throughout the entirety of this dream i had an overwhelming feeling of deja vu. perhaps one of you has an idea of what it could all be about.

it started out where i was in reception for basic training again, with three other people. but then, i wasn't there. there was two dudes and a chick, and i was one of the guys, and we were standing there in civilian clothes with our civilian bags and drill sergeant showed up and immediately started training us. it was weird exercises, like running up to and climbing huge chainlink fences. the guy that i was seeing this stuff through began to have problems, and the dream switched to the third person. he couldn't run because of some crap in his bones. he told drill sergeant and drill sergeant told everyone else if they felt pain in their bones that it was normal, and to just keep going. i could feel this guys thoughts, and it bothered him a lot that DS said this because he knew it wasn't normal, he knew it was a preexisting, serious and abnormal, condition he had.

the DS had the voice of that guy from full metal jacket. but he was saying other stuff. i can't remember it all exactly, but one bit stood out. he said if nothing else, he hoped his recruits would become hunters, because hunters "can still kick most people's asses." He said if any of them became hunters he would devote most of his life to them. that was kind of weird.

at that point the focus shifted to the girl, and she was in some kind of special training program for mental folk. it was more like a school environment, and i dont think it was military training at all. there was a man and a woman there with her, and they talked about how "this kind of training may be obsolete in your lifetime, simply because it doesn't work." i had the notion they were referring to modern means of treating the mentally ill. they said that new methods had been discovered that were similar to "normal" student's training, but more self centered. "This kind of training works because it centers around the subject every student is most interested in: themselves. this works even for people with ADD and learning disabilities."

they started an exercise about coloring a state or a country or something, i think it was egypt, on a political map. the female teacher said to color it whatever color we want. at this point, i was another indescript third party. I tried my best to color egypt any color I could, because I didn't really care what color i made it. i just wanted to complete the exercise. i tried purple, since it was the color marker that nobody else took, at first. then other colors started freeing up and i decided to color over the purple. i couldn't color inside the lines regardless of how hard i tried. at one point, i was coloring yellow but it seemed to just be erasing every other color i had put on there, and this annoyed me. it *did* get the map looking clean again though, all neat with not colors going outside the lines. I started coloring again, and the yellow worked as expected. The teacher came to me and said "I'm going to color mine yellow. What do you think of that?" I responded with a pause and a weird look at her. then she said "How do you feel about that?" I told her that yellow was a fine color, and whatever she wanted to do with her own paper was a matter for her to decide. "i dont see why you should color it anything in particular." she said that was a really good answer, but didn't praise it any further which somehow exceeded my expectations and disappointed me at the same time.

at this point, the focus shifted back to that girl. she was talking about how she was crazy because of a baby she had. she said that she had a boyfriend that got her pregnant, and ever since delivery she had the same dream every night. she said that in this dream, she's surrounded by crowds of women, literally thousands of them, and they're all touching on her privates and all over her body. this bothered her a lot, apparently enough to end her up in the puzzle factory with the other nutcases. either that, or it was how she said her boyfriend reacted to her dreams. she said that everytime she told him of one, he would sell the idea and make a ton of money off of it. for example, she had one where she was racing, and there was a crowd of women touching all over her. he released a book about the subject, and tons of guys bought it and made him rich. this crippled her mentally, apparently.