• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2008

      Strange recurring dream...?

      I've been having this same dream for about 2 weeks now, almost every night without fail. All I can remember clearly is sitting around a lake, outside of a little cottage... it's one of those sunny Winter days, just really relaxed. My new girlfriend is also always with me. . .

      The weird part of it is... I remember the place. I used to dream of it sometimes before I knew my girlfriend. It feels as if I've been there for real before but I don't have any real memories of it ... it just feels so real. I don't even just dream of it, I daydream of it, like it just comes into my head now and again when I'm sitting around doing nothing, and it's very clear... I didn't want to say anything about it to anyone else because honestly when I think about it it sounds quite creepy, hah. So I don't know... could this mean anything? Or is it common at all?

    2. #2
      Member someweirdsin's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2006
      I have no idea what this means but it sounds cool. Maybe its a place that you saw when you were really little, maybe its a place that you will live in years to come. Or it could be that someone on the otherside of the world has concentration deep in that place and in your dreams you're sharing the experience with them. Who knows?

      I have had a similar experience. Not so much with reoccuring places but places i saw in my dreams that i later visited in real life. Like a dream of a strange bridge that i saw later when i went to finland.

      Whatever it may be, i certainly wouldn't be surprised if you one day go there in waking life


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