I just copied it from my website to here. I'm pretty good at understanding my dreams and their meanings but this one I couldn't quite figure out. Yeah, it's a few years old.

September 28, 2005

I dreamt I went to get ice cream with my brother and my cousin. I ordered mint chocolate and for some reason the guy gave me mint chocolate chip cookies. We then dropped by another ice cream place, TCBY but we didn’t get anything (why we went I don’t know). I kept hearing Baskin Robbins (which was where we went first) in the background. My cousin left in his car and my brother and I headed home, problem was we couldn’t find our house. The neighborhood and people looked familiar but we just couldn’t find our house. We went further in and the houses got bigger, fancier and kinda English-ish. There were lots of people walking around, it looked like there was some sort of festival going on. My brother saw a pictograph of where we got lost, he said it was just over those mounds. We kept asking old ladies for directions and they just smiled and told us to get a sleeping bag or something. They didn’t really listen to what we were asking them.

We later meet this man, who seems like he's the one in charge of the festival, surrounded by a bunch of laughing and dancing kids. I got a bad vibe from him. My brother sees the mound ahead and it led to the forest. The man kept watching us and we got the feeling we weren’t suppose to go into the forest. I distracted them while my brother runs there. I see this tiki rock statue (huge) laying flat down and glowing red. The kids run over to check it out, they go inside it's mouth and didn’t come out. The man tried to get me to go in too but I said I was too old for child play and told him that I was going to go look for my brother, he likes these sort of stuff. I walked away, trying to hide by blending into the crowd and then I tailed it to the woods and came across where my brother should’ve been. It's like a big storage garage with white dumpsters. I went in and climbed onto one dumpster to see what it was, I had a feeling it was where they kept the remains of child sacrifices. I then climbed out the window and up on top of the garage to get to the other dumpster. I didn’t find my brother or get to the other dumpster. Instead I hear voices of children and what sounded like commentary from above. I remember hearing "Dwarfs (or leprechauns) need to be able to act too,” then I woke up. It was such a weird dream, and all the while I still kept thinking about Baskin Robbins.