I was wondering if anyone can interpret this reoccuring theme in dreams that have happened several times in my life, espicially resentely.

This seems extremely weird and I was considering not posting it, but couldn't help but want to know what it means. In these dreams I am female. The earliest I can remember these dreams is about fourth grade. These dreams were seperated by some time though except for this year which it appeared about five times. I only remember two of them.

The first was where I was in a futuristic domed city. I spoke to some people in a large food court. I left though to some idustrial area. I was walking down some narrow corridor until I reach a dead end and then suddenly the other end caves in and i'm trapped. I call out saying that i'm there for what seemed like five minutes. Then someone helped me out and this is far as I remember.

The second is where i'm dressed in a very business like suit. For some reason I've been trying to disguise myself as a man while I was a woman because I remember being a man. I decided that it would be easier to just go out as I am. I leave some bathroom area and go to some desk. Theres a woman there who hands me a packet and a pencil and tells me to go to the auditorium. I go to this auditorium and sit in a row close to the stage. There are alot of people there and I take out the packet. All I can remember of the packet is looking at diffrent important political positions and a mutiple choice anwsers for how long you've been in this postion. I bubble in two years as a judge. And thats all for that one.

This is a really weird reoccuring thing. I wouldn't know why I'd be the opposite sex, not like I would consider it at all or anything like that. My whole life i've had very bad dream recall. I normally wake up and not remember anything. I do remember about thirty dreams of the top of my head though, which usually happened as a kid. If anyone can interpret this I'd be glad. Thanks again.