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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2013

      Reoccurring Dream Of Strange Man? help.

      Okay so for some background of myself, i have a bunch of relationship issues. Trust and Commitment mainly. Every guy I've been with had either cheated or been abusive. I want to believe in love, but it seems like such a myth.

      For the last week i have different dreams, but in all of them there is this guy. I've never met him before, ever. Hes not my usual guy I'm attracted to, but he his attractive. Someone you would glance over, not stare at.

      In my first dream we are together, meet through friends, gets hot and heavy, we date, everythings perfect. It was really nice. I woke up smiling. Like Hope.

      The next night, he's in my dream again. It's not a continuation of the last dream, i don't know him. I'm out with my friends, i see him across the pace we are eating ate. Run into him on my way to the bathroom. Meet. We go out. It's nice again. Not a intimate as the last dream, but nice.

      Each night his role in my dreams dwindle down. He goes from hot and heavy, to simple dating, to just friend, to a friend of a friends. To my last dream last night, i'm walking on a street with my friends. In a different town, it's very populated, city like, maybe new York? I've never been, different state, but similar as movies. It's a very vivid dream, very. I feel like I'm right there. Bored. Like all I'm doing is walking down the street, but i should be doing something else. Something important. My friends chatter, and i can barely hear them deep in thought looking at tge ground. When i look up, i see him. Unlike the other dreams where he's new, i knew he was the guy I've been dreaming about. I look up see him, and he simply walks bye. I turn and try to call out to him, because I'm suppose to know him. But he keeps walking, i try to chase after him but the closer i get the further he gets...

      I woke up feeling lost and confused. I don't understand why i keep dreaming of this guy. I can imagine it simply means, i can't let something good pass me by because of my past. But why this guy? Why does the relationship dwindle down to nonexistent? Why did i know him in the last dream? In all the other i never made the connection till i woke up? Help me understand it, driving me crazy.

    2. #2
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      I think he is your dream guy. He is not perfect because you no longer expect perfect. He is different from the guys you tend to date because he has to be in order to not be abusive etc - your type has not worked for you in waking life, so you are starting a new (proto)type for your dream guy. Indeed your hope for love is not lost.

      Your relationship with him dwindles over the different dreams because the dreams are becoming more and more realistic. The first dream was a message to you that deep inside you have not given up hope for that yet. Your last dream was a more real message that in real life you do not know this guy yet, the guy whom you may have a successful relationship with in real life some day. And no, do not expect him to be just like dream guy - dream guy is I think a figment of your imagination - your fantasy, your hope, personified.

      I think you may have been close to lucid in that last dream. Your awareness was certainly higher and your memory was too. You recognized him as the dream guy and tried to do something about it. Next time you see him, consider thinking "This is my dream guy. He is not real. So this must be a dream." And then do whatever you want with him. Enjoy.

      I think dream guy is there to help you heal emotionally, sent to you by your subconscious who believes that you need someone but perhaps are not ready for another real guy at this time. You keep dreaming of the same guy because once you have built your prototype and like it, he is in your memory, and is likely to reoccur in dreams because you want him to.

      Just make sure to not forget to stay aware in waking life, and watch out for the time when you are ready once again for a real life relationship. Be sure to not let dream guy dominate your expectations so much that you miss out on a potential real life promising relationship because you are in a committed relationship in your dreams - that would probably not be the best thing for you in the long run. But as long as dream guy is just your rebound fantasy guy, nothing wrong with that.

      You could also learn about yourself from observing dream guy. What is different about him (other than his looks) from the guys you dated in real life who did not work out? Watch out for that in future relationship. Also the fact that dream guy did not fit your stereotype of attractive may be a message to you to in the future be open minded to potential relationships with guys whom you would not have fallen for in the past but who may deserve a closer look.

      Does that make sense? Feel free to discard any parts that do not sound right to you.
      Last edited by JoannaB; 06-01-2013 at 02:38 AM.
      You may say I'm a dreamer.
      But I'm not the only one
      - John Lennon

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