me and her, I love my girlfriend but I hate waiting I have been waiting 4 years just to be with her but her parents wont let her date so we have SECRETLY been dating behind there back, our relationships is hard you know were seniors and we cant ever really hang out and its stinks. Now there is this girl I met (lets call her sally) she is the nicest girl I have ever met in my entire life, she is perfect in every-way I fell for her the moment i saw her her, I met her a year and half ago, had 2 classes last year with her, and I have 1 class this year with her. Now Sally is hard to understand she is REALLY SHY and I cant tell If she likes me or not, she always stares at me, I remember at one of the dances last year, I looked up and saw her staring at me, i waved and she smiled and then I looked away. Another time I was going down the stairs and out of the corner of my eye I could see her staring at me. this year she has stared at me a couple times. There is a problem though she has a boyfriend but he doesn't go to our school hes a loser and a High school drop out, i don't know what she see's in him but they have been together for 3 years too. Its weirs she never mentions him around me at all, even if I ask how they she gets a little weird about it, Also at she she is in my lunch and I sit with my girlfriend and she sits like 2 tables away but she faces away from me, but if my girlfriend isn't there she faces me. I really like her she is probably the sweetest, nicest girl I will probably ever meet.
Sally usually drives to school for our class in the morning, I had a dream 2 days ago and it's really been bugging me and I cant figure out what it means, This whole situation is literally tearing me apart.

okay the dream was [Sally was giving me a ride to school and we parked and then she came up to me in car and we both were going to go in for a kiss but for some reason I couldn't do it, i turned away and got out and walked away, I don't know why, I kinda wish I went for it but i don't know why i stopped.] This dream has really been bugging me past few days, and I don't understand it.

Can anyone offer any advice or opinions? Thanx in advance.