Hey everyone, I was looking for a place to post this where I could get some answers, some guidance so to speak...but anyway.

Some quick background on my dreams, I never remember them, to tell anyone at least, this story im about to tell you guys is the first dream ive ever remembered and was the nicest dream ive ever had...if not confusingly sad.

Anyway here it is.

It involved reality it was me, in a location looked to be my local area a house in fact, empty, no party going on or anything just a usual day and there was this girl involved, started off with a hello n general conversation and then it slowly as the dream went on it turned into a very deep love/connection? I suppose, I even felt those stomach butterflies you get, I distinctly remember that, this girl though I cant picture her, brown hair, very beautiful, about my height but thats all i can remember and the whole dream was just me in a feeling of ecstasy being around this girl talking, getting close but nothing sexual, at all and then when it call came to a close before i woke up, she was going away somewhere, i felt very sad and i remember her saying this "Were we ever meant to be anyway?" and then I woke up.

I have no idea why this dream was so involving and one I actually remembered, as i said up top I never remember my dreams, I jokingly thought to myself its a indication of how lonely I am in my life.

Im still trying to decode what this dream meant, what are your thoughts guys, i thought id post this as it wasnt the norm so to speak.
