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    1. #1
      Member LifeDreamer's Avatar
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      dreams with voices

      This is an entry out of my journal. One day I had I was feeling depression and somewhat suicidal but not enough to commit to it. I closed my eyes with nothing on my mind except disbelief in what life was all about. In my dream I was walking through a neighborhood, lost and confused. There were airplanes landing in the streets and the houses were humongous it was overwhelming. My vision then changed to a view of an icy cold bridge people where moving under it going backwards and not going forwards. All my emotions turned dark and I felt as if death was as worse as it got. Then a voice told me once I have gone backwards I can never go forwards.

      On 6/17/07 Recorded yet another dream with a voice. I was outside wandering in my apartment complex looking for something more than what was around. I saw construction props laying on a small grassy area open to anyone who wanted to touch them. I didn’t touch them because the looked dangerous. I then spotted a sprinkler and started messing around with it when it unconnected from it’s water host. I tried to connect it again but it wouldn’t work. I felt wet and wondered if it effected me “for real” but then lost the thought knowing it really had no importance to what I was dreaming about. I started looking around again when I found two blue shoes lying around on the ground. One of them was in a water hole and the other was by the sprinkler I had broke. I wanted to return them. I found one pink shoe but didn’t want to even think about picking it up because it was broken. I went to look for the notice board in my complex. I saw all these postings about people. one of them was about a lady who delivered 14,000 babies and had one bad birth. Exactly. This then gave me a notice that I was dreaming. I then wanted to ask questions full unaware of what they were I asked “who makes my dreams” and “where do the they come from?” A space in the in the sky then cleared and a voice suddenly said “trust” as I looked up in the sky I wondered who it was and then a tornado came out of the same place in the sky from where the voice was coming from and swept me away into life again.

      It was very strange because it was the same voice as in the previous dream ,almost sounded like a monster. Very powerful

    2. #2
      dreamcatcher timeless petal's Avatar
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      Ok, ill start with your first dream for now...
      The neighbourhood you were in represents your inner world, your sanctum if you like. The huge houses are the houses of your mind, their size represents your massive potential. The aeroplanes landing may symbolise your need to 'take off' or grow to your full potential.
      bridges symbolise a spiritual transition point. The ice represents frozen emotions and life development. This and The people underneath who are going backwards could symbolise the many aspects of your inner self that are trapped going backwards. You really need to break through the ice, using all of ur strength and potential.
      I can understand how hard the journey through depression is. Its dark and its lonely. I felt like my soul had died. You need to be strong and really look after ur spirituality.

    3. #3
      Member LifeDreamer's Avatar
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      thank you, that interpretation makes sense to exactly how i feel and have felt through the dream. Just lost and lonely and feeling the need to take off but being stuck for the time being. Maybe there is a key to these dreams that will open up my mind and take me to that "other" place i need to be. My potential has the need to burst through the sky i have even taken that beyond in my dreams by flying as far as i could go only ending up in another dream after another. What i feel i need to do in my dreams is burst from my physical body where all the pain, scars and tears is coming from and fall into the sky above. There I hope to drift in bliss and feel free of anxiety, and all other emotions and mental illness's that make me feel like my whole body is malfunctioning all the time.


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