
Before I begin, there is something I intend to mention. The following dream is not actually mine, it happened to a very close friend that I have been chasing romantically for a while (she is completely aware of this, knows my intentions). She is usually very intrigued in her dreams, but she didn't feel this one was worth asking about, and so gave me permission to ask instead. As a result, I cannot express how she felt, nor does she remember feeling anything. I will try to give a brief overview of what each person involved means to her as best I can, however. This is how she recited it to me, as such it will be presented in first person. I don't have the patience to completely re-jig it.

Basically, I was meant to meet my sister (her sister and herself are not outstandingly close, they are on good terms though) at the train station and I was waiting for hours... So I went down the station and there were these stairs with a person on each step smiling at me. And I thought to myself 'what's going on?' Even though I kinda knew I was in a dream. And then I walked down the stairs that lead underneath the station and you (me that is, we are VERY close, we talk every evening for upwards of 3-4 hours. We have been physical before. She intends to reconsider the status of us not being in a relationship after we have finished our education) were there, but you didn't look at me, you were just walking. And I shouted your name and you looked back at me and I said 'what's happening?' I didn't understand why everywhere was so empty apart from underground. And you said 'didn't you hear? There's a crazy guy around here killing everyone'. And I said 'no! Where's my sister?' And then you said 'this way'. So I went to hold your hand but you didn't hold mine back. You lead me the way And then I had to go up some stairs to get to this flat (not actually my house), you were gone by this point, and I couldn't get past the last step... I was trying to climb up it and just couldn't. And I reached my hand out to my dad and asked him if he could help me and he rejected me (she does not share everything with her dad, he works extremely hard and has little time for her, but she loves him all the same). So I held onto him anyway and pulled myself up, and he spilt his coffee everywhere. Then him and my two sisters were shouting 'what are you doing?!' at me.

That's all the information I can give, if I have missed anything big forgive me. I fear that this will not be enough detail, but I am personally intrigued at what this could all mean. Your help is all much appreciated, thanks in advance!