• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Discredited Wackjob Maroon_Sweater's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2007
      Nova Scotia

      Just a regular falling dream?

      Almost every night before I can get to sleep, I have this dream over and over again. It's really frustrating, because it's one of those dreams (It starts with an M, I`m too lazy to check) that causes jour muscles to jerk, and I usually end up completely awake, and then have to force myself back to sleep.
      I've had falling dreams, but this one's different.
      Theres a grey stone bridge over a river, it's not very big though, only about 4 feet high from the water. I`m trying to walk across one of the sides, where people normally put their hands. But I don't think i`m me in it. My legs are too long, and weirdly feminen in a way, I have white sneakers and a small backpack. There's someone watching me who I can't recognize, and suddenly they just walk over and push me from the side. I wake up instantly.
      I'm getting this strange feeling that I`m dreaming someone elses dream, like it doesn't belong to me. Like how sometimes walkie-talkie's intercept each others signalls.
      So, is this just a usual 'Falling Dream' where I`m feeling insecure? It's been going on for a long time, and there's nothing I`m really feeling insecure about, so I don't get it. Do you?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2007


      Hi their. Could your dream mean that someone in waking life is "pushing" you to finish a task, or goal, or challenge of some sort. Do you feel pushed or pressured by something or someone? It's proubly not insecurity on your part, because you yourself did not fall, but you where pushed. So perhaps something or someone is presurering you and pushing you?

    3. #3
      Member dark_wolf's Avatar
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      Aug 2007
      Right behind you
      I've heard that nightmares have a way of helping you become luicd. Maybe you could do a reality check everytime you see a bridge so that way in your dream you might be able to become lucid.
      Some are born lucid, others have lucidity thrust upon them.


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