I'm male and 16
OK so firstly i was in the park with a couple of people, then a guy (unrecognisable to me, a purely imaginary figure) comes up to me and he wants to kiss me. I refuse his offer but we walk together through the park. As we walk through it the park becomes a mountainous forest, which we explore.
We come across some sort of convention which loads of black people are attending (i have no racial prejudices). The speaker was a friend of mine and he was given a doctors title, he waved to me. Although i just look into the convention, my new friend sneaks in and i wait outside. Whilst I am waiting, I study some stones which are outside the convention on display. I say things to others about the alignment of the stones and other boring observations, whilst I wait.
The guy comes back and we explore some more. We find this huge summer house complex which we go into.
Soon enough, some people from my school come running in and we begin to play this game.
We are all running around playing some sort of tag game (kind of like kiss chase). My friends gf is there and for some reason i go for her (which is weird, i have no attraction to her). Then this girl, A (as featured in my last dream post), caught me up the stairs. She was about to walk away and then i said 'no, you've caught me now'. We start making out but she said it was to annoy my PE teacher, yet we continued.
Then i walk past my guy friend i met at the beginning, im obviously hyped up after kissing A. Im friendly with him but dismiss him quickly and call out for my friends gf, who seems to have my shirt. The throws my shirt down the stairs and the dream ends.
This is obviously a crazy long dream and i cant seem to interpret it myself! Please help!