Hi, I had a more complex dream today which was harder to interpret googling dream meanings.
Instead of the usual car driving by others, or me, crashing or not, I was inside a tight bulldozer (my father used to repair those, I helped in my childhood). Plus, there were some kind of alien or weird creatures, never happened before. The rest is traditional and conventional:

I was repairing inside a bulldozer, in narrow places, wearing pajamas, on a sunday. (thats not my job, I was quality manager, never on construction). But my deceased father did that job.

Inside the machine, were two small gel shaped creatures or aliens (ugly odd, not horrible or threatening). Both green or brownish, the smaller was a kind of a pet of the bigger one. The bigger one was "taken " by an invisible hand, and while he was being taken, wrote some hieroglyphs/symbols on the dust of the machine with the tip of his fingers, to transmit a message to someone. His pet went further inside the machine and I could not find him.

Shortly after,, my (deceased) ex boss came unexpectedly and started using the bulldozer to clean around the place, I guessed it must had been his factory or something. He was a hands on guy. Some other people appeared in crowded poshy car.

I felt exposed being outside wearing pajamas and a robe. Tried to drive a car (failed), someone pointed out I was driving up some stairs, tried to drive some other steep road uphill with no success.

I gave up the car and tried to fluctuate in the air, down hill with some difficulties to move, went down some stairs close to some girls but more oddly since I could not fly, I tried to disguise that fail, trying to walk upside down using my hands...

It was a partially lucid dream.

Context notes (as required to explain what I am emotionally facing)

1) This ex-boss for my longest working period, 6 years had fired me8 years agi in a strong emotive context on his side, like when he fires most of his employees (30% were fired during 2 years). I was banned from the premises and he changed the locks. (I was one of his more trusted executive managers. Oddly, two persons were hired to replace me.) He was a all or nothing kind of person. Some years later he died as a direct result of his stressfull character. Now sometimes he appears in my dreams, without ever having direct interactions with me. I looked at him as a kind of father figure. My father died when I worked there and he was an absent, no positive rewarding parent. My boss also was a no-positive rewarding dude, rude, but successfull and nuveaux-riche.

2) A gifted friend tells me he has been trying to look after me from the other side.
I have dreamed about another previous job where I had thrived and living ex boss cameo, never about some other ex-jobs with less success. On the 90ies I had nightmares that I had to go back to the army. So, not sure if he appears as an authority figure, or as a cameo living deceased person.

3) I am presently demotivated, jobseeking for 2 years, trying to relocate my partner and dog to northern europe. I have ADHD, procrastinate a lot when stressed, start a lot of stuff without finishing. And feeling lost, drifting without knowing what to do, some home renovating, taking new courses for certification to switch to Oil Industry.

4) money is ending, feeling fear, frustrated, frying to feel faith. I know I can get anything I want, Always did, by positive thinking, but now it feels delusional instead of self confidence.

5) I never dream about my father, Only did once, after he died, I trust it was a real spiritual presence, we chatted shortly, I said I only wanted to have a chance to have said goodbye and that settled it.

Thanks a lot in advance for your opinions. The creature and the message intrigues me.