This is a long dream I had a long time ago. I've already interpreted it the way I feel, but outside ideas would be nice. Give it your best shot.

The strangest dream.

It is weird that the few most amazing times in my life are the ones where I am not awake. I had my first non-lucid dream in a long time.

Part 1 – The dumb old man

I "awoke" in my bed, but it was the bed I had when I was younger. Not the bed I currently have today. When I woke up there was a man sitting next to me. He was humming some weird old song I have never heard of. We started talking and then the TV in my room turned on. There was a kid playing “Is Anybody in There?” by Pink Floyd against a fence on a street corner. I said the song name and the old man replied stupidly that neither Roger Waters nor Wayne Gilman ever wrote that song. It was just some random thing made up. I got angry because I knew for a fact that it was on my favorite side of The Wall (Part 3). I told him he was wrong and I could prove it. I said I would put The Wall movie in and show him. He said that was fine as long as we had a more comfortable place to watch it. I decided to set my VCR up in my fathers’ room. We did that and turned on The Wall. For some reason I decided not to watch. I turned on my father’s laptop and decided to play Doom (Video game). It’s weird because I knew for a fact that he didn’t have Doom on his computer, but it was there. I turned it on and came into the world of Doom.

Part 2 – “Playing” Doom

The screen loaded and I came into the world of Doom (This is a video game I used to play a lot). I looked around. This wasn’t the regular doom WAD (Level). Something was weird. I decided to play anyways. It’s still Doom. For some reason I was started on a berserk so it was all crazy. I was in first person so everything looked real to me, but still had Doom graphics. I can still remember the level. I was on an outer walkway around an area surrounded by lava. It’s hard to explain but I have to remember to make it just to recall the experience better. I will use paint to show it as best I can, I guess.


Green Dot - Me
Red Dot – Cacodemon
Orange Dot - Demon
Blue Dot - Mom
Brown Dot - Med kit
Pink Line - Switch
Grey – Passable Walkway
Red and Orange Stuff - Lava
Black – Wall

Not exactly the best picture, but you get the idea, right?

I started out thinking “Let’s kick some ass.” I guess I had an urge to kill some monsters. I ran along the walkway and heard the Cacodemon. I ran up to it as fast as I could and killed it by punching, Remember Doomers, I have berserk. I don’t need a BFG, or a FG for that matter. I killed the Cacodemon and saw I had 60% percent health. I ran back and got the health pack I found earlier and saw a demon coming right at me. Only people who know me would know why I was scared like hell. I am scared of demons. I admit it. They really terrify me. I decide to be brave and take it head on, not like I had much of a choice. I start screaming and rushed for the demon. It was the demon or me. Logically it would be me because I had 85% health and demons aren’t that powerful, but I didn’t think about that. I just wanted to live and get that ugly thing out of my site. We battled and I screamed like a little baby like I normally do, cursing as loud as I could. I still screamed after it was dead. After that was over and I got a hold of myself I went over and pressed the switch, wondering what would happen. I pressed it and my mother appeared. I have no clue why, but my eyebrows rose. Did I make this WAD? A bridge rose so I could get to her. I came up to her and we started talking.

Part 3 – Green Glowing Letters

It still shocked me that my mother was there, leaving me from the idea that I was playing Doom. She told me she had a game for me. She wanted to find all the letters that glowed green in the area. She said that all my brothers and sisters were finding different colored letters. Because she is my mother, no matter our past, I decided I would do it for her. I had nothing else to do. There was one on the wall and I touched it. My body warmed up and I became happier. There was a door that opened up in a wall. In it was a bunch of walkways with small stores in them. I looked inside them and found the weirdest things possible. I can’t remember what they were. All I remember is finding more green letters in the stores. I saw the other 7 of our lot do the same thing, but I never talked to them. We were all too busy. I got to the end of the mall thing. There were two open doors leading to the outside. There was a soccer game going on, but it was only half of a soccer field. It was so bizarre. I was confused as to what the point was. One team was scoring and the other was defending. I decided to join in and play a little. (I like to play soccer. My team won a championship up in Vancouver.) I played near the back, kicking the ball to the other players for the goal. Once, I kicked it up in the air really hard and (It turns out) Jason (My best friend, who was never on my soccer team) bumped his head on the ball and got the ball in. Because I helped him get a goal, he gave me a green letter. I felt pretty good. There came an announcement “Fox Ravenlocke and Fenrir (Nicknames) working together just like always.” My dad appeared and he said I played well. If it wasn’t for me, my team wouldn’t have won. Talk about my dreams trying to make me vain. He said that I could not join a team and get sponsored yet. He wanted to wait a while before I did that. I didn’t care. I just liked playing soccer for fun. Then, this man came out. He wanted to talk to me. He liked my playing style. I went into his office. He had a deal for me he said I couldn’t refuse.

Part 4 – The Evil Sponsor

The man wanted me on his soccer team. He was the defenders then, but he saw how well I played. He offered me a good deal with money and all that. I am not even that good at soccer, so I wondered why he chose me. I remembered what my dad said though, so I refused and started to leave. The man took out a gun and shot at me. He said I wasn’t going anywhere. I was going to be his project. I started to run and got into the walkways. He sent men after me. As I ran out of the office I grew a fox tail. It was friggin’ cool. They chased me all over the mall. I ran back into this arcade and I lost them. I looked and saw a bunch of Pac-Man games with Dane Cook’s playing them. I laughed. Dane Cook is a really good comedian. I kept running and made it into a Pharmacy. A Pharmacist asked what I was doing here. I told him everything that happened. The Pharmacist said that it happened with every soccer player that does remotely good. The guy that was trying to get me just wanted the best team and would cheat and lie to do it. The Pharmacist said that he had to go get some supplies and would be back. I could hide here until the heat wore off. That was pretty nice of him, but he said it was because he had passion for soccer. He left and I hid away. My dad came in and told me to come out. He had something for me. He gave me this necklace with two key chains on it. One key chain had the picture of an ice phoenix with the question “Why are you such a fucking dumbass?” and the other key chain had a picture of a flaming phoenix that had the word “death.” on it. I instantly thought of Janie (I assume I thought I was about 12-13 when this dream happened considering the future events with Janie because I don’t feel that way with her anymore.) and how good she made me feel inside. I was ready to take these guys on. I came out of the pharmacy with two sub-machine guns and found the men looking for me. I yelled “Get ready to die, bastards! You will never take the good away from the people or the game!” I shot every single one of those evil men. It was all me being awesome. I was untouchable (Once again, my vanity XP.). After the blood was shed, a kid from the team I was on earlier came up to me and asked me where all of that came from. I just shrugged and walked off.

I woke up

The end