I was dreaming that I was in a foreign country. The sun was bright & a beautiful day. I was in a white painted bungalow. It wasn't like the bungalows in the UK, it was different. It was also in a village. people were very relaxed & laid back. I was inside with my mum folding clothes when I saw a tiger walking past. I knew it was on the way to my horse to kill her. I started to panic & shouted outside to my dad & son to get the car ready. I told my mum to stay inside & lock all the doors. My dog came running out behind me & I put her back inside & when I got in the jeep, my dog was running to me again. I got nasty & picked her up & shouted at my mum to keep her in or the tiger will kill her. I drove past people sitting outside eating & my son said that the tiger couldn't of passed here or it would of attacked the people. Then I was looking at the tiger walking down to us.
The next thing I knew I was laying on a sofa with a small wardrobe with the doors opened at the end of the sofa & thinking I should get inside & close the doors before the tiger spots me.
Then a man in a turban was running screaming for his life down into the village with the tiger running after him. The noise from the tiger was deafening. His feet was making the loudest noise, but then it turns & was running at a great speed to me. When the tiger turned to me, a male voice as loud as the tiger started shouting, Bengal tiger. The voice was coming from the sky & filled everywhere. I couldn't move at all & knew if I did it would kill me. I was still laying on the sofa & it stopped at my feet ready to pounce. All I could hear was this male foreign voice shouting very loud, Bengal Tiger, it wasn't from anyone around me in the dream, but from above. It kept repeating over & over again & then I woke up feeling very scared.

Any ideas what this means?

Many thanks in advance.