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      Lurker OddFate's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2014

      Question Superpowers & Angels

      So i'm curious about some dreams i've been having lately... In each recent dream i've had, i've had superpowers. I can fly and use telekinesis. I never use them for evil or ill intent - i'm always the protagonist in my dreams. And i'm always either being chased or fighting forces of evil in these dreams. I'm not sure who i'm fighting or why (or at least i don't remember those details once i wake up). There's also always angels on my side, though... Now, these aren't your typical angels with huge fluffy wings and halos. They look like normal people, but have powers like i do. There's usually only one angel per dream, and it's always a guy. His appearance differs in each dream, but he's always a young adult (typically with brunette hair), and i just know that it's the same guy every time. He even acts the same in every dream - he's cynical and sarcastic, but when push comes to shove, he's reliable and even protective over me. He always ends up saving my ass some how. However, he also seems very secretive, as if he doesn't want me to know too much about him - such as where he comes from, or why he protects me. The only reason that i even know he's an angel is because he tells me in every dream. Also, i've never known his name, but in last night's dream he finally told me that his name is Zacharias (or perhaps Zachariah, but i'm pretty sure it was Zacharias). I can't remember many specific details about these dreams i've been having, but i'll attempt to recall what i can.

      In a dream i had a couple of nights ago, i was being chased from house to house in the city i currently live in. The houses looked exactly the way most houses my city look (cheap, two-story houses with siding, and cheap wood-paneling or plaster walls on the inside). The antagonists were a brunette girl and a blonde guy chasing after me this time (they were both young adults, like me, and they had powers just like mine). The girl was merciful and ended up sparing me, but the guy was blood-thirsty and i ended up having to rough him up. I didn't kill him, i simply knocked him out and left before he could regain consciousness and come after me again. I also think i recall having a dog as a companion, but it wasn't my dog, it was apparently the angel's dog (he had said so earlier in the dream). The dog followed me everywhere i went, even when the angel wasn't there. I'm not sure if any of this means anything, though, since the dog has only been in this dream and one other that i had about a month ago (the angel was in that dream as well, but other than him and the dog, i don't remember much).

      Last night's dream was a bit more intense. As always, the sky was dark gray and sort of eerie-looking (the sky is typically always this way in my dreams - at least, in the dreams involving the angel), but in this dream it seemed significantly darker. There was some sort of small war going on, and the angel and i were involved. I recall there being a lot more violence than usual in this dream. There were many more antagonists this time as well, and they were coming after me to seek revenge and ultimately kill me. I'm not too sure why, but i think it was because i had injured one of their allies - i faintly remember looking at a blonde girl that sort of resembled one of my cousins (in my waking life, this cousin and i do not get along because she used to pick on me with her friends). She was bloody and on the ground crying in pain. However, i do know that i had hurt her either in defense or for being pushed too far (i remember feeling guilty yet relieved about it, as if i had no other choice). Once the antagonists found her, i guess that's when they decided to come after me. As for the rest of the dream, I remember feeling really panicky and anxious the entire time, and just really emotional in general. The angel helped me to escape from the antagonists (we never end up killing anyone aside from the blonde girl, and the angel almost never fights in my dreams - we always end up running away to avoid battle). I don't really remember anything else besides the end of the dream, where the angel and i were at the parking lot of the apartment complex i currently live in, and we were talking. This is when he finally told me his name, and again told me that he's an angel (apparently in every new dream, i don't remember that he's an angel). I'd also like to add that there was a hint of romance between the angel and i in last night's dream as well. We didn't kiss or anything - we never do - but i just felt a stronger bond with him this time, and i could tell that he felt the same.

      ADDITIONAL DETAILS: In most dreams, i never really feel anything. They're your typical, silly dreams that don't make sense and that you don't really remember once you wake up. But every time i have a dream about the superpowers and the angels, i remember the dream vividly. I can also sort of feel things in these dreams - like i can taste stuff and feel pain, but only very slightly. I'm also very comprehensive in these dreams - i'm able to make decisions and say what i want to say. I can usually even wake myself up from the dreams when ever i want to.

      I also want everyone to know that i'm aware these dreams could just be nothing. They're probably just coincidences or something. I'm still curious at to whether or not they have meaning, however. I also know that i didn't provide many useful details, but i have a migraine at the moment and i've included as many details as i can recall at the moment. I'll probably remember even more later.

      NOTE: For your convenience, i've bolded everything that i deem important, just in case you don't want to read the entire post (i know it's lengthy - sorry for that).
      Last edited by OddFate; 01-07-2014 at 11:35 AM. Reason: I've remembered more details about last night's dream.

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