Well dreams do relate to your own thoughts. Nudity can link to your own feelings fo vulnerability. We feel naked if we are in a situation that we cannot cope with.

But in this case the dream maybe about your own sexuality. If you feel self conscious about your boobs then maybe it links to that. It may have been triggered by a moment at work.

Perhaps it captures this sort of feeling

"Yesterday I bent down and realised that guys could have seen right down my short. I panicked but then realised that no one had noticed. It made me feel slightly down"

But really it could mean lots of things. Many reams link to the previous days.

Its vital to understand the process of dreams. Most dreams simply reorder the mind and sort through memories from the previous day. Dreams represent the ways in which our mind has been reshaping.
http://unclesirbobby.110mb.com/dreamlthetawave.php Theta brain waves and dreams
Use this page to see how to use dream symbols and how to spot issues which trigger dreams.
http://unclesirbobby.110mb.com/dreamessayhowto.php read this page to see how to use dream symbols.