Okay, here's a little background information so you wonderful people have an easier time interpreting my dream. Names changed for confidentiality.

I'm a 17 year old guy. My girlfriend's been putting on weight, and I continue to try (unsuccessfully) to convince her to exercise. She really wants to lose weight, though, and sometimes she'll skip entire meals. There was this one time where she only ate breakfast, and that was it.

I have a friend I've known since grade 3, and she's a bombshell. I used to like her a lot a year ago, and we dated for a while, but the relationship never worked out. Now we're just friends, and since she no longer lives in the same area as me, we only get to hang out a few times a month. I'll call my friend Rika. Anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night to take a leak. I was flushing the john when I suddenly remembered I had this dream where I had sex with Rika. That was really strange for me, since I only have dreams about sex when I haven't had sex/masturbated for quite a while. I didn't cream my boxers, either, so technically it isn't a wet dream. I tried going bac to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream and what it could mean, so after about thirty minutes I got up, went to my laptop, and typed what I could remember on MS word. I distinctly remember that a lot of things happened before and after I had sex in my dream, but I can hardy remember anything. Anyway, here's how it goes.

In my dream, I was staying in a villa with at least three floors, winding staircases, and men with guns. Half were black, and half were chinese. A lot happened before I had sex, but I can't remember what happened.

I was walking along a pier when I saw Rika dressed in a black thong and a tight fitting grey shirt behind some boxes right next to the water. She showed her ass to me, and took off her shirt while staring at me seductively, which reminded me of our dating days. I heard running water in the background. I went over to her and started kissing her and fondling her breasts. She seemed unusually responsive to me touching her breasts, and she was moaning in enjoyment. She took me by the hand and led me to a pile of gravel and lay down on it. I thought it would be hard, being gravel, but it was surprisingly soft. I found myself unusually obsessed with her breasts, and paid much more attention to it than I normally would have in real life. This went on for a few minutes, then I ripped her thong off and went down on her. In sharp contrast, she claimed she wasn’t feeling anything and complained that I sucked at oral sex. I never remembered taking off my clothing, so I must have been naked already when I saw her. I started fucking her from behind, and she liked that. I was about to cum, but I didn't have a condom and I really wanted to cum inside her. I've always wanted to try anal sex, but I have never tried it. I felt that this was a good opportunity. I pulled out and stuck my dick in her ass, and was about to cum in her ass when a group of black men with automatic firearms from the villa came and just stared. We were suddenly self conscious. Suddenly my favorite white trucker hat was on my head. I lent my white hat to Rika so she could cover her breasts with it and we got in a car and drove back to the villa. I don’t remember what happened after that, but I'm pretty sure she never came up in my dream again. I had no idea it was a dream at the time.

If you guys could help me interpret this, I'd really appreciate it. I have a feeling that my frustration at my girlfriend partially caused this dream, but otherwise I'm pretty clueless. I hardly remember my dreams when I wake up, and I never really paid much attention to them until now.