its been a while since I've been here.

Last night I had a dream I think I can call a nightmare. I was coming to school, and I had four stiches in my arm. Everything was going fine, until a man in a wheelchair slid up and gave me this mysterious smile. He was missing some teeth. I felt strange and so I pushed up the hall to the back of the line. I think it was a line for medical treatment of some sort. The whole line turned around and said "Awwww-too bad buddy, your at the back of the line!" They spoke with sympathy. Then I turned around and there were these delinquints who only looked at me, laughed, and left.

Later, I heard this rumble, and everyone screaming. I started to run, and ended up in the back room of the gym, where the stage is. There was this boy there who I didn't not recognize, and he waited with me. I could hear the thundering of the death machine they operated, the screams of people, and their scary chants. I can't remember them, but I remember feeling terrified as the chants and noises grew louder and closer. Then i realized that they could go anywhere. I saw the door open, and the machine slide in. I went to second level of the backroom, (in real life it doesn't exist) and turned to the guy keeping me company.

"It's all over." was all he said, and then jumped through the stage curtains into the gym. I saw the machine, and then I forced my eyes open.

I was wondering if anyone could interpret this. It was extremly vivid.