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    Thread: She has cancer! Who is she?

    1. #1
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      She has cancer! Who is she?

      I often have dreams that someone is speaking to me. Last night I had a dream that I was being told that SHE has cancer in her abdomen and there is nothing that can be done. I have no idea who SHE was. I was watching myself being told this and as the voice was explaining to me about the cancer I was visualizing inside an abdomen what appeared to be like that great stuff in the can that fills in cracks that you spray? Then the voice started to tell me that the cancer is similar to the ocean and the waves at low tide will rise slowly and go around all of the rocks and then as it rises it will consume everything in its way. I was visualizing the water and seeing the ocean waves and felt peaceful somehow. No idea what that was all about?
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    2. #2
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      Hi Serene,
      I saw no one had replied to your dream, so thought I would. This is a very, very interesting dream.

      First, let me state that dreams are for each of us to interpret on our own. Therefore, if anything I say below doesn’t resonate with you, then simply discard it. If this was my dream, here is my interpretation of it.

      First, I ask myself who is the voice? Another life? No. My over soul? No. A Healing guide? Yes.

      Now I address the SHE. Is it me? No. A symbol? No. Is it someone I know? Yes. Is it someone I’m related to? No.

      “I was watching myself being told this and as the voice was explaining to me about the cancer I was visualizing inside an abdomen what appeared to be like that great stuff in the can that fills in cracks that you spray? Then the voice started to tell me that the cancer is similar to the ocean and the waves at low tide will rise slowly and go around all of the rocks and then as it rises it will consume everything in its way. I was visualizing the water and seeing the ocean waves and felt peaceful somehow.”

      Question to myself, “Why am I being shown this?” It’s to help me learn more about healing and myself.

      First, I am showing myself that I can use visualization to see inside bodies. In this case, I am seeing the cancer symbolically.

      Second, I am being shown how it can spread, in this case like “water rising around the rocks consuming everything in it’s way.” Water in my dreams is a symbol of my feminine. Does this apply to this dream? Yes. Very interesting. So is my feminine killing me? No. Ah…it’s cell growth that is out of balance? Yes.

      Instead, I am visualizing the oceans waves and feeling peaceful. So, I am showing myself that my feminine, i.e. the ocean is healing underneath.

      So why am I being told that nothing can be done? I have my own theory that before we incarnate we carefully choose our personality, where we are going to be born, our families and our major life challenges. We also choose out potential “exit points”.

      What I have learnt about myself and about healing, is that the person who’s sick must want to be healed not only mentally but also deep down inside themselves spiritually. Without this, then healing usually doesn’t work or, if it does, is soon replaced by other illnesses.

      There are many different types of healing. Some are where the healer transfers energy from themselves to the sick person. This is quite common.

      Not as common is where the healer is simply a channel for others to determine what can and should be done for a sick person. The spiritual healers then work with the physical healer to channel energy through to the sick person. This can be done in person or at a distance. This is called spiritual healing.

      Dear Serene, you are a healer. If you don’t know this already, if this was my dream, I would be thinking about it.

      You seem to have two different abilities…one is to “hear” in your dreams. The other is to “see” in your dreams. If it was me, I would be asking my healing guides to communicate with me more via words and images.

      One thing that comes to me as I write this is to recommend you do some research on medical intuitives. You might also want to do some research on Barbara Ann Brennan, if you don’t know her. I “feel” for what it’s worth that this might resonate with you.

      Finally, I also “feel” that you should do some research on a man named Andrew Jackson Davis. He was a spiritual healer during the 1800’s. You might also want to go to a place called Lilydale and look for spiritual healers there.

      Do you meditate and keep a dream journal? If not, then I also suggest you consider doing this.

      As I said in the beginning, if this doesn’t resonate then simply discard it. Trust your intuition.

      What a wonderful dream. Keep feeling the calming presence of the ocean. Ask for you healing guides and they will be there to assist you.

      I hope that some of what I have said above resonates within you.

      With kind regards,

      Quote Originally Posted by Serene View Post
      I often have dreams that someone is speaking to me. Last night I had a dream that I was being told that SHE has cancer in her abdomen and there is nothing that can be done. I have no idea who SHE was. I was watching myself being told this and as the voice was explaining to me about the cancer I was visualizing inside an abdomen what appeared to be like that great stuff in the can that fills in cracks that you spray? Then the voice started to tell me that the cancer is similar to the ocean and the waves at low tide will rise slowly and go around all of the rocks and then as it rises it will consume everything in its way. I was visualizing the water and seeing the ocean waves and felt peaceful somehow. No idea what that was all about?
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    3. #3
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      You always make me feel good with your explanations. So, is it possible to be both a time bender and a healer? I loved your reply on my being give the title of Time Bender as well. You are very knowledgeable. Are you a teacher? I wish I had your talent. I sure do appreciate your time once again.

    4. #4
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      Hi Serene,
      You have many spiritual abilities. It's sort of pouring out of you via your dreams saying "hey listen to me!". It is very possible to be a time-bender and a healer.

      A word of caution, don't compare yourself to others saying things like "I wish I had your talent." The grass always looks greener on the other side, so to speak. You have many abilities which I don't. Simply learn to tune into yourself and go with the flow!

      All of us are teachers in our own ways. This applies especially to the ones that hurt us the most. While this may not make sense reading this, people who hurt us are there for us to learn about ourselves. This doesn't make what they are doing "right" or "justified" or whatever. They are however there to force us to dive deep inside ourselves to deal with the hurt they are causing us physically, mentally and especially physically.

      in our society today, we love to put people on pedestals. It's how our society is built using competition, awards, winners and losers. these are very masculine based traits. There are however many feminine based traits we aren't listening to. You, Serene, have many of them spiritually bubbling away within you regarding spiritual communication and healing. Another one is collaboration.

      As Silver Birch says "I know of one religion; it is service. We judge by action, by life, by motive.". As one reaches inside oneself, one learns about oneself and then one is compelled to assist others. It easily comes from within and this one teaches by using one's own experiences. He also said "When the pupil is ready the master appears."

      Happy spiritual voyaging Serene!

      With kind regards,
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    5. #5
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      I went to work today and a very nice friend/co-worker found out she has lung cancer in both lungs and she needs a MRI to see if it spread to her brain.

    6. #6
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      Every day, one can assist others, to the extent they want it and also to the extent of what they need physically, mentally and spiritually. Here's some suggestions from me to you.

      First of all, don't internalize other people's medical problems. You can't heal everyone nor should you take on their physical, mental and spiritual energies. I have learnt when I work with others to have my healing guides protect me energy wise. So, if you agree, then ask your healing guides to do the same for you.

      Next, once a day, set aside some time for yourself. Meditate, dream journal interpret or whatever. One can get so busy helping others they don't help themselves.

      Then set aside a quiet time where you do some healing for others. You can do this at a distance. You may or may not tell the person that you are helping them. When I do this, I sort of "Attune" to myself. Then I ask my healing guides to teach me. I then usually visualize the person or simply say their name. Then I feel this "connection" with my healing guides and the person. I am an observer. Sometimes I can "listen in". Other times, my healing guides will take me to some other place to teach me something while at the same time assisting in healing the person.

      I have been taught to wait until the energy flow stops. Then I know the healing is done for the person.

      Don't think everyone you're going to work with will get well. Life is full of ups and downs. What I take comfort in is my knowing I have tried my best to assist the other person. The healing energy I was part of assisted them in some way. Be humble since life can be humbling.

      I hope this helps you. I am sure you will have many, many, many wonderful spiritual adventures.

      With kind regards,
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    7. #7
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      Is this dream even negative? You called this cancer like the great stuff in cans that fills gaps. Or maybe that fills you. Maybe what takes over you, but is not bad.
      Then it looks like your emotions or spirit filling you around the hard areas or hardship, or maybe filling emptiness. Is consuming everything in its way consuming this or the bad? Is it about feeling low then rising? It sounds the opposite to eating away at you cancer normally is otherwise why would you feel peaceful?

      Therefore there is nothing that can be done might be positive too.
      But maybe it infers something out of your control, that may have seemed wrong or disruptive at first, or what can eat away at you that you turned peaceful. I think that fits better. The dream should be about only you. Maybe how you wanted to be serene.
      The SHE can be this side of you which you feel disconnected from, as well as this new you that you want.

      Your friend can be co-incidence. Or is there a cancerous situation at your work?
      Last edited by Superman1; 10-01-2016 at 03:06 AM. Reason: It's all in the name

    8. #8
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      Can you please update the outcome? thank you

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