I am still new to the forum but I really want to post one of the most interesting dreams I have ever had and see what you guys have to say about it. Who knows maybe this is a very common and boring dream.. so sorry if it ends up being such! I am copying this from a dream journal I started keeping about a year ago when a friend's mother advised me to keep track of my dreams in this manner.
Dream: Something big was happening in the world, like it was coming to an end or something. So the angels came down to earth and were having these meetings to try and figure out what to do, and also to release limited amounts of information to the public. I was one of the people allowed to go and listen.
You had to walk into this hotel type building, then go down a carpeted corridor to a doorway where two men in suits stood on each side. Both had pale blue skin and were older men starting to go bald [they were some type of creature that was meant to be a worker of God]. Now the blue men decided if you were allowed to pass through the doors or not. I went through the doors into this huge, open cornfield. There was a whole crowd of people already there.
The field was a crop circle, people stood on the flattened stalks. I discovered that was the meaning of crop circles: meeting places for god & at rare times for aliens. I also noticed the night sky was a beautiful shade of blue and the stars were out, however it faded to a light purple in the direction the crowd was facing due to a strong light source there. I started talking to some people around me to figure out what was up. No one really seemed to know. Then the angels began speaking, but I could not see them since they were at the front of the crowd and the cause of the light. I found out an alien invasion was coming and then the first meeting ended.
I attended a second meeting and tried to bring my brother but the blue men would not allow him to pass.So I went on alone. It was a night time meeting again. I now knew a lot of the people there as well and handed out small ear pieces to them but in a sort of sneaky way... because the aliens were watching. We were going to use the earpieces to listen in on conversations between people within the crop circle because we knew someone was an invader(alien in human disguise). Then the meeting on fighting the aliens began.
We were soon interuppted by the aliens showing up in a hover craft. They started shooting at us so we all layed down on the ground to avoid it. Then I noticed the ground was now tiny red and black tiles... I was next to this 40 year old-ish guy named Kirk. He had short brown hair. . The aliens spoke down to us using some loudspeaker on their space craft. They said: "Watch as the humans of Earth fall before us!" Then they used some gravitational pull switch thing and suddenly it was hard to stay on the ground and tiles were ripping of the ground into the air. Then the aliens said: "Why don't you fight for your planet!" So we all stood up and started yelling, then they fired about five missiles at us. There was a huge explosion and I was thrown to the side. When the smoke cleared another space craft was there and on the glass the name 'Seth' was signed. Then I knew this nice guy Seth was the alien in human disguise!
Then of all the sudden I was walking out of a movie theatre with my Uncle as if all that I had just lived through ahd actually been two movies we had just seen! The movies were called: WARRIOR PART 1 AND 2. Then we talked about how we could not wait for the third movie to come out called... Dark Star: Warrior Regime.
So.. what do you think haha? For me this was one of the longest dreams I have ever had. It was odd also because I am not that religious and certainly not into alien type sci-fi. I am more of a LOST fan haha!