This is a dream that i had when i was younger.

Basically i used to have this thing where before every nightmare i would fall off a tall skyscraper, I would appear already falling, and there was one of then entrance marquees below where i was falling, which never stopped me. and when i landed (not on my feet), i would wake a nightmare.

Then this happened, i woke up in a room. It was dark, quite narrow and below ground level...but not by much. The ceiling of the room was about 6inches or so above ground level, with a window from the ceiling to ground level on the right hand side about 2foot long and about 6inches high. It was a long room, with what i would describe as fruit machines and/ or arcade machines all in a row down both sides. I couldn't see properly, nor speak, nor walk. I started to panic, and a fire began. At the moment that the fire began, i realised that there was no door to escape from. There was the window, but i knew there was know way of getting through it, not because i couldnt, but because my lack of sensory perception prevented me from doing so. All i can remember from there, is struggling for a while more then waking up.

Sounds weird know, we're all weird in here *taps on own head*