Dream I had last night.

I was walking into the gym as I normally would. I looked over and saw this girl I frequently talked to in my gym and knew it was her’s by the distinctive decal that was on the driver’s side. I was very excited to see that she was here, as I hadn’t seen her at the gym in about six months. She possibly changed gyms, not sure however. When I finally got in, I looked around at the places I normally see her at and saw her on the stair stepper. She looked a bit different than what she usually does, but it was definitely her. I started to walk over to where she was at and she glanced at me once I got closer. However, once I got about twenty feet away, I suddenly woke up. It was colder outside with no snow and I could tell I had my beard that I am currently growing. So it appeared to take place sometime near present day.

Some backstory into this- I had seen this girl for years at my gym but never actually talked to her until about February of this year. I had tried to get romantically involved with her but nothing came of it. She suddenly stopped coming to the gym about July and haven’t seen her since. I also recently started going to the gym again last week after a near three month hiatus due to some bad neck/shoulder injuries. The gym was the last place I saw her and the last time I spoke with her that day we were both in the same area of the gym as the dream I had last night. I never really had any dream like this bother me so much, hence why I came here.