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    Thread: Rescue Dreams

    1. #1
      Member Zophael's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Hey all,

      After a long pause (2 years) I've decided to pick up dreaming again.

      Now I haven't exactly stood still concerning dreaming these years and among other books I've read Freud's interpretation of dreams. He tries to clarify and explain a large number of dreams but there is one dream he only half clarifies: the rescue dream. In short he only explains it for women (it's the desire to give birth, to have a child) but leaves men (and I happen to be one of them) out of it.

      Do we have anyone in house who knows his way around psychology, and/or German?

      Freud only leaves a note where we can find more information about rescue dreams but I have been unable to find anything.

      The note:
      Zie Beitrage zur Psychologie des liebeslebens “Über einen besonderen Typus der objektwahl beim Manne. (265). 1910
      Rank, Beilege zur Rettungsphantasie 1915
      Reik, Zur Rettungssymbolic.[/b]
      Googling only finds online versions of Freud's book. I'm interested in personal views on rescue dreams but above all I'm interested in what Freud's opinion is.

      What does he think of male rescue dreams?
      Why can't he explain it in his book and does he feel the need to give three notes to it.

      Somewhere I've found a reference that rescue dreams (in general, female and male) mean that the person as a child had to care for himself and thus in dreams does exactly that: caring for others because nobody else can.

      I'm just very curious
      Adopted by gameover

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jun 2006
      RESCUE : Think of ways in which use the word rescue in real life. We all need to be rescued from a difficult situation. In some cases we do not want to be rescued because it shows weakness. In some cases we help others out and save them from an awkward situation. [KEY WORDS : Helping someone , admitting weakness, 'making do']

      KEY PHRASES(Pick a quote which captures your feelings right now. Think especially of the day before the dream) :
      - "The situation is not ideal but I will try my best"
      - "They keep expecting help"
      - "I need to escape this"
      - "I need help but do not want to appear weak"

      If people truly knew the meaning of their dreams they would be quite surprised. Many have helped perpetuate the myth that dreams are really deep and meaningful. True some are but the majority of dreams are simply part of our brain functions. They help us clarify everyday issues. These are very important at the time but
      are far from being crucial in the overall scheme of things. Freud and others talk of the deeper dreams. But that is only because of their interest in psychology. They also speak of lots of other dreams that are insignificant and just linked to the previous day. But these dreams are interesting in themselves. They too show how the brain works. So simple dreams with meanings like "I need to spend more time on my studies" are important. If we can understand the simple dreams we can apply knowledge gained to solve the more trickier dreams.

      These pages are especially helpful in showing you how to interpret dreams

      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...yhowtopost.html Interpreting dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2...ssayhowto.html Triggers for dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dreamessay.html Dream dictionary

      Well the above definition comes from my own dream dictionary. The definitions are based on real dreams which I believe to be interpreted correctly. So they cover the kinds of real unconscious feelings that are generating inside us

      What exactly is a dream? A dream often captures some new thought or feeling or fantasy. Often deeply embedded in it is some idea or thought. Try to bear that in mind when understanding a dream. A dream will symbolise some conceptual thought such as "I think my grandmother is still angry with me after what I said" . Many dreams revolve us making such judgements based upon our intuitions.

      How exactly do you go about understanding the meaning of a dream symbol? Well first you start to make associations with that symbol. Take for instance if you had a dream about Tony Blair the Prime Minister of the UK. You can associate many things with him. First of all he is a decision maker. The dream then could capture you wanting to take some serious decision within your own life. But equally Tony Blair is a man who began his political life a hero who was universally popular. Now he is disliked by almost everyone in the country. Maybe the dream captures some similar situation for yourself eg "When I first started my job everyone liked me. I could do nothing wrong. But recently I have become universally unpopular". But we could also see Tony Blair in another sense. He is the ally of President Bush and is often accused of doing everything he says and because of this has been accused of being a poodle. So maybe the dream captures some theme with a similar "yes man" theme. But Tony Blair could also have different meanings. He has virtually said that he will resign in the spring and there was much speculation about this and about how he should go about resigning. Maybe the dream captures a similar theme in your own life eg "I am thinking of leaving my job. But if I tell my boss it may cause trouble for me. I might just leave it as long as possible".

      Therefor its possible to list many different symbolic meanings. Any one of these could be correct. The first association that comes to mind is not always the correct one. Its a matter of trying out different theories and then seeing if they fit the situation or feelings within your life. If one seems to work then try working in the other dream symbols.

      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dr...yhowtopost.html Interpreting dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2...ssayhowto.html Triggers for dreams
      http://www.geocities.com/hairybobby2000/dreamessay.html Dream dictionary

    3. #3
      Member Zophael's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      Thank you very much for your inpunt.

      Are there any others who know what Freud is talking about or who have a definition of rescue dreams?

      This is the exact quote from the interpretation of dreams:
      Rescue dreams are connected with birth dreams. In women’s dreams, to rescue, and especially to rescue from the water, has the same significance as giving birth; but the meaning is modified if the dreamer is a man.[/b]
      Adopted by gameover


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