Yesterday, when my mother was trying to wake me up so we could go to a doctor's appointment, I was stuck in some strange half dream like state. I remember that I could hear my mother calling me, except her words were being twisted. I was completely unable to move for some reason, and my surroundings were bright and colorful, as if drawn with crayons. My mother kept calling me and calling me. Then all of a sudden it was if I had been drawn by a six year old. I was a scribbled stick figure with rainbow colors. And then some girl appeared and my surroundings started to melt away and my mother was screaming for me to hurry and get the crayons before the bunny ate me. I woke up hyperventilating. My friend seem to find it amusing, but I was terrified.

Later, when we returned from the doctor's, I was insanely tired, so I went to take a nap. I had another nightmare. This time, I was deeply asleep, however. I was at some place with my mother and brother and we were driving around. I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back, we were being attacked by ghosts and poltergeists. My mother was shooting at them from inside the car with a machine gun. Then all of a sudden, my brother disappeared and reappeared outside of the car, floating about 4 feet off of the ground and then he burst into flames. When I ran to get my father, who was elsewhere, he seemed to think I was crazy and just kept asking me where my little sister was. Then I heard my mother and brother scream and woke up.

The second dream has me worried because my brother is scheduled to go to Iraq in the near future. Also, while trying to remember all of the details for it, I felt like the room was spinning and became nauseas. It might just be a coincidence, but still.