I am having an awful lot of dreams about schools, and have had for years I think. The last one I had was of a school that you might imagine is out of a Harry Potter film, not as ornate, more like a georgian/victorian school with grass lawns.

In the dreams I am never very part of them, more a spectator. In this most recent one I really just drift around, interacting occassionally. I do remember not feeling very welcome by the other students, but it didn't bother me and I ignored it. Anyone in authority for the most part ignored me. However I remember speaking to one teacher who said something like this wasn't the right place for me.

I do remember eating something from a table that tasted horrible, so I had to spit it out.

The most interesting bit of the dream was that I became semi lucid - as I frequently do these days, due to training - in the middle of the dream. I had wandered outside to a grassy area and I saw a girl sitting on a large trunk, with a ring in her nose. I went over to talk to her, partly because I thought her cute, but also because I had the idea to ask her questions about myself and see what the answers were like.

When I get to her she asks me if I have come over because of her nose ring and points at it. I reply that I have, and that I find it quite cute. She laughs. I then ask here where I am, to which she replies 'Nowhere'. I go on to talk to her but I can't remember the rest, I think it is about myself.

I find it interesting that I have so many dreams about schools. They are frequently themeatically the same, but with different layouts. Sometimes its my old highschool, but recently it has been the harrypotter esque school I described earlier. Can anyone shed any light?