I have had a dream which I had the mansion I dream of having but I doubt I will have get it. It had a nursery with several play rooms and one of the play rooms were divided up into "store", "home", and "school" sections. I also have a movie theatre, bowling alley, exercise room and two pools-both above ground, one indoors, one outdoors and a lot more. Well in the dream I had this super big backyard which happen to include a forest. Well closer to home I made a toy play castle large enough for both kids and adults to enter and in the forest I also had a play cottage (but both were home-made play stuff). In the play castle there was a home-made spinning wheel in a tower right next to a bed which was large enough for both a child and an adult to sleep on.

In the dream there were two kids. But neither of them were mine (or I don't think they were). One was a boy, the other was a girl. I told them after I made the castle and cottage to go and play. The kids send a couple of minutes in the play castle and then went to the cottage. '

They seemed to have had so much fun my dream-self got worried they hadn't came back from the forest. She went out into the forest but she didn't get too far before she got a gun behind her back.

The invisible person pushed me to go out of the forest. Once we got out of the forest the gun forced me to go into the play-castle. Once there the gun forced me to go up the stairs to the spinning-wheel tower. I refused to touch the spinning wheel (even though I have no idea how a play spinning I personally made could be cursed) and that's when the gun pushed me hard and as I was trying to save myself falling my arm touched the spindle of the spindle wheel and I got SB syndrome.

The kids arrive back at the castle and I was already on the bed. At first the kids thought I was just having a nap but when they had tried to do everything kids do to wake up parents and nothing worked. They looked at each other and I guess said (I don't see anything from the time my arm gets poke by the spindle..that's the last thing I saw) "Magic you think?" girl said. The boy said "Yeah. Our parents said X (me) is a light sleeper and since we tried everything" They tried to convince a dark-hair man (a boy I know who I will call P) to kiss me. But P said "What would my girlfriend think? and What about my kid?" The kids said "I don't think she would be a evil step-mother type to us. I mean look she made this play castle for us herself. What kind of evil-step mother do that?" P said "Good point"