Hi everyone,

I woke up this morning very perplexed, I tried to think who this person I saw was, I looked into facebook for some names I knew maybe i could spot this person but found nothing close. I went onto google to find one of those forums that explain dreams, and here I am.

What happened is, I was standing in between a light crowd of people, there were the normal daily arguments, and the daily chaotic life in between a crowd I knew, the location was outdoors.

Then out of nowhere came a girl with that face (almost my age?), ahh how beautiful!. I expected the girl to be selfish and disregarding, but instead she was looking at me with this deep affectionate look, she was sad, it appeared all over her face, I was the know-nothing guy, I couldn't tell where she came from nor why she was sad at all, but it seemed like many people around the crowd did know her and were looking trying to prevent her from doing what she was doing.

Then she took me inside to an office nearby, she put her head against my chest was maybe crying or not I am not sure, but I hugged her back telling her its gonna be ok, without knowing even why she was sad in the first place, I put my hand on the back of her head, and kissed her on her hair, after that she sat on the ground crying I tried to console her again but she wouldn't talk.

Then after a few moments she let go of me, and ran away, she said she had to go and she cannot talk, I tried to uselessly run after her, then I woke up feeling all perplexed. I logged onto facebook to see maybe I could recognize this face, but no.

I remember my heart was beating so fast when she was around during the dream, I don't know if I ever will meet her in real life.

Any interpretation from any dream experts around here?
