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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2006

      Recurring Arguments

      Hello, I'm new here, and I need a little help with a recurring dream that I am having. For the past month or so, I have been having recurring dreams of my fiance and I getting into really bad arguments. Where we are and why we are fighting is always different, but the basics stay the same. In these dreams, he and I start out just fine. We are happy and everything couldn't be better. But then, something will happen that will upset me. Strange things, too, like things that he would never, ever do, such as commenting on how attractive another woman is, insulting me or degrading me, or I'll find out that he is cheating on me. Things like that will happen in the dream, and I will get very angry and start to yell at him. He'll act like he doesn't care and some times he'll start to laugh, which will upset me more, and each time, I take my ring off and throw it away. I recently had a dream like this just last night, which finally compelled me to see why I keep having dreams like this. Every time I wake up from these dreams, I have this overwhelming feeling that something bad will happen, or has already happened. And it's strange, because my fiance and I never fight or yell at one another. He has never cheated on me, or shown any interest in another woman whatsoever. I have no idea why I would be dreaming about such things. Is this my imagination getting the best of me, or is my subconcious trying to tell me that there is something wrong and I'd better do something about it before it's too late? Thank you so very much for your help.

    2. #2
      Member R.Carter's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2005
      Sarasota, Florida
      Hey There,
      The only time I have dreams of that quality is when I've got something
      on my mind that I'm not dealing with, and I should be. I'm wondering how close the
      wedding is ? If you two have a good relationship now you might be wondering,
      subconsciously, if that will change after you're married. Trust is such a huge
      thing in any relationship. I'd suggest spending some time really thinking
      about how your dreams relate to your actual thoughts and feelings. Are
      any of those scenarios things you truly fear may happen at some time?
      The opposite could apply, too. Are you worried that you may not live up
      to his expectations as a wife, thereby causing his behavior ?
      I hope this helps a little. Welcome to Dream Views. RC.

      You're getting sleepy......

      (O.o )
      (> < ) This is Bunny.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2006
      Yes, that pretty much sums up what is going on in my mind, haha. Certain things that have been occurring in our everyday life seem to have put some strain on us, and I overlooked it. We haven't set a date yet, but the idea of getting married does scare me a little bit. Hopefully I'll stop having dreams like this now that I've figured out why. Thank you.

    4. #4
      Member R.Carter's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2005
      Sarasota, Florida
      Happy to help. I've had some experience. Good Luck !

      You're getting sleepy......

      (O.o )
      (> < ) This is Bunny.


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