This dream I had last night was mental. Started off I was watching a documentary about the most dangerous animal in the world and it was this huge alligator that lived in Jamaica called a Jamuar or something. I thought it was weird because when I was in Jamaica the alligators were harmless.

All of a sudden I was in a big river in Jamaica swimming around and I asked some guy where the Jamuars are and he said they only come out in summer so I was relieved I wasn't gonna run into one. I was swimming under the water and noticed there were alligators everywhere. There was all sorts of wildlife around there were beavers swimming along the top of the river and there were even tigers swimming around in there. I knew tigers were vicious but I figured if I didnt bother them they wouldnt bother me. There were also miniature whales swimming around in this river.

There was a fishing boat with a net beside and they managed to catch this huge fish and one guy goes "Look its a mermaid" and this fish actually had the head of a man. All of a sudden I got the idea that there might be leeches so I got outta the water and decided to try and walk back along this ledge but there were swarms of mosquitos everywhere. I knew I was in trouble so I jumped back into the water and took my chances with the leeches and tigers. I didn't see anymore leeches but I couldn't help noticed more beavers and tigers swimming down the river.

It was a mad dream I wonder what the significance of friendly alligators, beavers, swimming tigers, tiny whales and mermaids are.

BTW thats the second dream I've had of fishermen catching a giant fish with a mans head.