Last night I had this strange dream, and when I woke up I felt... I'm not quite sure what I felt, but I haven't been able to get this one part of my mind, and I need to figure out what it means.

First a little background about the people in my dream: I have a long-lasting crush on a boy in my class at school, but I'm gay and he's straight and in a relationship with a girl, so it's a desperate situation and so on.

There's also this girl in my class who he is closer friends with than any of the other girls. She has always been very intimate with him (sitting on the lap, massages, always hugging him etc.), though she is this way with everyone. I'm also kinda paranoid that she might know my feelings for him, as I think she might have hinted at knowing at times (though it might just be my imagination). I wonder if I'm a bit jealous of her connection with him, as I can't even become close friends with him. Also, she is very lively and childish, so she laughs at everything. I find this a bit mocking at times, as I feel she doesn't respect and understand people.

SO on to the dream:

There was first a part with me being in some sort of castle, maybe climbing down some stairs. There were lots of blue and gray colors, and I think it was dark and wet. There might have been other people with me, I'm not sure. I also have a feeling there might have been some grotesque imagery in the dream, but I'm not sure and I can't recall what. I'm not sure if this part relates to what I think of as the main part.

The main part was my crush and that girl sitting on a gray, circle formed stone somewhere. I was also on the platform, though just observing. I'm not sure of the surroundings, but I think they might just have been blue sky? I think I had a feeling of floating in the sky or something, as if there were nothing but that stone.

He wore a bright salmon colored sleeved t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans, and she wore something pink. (What they usually wear at school.) They were sitting with their legs crossed, facing each other in a good and smiley mood. They might have been playing some game. He lifted his shirt so she could see his stomach, and I wanted desperately to see it too, but from my angle I was unable to. She laughed and looked at me and laughed more, and I felt confused and mocked. Meanwhile, my crush didn't even seem to notice me. This repeated a couple of times, with me wanting more and more to see his stomach too.

I did get to see it in the end (though I'm not sure how). The weird thing is, he had this long sort of wound on the right side of his stomach. It was one of those wounds you get if you slide across a wooden floor with bare skin and your skin kinda.. burns off? They sting like hell, but don't bleed and are very shallow. Anyways, it looked like one of those, and was a bit yellow and stuff. For some reason I thought he got that wound from her repeatedly scraping his stomach with a coin, so that might have been the game I thought they were playing, I'm not sure. They were still all smiley despite his wound, and she continued laughing. Then I woke up, confused and strangely emotional.

Throughout all the dream, I don't think my crush ever looked at me at all. I'm not sure he knew I was there.

Sorry if this was a long and messy read, but I think I put in all the details I possibly could here.

Replies are highly appreciated.