I just wanted to share something that happened the night I had my first and only (so far) lucid dream- three actually. I had the three lucid dreams and I may share those later, but I also had three short dreams in between the lucid ones and, surprisingly enough, these interest me more- they were all in the same setting and seem to follow a kind of storyline. In the first one after my first lucid dream, which was a wonderful but short experience, I found myself lying in my bed with the lights off. A woman was kneeling next to me, someone with dark skin and makeup who I didn't know. She was trying to warn me of something, I could tell from her expression, but I didn't know what. She also mentioned that I should sleep in until 10am, for some reason. Then I had another dream where I became lucid, and then another "normal" dream. Here I was in my bedroom again, but the lights were on. I had a viewpoint from slightly above my sleeping self, and I could see the whole room. Standing next to me on the right was my younger sister, and standing on the left was a boy about the same age who I immediately identified as my brother, even though I have none. They were both holding bloody spikes, and were discussing how they would kill me- which is really strange since I love my sister a lot. I was actually not scared and kind of viewed the situation from afar, in a detached way. I wasn't lucid, though. Then I had a final lucid dream, my longest and most interesting, and after that I was in my bed, in the same position as the first dream, but with the lights on again. My father was standing above me- which was odd since he was sleeping somewhere else that day- and he reassured me that he had seen the whole thing, to not worry, and that it was all right. Also, he told me, as in the first dream, to sleep in until 10am specifically- that day was a school day, so I have no idea why. This dream really did make me feel relaxed and safe. Then that faded, I had a normal uneventful dream, and woke up. I really don't know what to make of this and I was wondering if someone could give a go at interpreting it. Also, does the second dream count as an OOBE? I wasn't aware that I was dreaming, but I was above my sleeping self in my bedroom, and it looked very vivid.