Hello All,

New to this forum. I have been praying for a week solid for guidance and last night I think I might have gotten that guidance in the form of my dream. It was so very vivid. I was standing by a low rock wall with a river running down the other side. I can't remember what I was wearing but it was modest. I had a glass vile in my hands that had beautiful flowers in it and I distinctly heard a loud voice say "Whoever asks for the light shall receive the light, they asked and it shall be given to them times 3" and then the voice said "The Serpent comes" but I can't remember the rest. So if anyone out there can help with the dream I would appreciate it. I should also add after the voice said what it said about the light the vile in my hands plus my entire being filled up with golden white light. It was warm and very pleasant. I don't get it entirely though. I also do not get the reference to the serpent. In this case though it wasn't serpent that was used it was actually the word "basilisk". Thankyou in advance for any help. I truly appreciate it.